The Boyle’d Pot 5/9/14

The all weather year round Boda Berg
It was a busy summer in Lough Key Forest and Activity Park. The Boda Berg, Zipit, Electric Bikes, Segways, Boat hire/trips, childrens playground and canopy walkway entertained thousands of visitors over the summer months. One of the great assets that was enjoyed by many was the Boda Berg. As it is not affected by adverse weather, the facility can be used all year round especially by various companies for team building and bonding. It is a unique facility we can call our own. Unfortunately, these groups leave the Park and head home after their outing as there is no hotel in Boyle to accommodate them. If there was, the pubs and restaurants would also benefit all year round. Maybe some day……
Low flying aircraft on the way
We have become familiar with low flying aircraft in this part of the country as Boyle town is on the approach path for Runway 27 in Knock Airport. But over the next few months an aircraft is scheduled to cross the Boyle skies at a very low altitude – 90m to be precise – as it partakes in an airborne survey of the county collecting scientific data on the rocks, soil and water in this region. The survey is part of the Tellus North Midlands Geological Mapping Project surveying counties Roscommon, Leitrim and Westmeath. The plane is a twin engine aircraft and viewers may recall it over Boyle approx. two to three years ago. When you see (hear) it you will remember it!
No photos published as requested
Last week a film crew came to Boyle to shoot the semi finals for “Irelands Fittest Families” TV programme. and presumably others, were requested not to take pictures of the filming on the day as it could jeopardise the outcome of the competition. We abided by the request and did not cover the event hence why there was no photographs on this website. There will be occasion when some sensitive news items will not be published on or when a valid request is made. Last weeks was one of them.
Lasting friendships built through the Musical
Rehearsals are underway for Boyle Musical Societies production of Grease. The Society is highly regarded not alone locally but nationally. Since it’s inception, there have been many names associated with Boyle Musical Society and friendships forged that have lasted throughout the years. Joining the Society was and still is a great way for anyone new to the town to meet the locals. Many who came to work in Boyle and were members of the musical society left with fond memories and still come back to the town each year, such was the rapport that was built between members. It’s not too late yet to become involved. Rehearsals take place each week in St. Joseph’s Hall.
Boyle Abbey looking great at night
Perhaps there are new lights on Boyle Abbey or it could be the reflection of the lights on the new glass aisle on the north wall but what ever has changed, Boyle Abbey looked great last night when it was lit up (see Boyletoday facebook page for a photograph). Some additional lights on the south and west wings would really highlight the Abbey at night and draw attention to what is one of our greatest natural assets.
Another busy weekend in Boyle
It’s getting a bit repetitive saying this here every week but there is a lot to do in Boyle this weekend and in particular on Sunday. The annual Triathlon will draw a large crowd to Rockingham while a double GAA header in the Abbey Park should also see large crowds. Add to those events a great play in the Hall (The Communication Cord) on Friday and the Farmers Market on Saturday and you will find plenty to do in Boyle this weekend.
And Finally….!
A bride on her wedding night says to her husband ‘I must confess darling, I was a hooker!’.
He says ‘That’s all right, dear. Your past is your past, but I must admit that I find it quite erotic. Tell me about it’.
She replies ‘Well, my name was Nigel, and I played for Wigan !’