Welcome to the new look Boyletoday

A warm welcome to your new look Boyletoday.com!
Following months of research and discussion with a number of our viewers, we felt it was time to give your favourite news and information website a new look.
The format you now see is the end result of incorporating as many of your requests as possible into a modern and easy to read style.
We have also changed the story font or typeface to make it more viewer-friendly.
All posts will now remain visible on the home page for approximately one week, while the traditional sections of news, events, sports, deaths, Boyle’d Pot, links and contact us will also be accessible via the navigation bar on the homepage.
An updated feature is the ‘National News’ heading on the navigation bar which is updated many times per day, giving you news from a number of national sources.
All stories now posted on Boyletoday.com are also available on the ‘Roscommon Daily’ Facebook page in addition to our own Facebook page, giving each posting a massive viewer reach.
Over the last six years, Boyletoday.com has grown year on year and is now the ‘go to’ medium for accurate and factual news reporting on all that is happening in Boyle and surrounding areas.
We thank our viewers for logging onto Boyletoday.com each and every day and also thank our loyal advertisers without whom the running of this website would not be possible.
Let’s hope the next number of years are as successful as the past six!