
Town Team Chairman looks to the future at AGM

Boyle Town Team Chairman Ciaran Sheerin has asked the people of Boyle to be an active part of the positive changes that are taking place in our town.

Ciaran was speaking at the Town Team’s AGM recently which also saw the following officers elected for the coming year: Chairman Ciaran Sheerin, Minutes secretary Brian Nerney, Correspondence Secretary Dara Callaghan and Treasurer Trevor Conroy.

In his speech to those in attendance, Ciaran said: “I’d like to extend a warm welcome to the dedicated volunteers of the town team and local residents who have joined us here tonight, your presence underscores the collective community spirit which defines Boyle.

Is there any more altruistic pursuit than giving selflessly of your time for the betterment of all. Everyone here tonight has a desire to see Boyle reach its full potential. Recognising that we are masters of our own destiny and owning that responsibility is the key to future success. We as a town team are morally obliged to activate our community in the pursuit of continuous improvement and attaining the vision of Boyle 2040.

At the 2022 census, Boyle had an urban and rural population of 3,372 individuals (town 2915), This covers an area from Grange in the south, Shegory, Tawnytaskin in the north, Erris in the east & Copse, Glebe in the west. Since 2022, we know this number has increased with the impacts of geopolitics, returning locals & people looking to avail of the quality of life that the west of Ireland has to offer. There are many tangible pull factors to Boyle such as: proximity to amenities (Lough Key Forest Park & Adventure Centre), its location on the main Sligo to Dublin rail line, the historic nature of the town, its lower property purchase and rental prices vs our cosmopolitan counterparts.

For the above, we are fortunate benefactors of geography & happenstance, I would argue the real draw to Boyle is our community engagement: various clubs and organizations where people give selflessly of their time, week in week out. I want to wholeheartedly thank all the sporting, cultural and community-based groups that work tirelessly to ensure that Boyle is a better place. The work you do has not gone unnoticed, and you are appreciated. You are helping to make a tangible difference.

Reflecting on our progress in 2024:
Last year Boyle Town Team had a bumper year of funding, €238,749 was secured which was most welcome. The funds go towards several projects; some realised in 2024 and others that will be realised in 2025. In 2024 we commissioned a calisthenics park in the Pleasure Grounds Area of Boyle, this a certified outdoor fitness area with body weight exercise equipment designed for strength, flexibility and endurance training. This compliments the multi gym, the children’s playground area, the soccer/basketball courts and the soft exercise trails all currently available in the Pleasure Grounds. The goal being to offer all ability outdoor exercise options in the centre of town. Thanks to our installation partners Outfit and particularly Ryan Glynn. We have sourced viable solar lighting to illuminate the Pleasure Grounds and installation has begun in the past week (thanks to David Connolly and team for their support on this and other initiatives). Funding was secured for the redevelopment of the soccer/basketball court area into a Multi-Use Games Area with that project progressing to vendor selection and targeting completion in Q2 2025.

Boyle Town Team in conjunction with Roscommon County Council succeeded in winning funding for improvement works in The Lawn area. This much awaited facelift aims to significantly enhance this area from its current state of dereliction. With the completion of the public realm works this will be one of the next priorities for Roscommon County Council to begin in 2025, project timelines will become clear in due course.

Speaking of the public realm works completed in Bridge Street & Shop Street areas; we would like to thank Adrian Farrell who oversaw the works, other associated members of Roscommon County Council, project contractors Callington’s & associated sub-contractors for the excellent work completed. As we close to the final hurdle, we can appreciate the marked visual improvement to the town and the decluttering of the street scape. This has not been without its impact to business owners & locals, we acknowledge and appreciate their flexibility and patience throughout the duration of the works. Well done all.

Other initiatives supported by Boyle Town Team and its members in 2024: Global Rossie Day, support to the Courthouse & Christmas Lights Committees, the ‘Moving West’ TV program that showcased Boyle so well, the Way Pointing Sign project, OECD Policy support, town centre property exterior refurbishments & finalising the Local Economic & Community Plan.

Our thank you also extends to Roscommon County Councils: Lisa Joy, Una Ni Chuinn & Jackie Keegan for their support throughout the year. On a sad note, we said goodbye to former town team coordinator Nollaig Whyte who passed in September. Nollaig was a great friend to Boyle and me personally, we will certainly miss the enthusiasm she brought to the role and our sincere condolences to her family. Ar dheis De go raibh a hanam.

I would like to thank members of the Town Team for their continued support throughout 2024. I really appreciate you making time for the town team whilst balancing work and home life. Many of you are active members on other community groups and have always supported with any ask that I have made of you. I was particularly pleased to see the development of the competencies of the team progressively through the year as evidenced by our activity completion, individual initiatives, funding/fundraising and every opportunity to sell Boyle embraced.

What’s in store for 2025:
As discussed, the MUGA and the lawn area refurbishments are top of the priority list. Boyle Town Team recognises the need for specific investment in Green Street, St. Patrick Street & the Crescent area of Boyle (among others) and have advocated and will continue to advocate for their redevelopment. Boyle Town Team are an ongoing support to the Balloon Championship which is coming to Boyle in September this year. We will have the formal launch of The Local & Economic Community Plan in the coming months, this is a stepping stone plan towards Boyle 2040. We will also be launching a social media presence this year to better facilitate our communication and engagement amongst many other projects.

And now our call to action
How can you help? There are so many great volunteer organizations in Boyle, whether you are a newcomer, a returning local or someone who just wants to contribute please reach out and we can connect you with groups that match your interests or that need your skills. To town centre property owners, there are several grants available for refurbishment, we are working with Roscommon County Council to compile a list for dissemination. In the interim, please reach out to a member of the town team to see how we can help. If you are a property owner who owns a vacant or underutilised town centre property and are considering selling, we would advise that the market is very buoyant with buyers actively seeking town centre buildings for refurbishment. Now is a great time and again if you feel we can be of assistance please reach out. The goal of Boyle 2040 is to populate our town centre and return these buildings to their former glory, our ask of you is to be an active part of the positive change. In this call to action we particularly appeal for the support of property owners where the premises has been vacant for several years, we cant do it without you. For business owners, we encourage you to continue your support of the various initiatives & ask you to consider participation / representation on voluntary groups if not already doing so. We also acknowledge that businesses often are the first solicited for fundraising activities and we acknowledge your continuous generosity.

So in an unashamed misrepresentation of John F Kennedys 1961 inaugural quote: “Ask not what Boyle can do for you, but what you can do for Boyle”.

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