Transport Infrastructure Plan to be developed for Boyle

Roscommon County Council has sought tenders from suitably qualified consultants to prepare a Local Transport Plan (LTP), to inform the delivery of the forthcoming Boyle Local Area Plan (LAP) 2025 -2031.
The purpose of this process is to:
• Ensure that the assessment of transport demand and its associated impact plays a central role in informing future development proposals;
• Fully integrate land use planning and transport planning at the earliest stages of plan preparation;
• Support a shift to sustainable modes based on the roads user hierarchy
• Set a framework for investment in transport infrastructure within the settlement which is appropriately informed by both analysis and policy.
The LTP process, guided by the above will evaluate current transport infrastructure, assess future travel demand, and provide recommendations to support the development of a transport system that integrates all modes of transport, including walking, cycling, public transport, and vehicular traffic in Boyle.
This work is essential to ensure the successful planning and implementation of transport solutions that meet the evolving needs of Boyle as it continues to grow over the life time of the LAP and beyond.
The tender documents add: “In alignment with national and regional policy, Boyle is increasingly focused on promoting sustainable transport modes. The Northern and Western Regional Assembly (NWRA) and the Roscommon County Development Plan emphasise the need for sustainable, low-carbon transport infrastructure. Boyle is also part of the National Cycle Network (NCN) with proposals to enhance cycle routes, linking the town
with Carrick-on-Shannon and other nearby areas. These initiatives align with the National Sustainable
Mobility Policy (NSMP) promoting modal shift toward greener forms of travel”.
“Boyle’s designation as a ‘Self-Sustaining Growth Town >2000 Population’ supports its potential for economic and population growth, particularly as a commuter town. Its proximity to larger employment centres, such as Sligo and Carrick-on-Shannon, along with the existing transport infrastructure, provides a strong foundation for this growth. It is hoped that future transport initiatives, supported the TII and NTA as well as local policy frameworks, will focus on enhancing the town’s accessibility while promoting sustainable and active travel modes”.
The contract value is €50,000 excluding VAT and the tender deadline was Monday November 25th.