The Boyle’d Pot 9/6/’17

Sunday opening is needed in Boyle
It was great to see the caravan and camping facility full of tourists last weekend. Unfortunately, once again, Bank Holiday Sunday and Monday did not see too many of the Lough Key visitors make their way to Boyle, but is that the tourists fault or Boyle’s fault? This blog has highlighted the need to have food outlets open seven days per week but in addition, we also need to have some shops open, especially on bank holidays to entice tourists into the town. Nearby Carrick on Shannon has shops open for tourists every weekend. Boyle needs to do the same, aided by a direct marketing campaign in the Park if we are to increase foot fall in our town.
Honouring Padraic Callaghan
It was great to see Kilmactranny native and former St. Mary’s College teacher Padraic Callaghan being recognised recently by Boyle Community Games for all the work he undertakes on behalf of the organisation. Padraic has been to the forefront of athletics and associated activities, both locally and nationally, for many years. In his youth he won Connacht titles in sprint, middle distance and cross country. He was also twice runner up in the National Senior Decathalon. Padraic was also the driving force behind the success of a band of high jumpers in the seventies and eighties from the town that set national and international records – lads like Michael Cox, Michael Finn and the McLoughlin brothers David, Raymond and Brendan. Those of a certain vintage will have memories of Padraic’s famous call “Top Field Boys” “Top Field” as students made their way to the College pitch for P.E. classes and football training. Others with less interest in sport will have memories of Padraic’s shed where the high jump mats saw more activity on weekend night’s than it did during the day!
Boyle is a relatively crime free town
A number of crimes around Boyle last weekend were the subject of discussions on Monday and Tuesday pf this week. A grow house, car theft on The Plains and a car break in at Lough Key were among the list. The reason they were on everyone’s lips was because we are not that familiar with crime here in Boyle. In comparison to similar size towns, we do not witness much crime and when we do, it becomes the subject of conversation. One way to keep our relatively crime free status intact is for the public to remain vigilant and to continue to assist the local Gardai. While Boyle Garda Station’s door may not be open 24/7, the local Gardai are only a phone call away on 071 966 4620 and need to know of any suspicious activity that takes place in and around our town.
The location of Lough Key
News from Emerald Star that they are investing €1.6m in 11 new boats will be welcome news to business interests along the Shannon including Boyle and it’s environs. With numbers cruising on the Shannon increasing year on year, the investment will hopefully see more people enjoy the beauty of our area.The homepage for Emerald Star features a photograph of a boat passing Mc Dermott’s Castle on Boyle’s Lough Key (here ) which in itself is a great marketing boost for the area. The only negative to Emerald Star’s website is there comment “The kids’ll also love the Lough Key Forest & Activity Park in Carrick-on-Shannon”.
Toughest Muckers takes place on Saturday
Tomorrow sees Ireland’s Toughest Muckers take place in Lough Key Forest Park. Always a great day out, this year’s event includes a “Little Mucker” course for younger participants. Obstacle challenges have become very popular in recent times and on the east coast it is not unusual to have a couple of thousand participants in events. One of the benefits of the Boyle challenege, from a participants view point, is that you do not have to deal with such large numbers and can get through obstacles etc without a long delay. Start time is at 10am with more details available here
And finally……!
One day Little Johnny rushes home from school. He invades the fridge and is scooping out some cherry vanilla ice cream when his mother enters the kitchen.
She says, “Put that away, Johnny. You can’t have ice cream now. It’s too close to tea time. Go outside and play.”
Little Johnny whimpers and says, “There’s no one to play with.”
Trying to placate him, she says, “OK. I’ll play with you. What do you want to play?”
He says, “I wanna play ‘Mommy and Daddy’.”
Trying not to register surprise and a bit confused about what her son was learning in school, she decided to appease him, by saying, “Fine, I’ll play. What do I do?”
Johnny says, “You go up to the bedroom and lie down.”
Figuring that she can easily control the situation, Mom goes upstairs. Johnny, feeling a bit cocky, swaggers down the hall and opens the press. He dons his fathers old fishing hat. As he starts up the stairs he notices a cigarette butt in the ashtray on the end table. He picks it up and slips it in the corner of his mouth. At the top of the stairs he moves to the bedroom doorway.
Really confused, and now rather worried about what will happen next, his mother raises her head and says, “What do I do now?”
In a gruff manner, Johnny says, “Get your ass downstairs and give that kid some ice cream!”