The Boyle’d Pot 5/5/’17

A chance to hear the Dawn Chorus
It’s early to bed tonight for many local people as they prepare to rise before first light tomorrow morning for the Darkness into Light walk in Boyle. A Darkness into Light walk was held in Rockingham a few years ago but this is the first time the walk will take place in Boyle town itself. Following the previous event, a number of participants took advantage of the early morning to remain in Lough Key Forest Park to catch the end of the Dawn Chorus and hear the spectacular sound of birds singing in a new day. With fine dry weather forecast for Saturday morning, a post walk trip to the park may be a good idea once again.
Grant is first step in Church restoration
The €63,000 grant aid announced on Wednesday by the Government for five Boyle buildings is another step in the future plans for the redevelopment of our town. It has been known for some time that the restoration of the derelict Church of Ireland in Rockingham was being worked on by a number of dedicated personnel. The €17,000 allocated to the project will not rebuild the Church but it is a start and will hopefully lead to additional funding becoming available to see the structure returned to it’s former glory. The process for these plans takes time and premature comment and speculative publicity in the media by those uninitiated does not assist the efforts. The money granted for work on the roof of the Courthouse is also welcome, coming as it does on the back of the €62,000 sourced by Boyle Town Team for the upgrade of the courtroom to house the model railway. Wednesday’s announcement is not the end of the good news for Boyle with applications currently being worked on for funding for further local projects that will hopefully see the Town Team and Chamber of Commerce plans come to fruition over the next few years.
Dry conditions lead to forest and bog fires
As predicted, a number of bog, gorse and forest fires have taken place in the last few days, the most recent in Leitrim townland between Frenchpark and Castlerea. As a result, the main Boyle to Castlerea road, west of Frenchpark was closed for a period of time on Wednesday afternoon. Last evening (Thursday) the fire rekindled and smoke was again making driving conditions dangerous on the main road. Boyle Fire Service was among those in attendance at this fire. In County Sligo, a major fire was still burning last night in Killery north of Ballygawley/Ballintogher. The glow from this fire could be seen from the Curlew mountain late on Wednesday night.
Road Markings are a welcome addition
The addition of directional one way road markings on Wednesday last as one leaves the Shop Street car park are to be welcomed. Up to now, unfamiliar motorists were leaving the car park and turning right at the post office, heading down a one way street. This has caused a number of accidents in recent times. All that is now needed to make this area safe once again is a one way directional sign opposite the exit car park so motorists are under no illusion but that they have to turn left.
Planning sought for Boyle Whiskey Distillery
Mid June is the date set by Roscommon Co Co to give a decision on the planning application by Neil Stewart for the change of use of part of the existing mill building at Mocmoyne from production of grain and maize products to a whiskey distillery incorporating the installation of plant, together with minor alterations/works to the existing building together with all ancillary site works and services. Neil has said the up to €10m may be invested in the distillery if a suitable partner from the drinks industry is found. The proposed distillery and visitors centre could create up to 18 full time and part time jobs if established. This is yet another good news story for Boyle. Local entrepreneurs like Neil are the ones who will make Boyle prosper once again. When the current plans for the town come to fruition, outsiders will sit up and wonder how they missed the opportunity, back when local business people, who believed in their town, invested their money into Boyle and in the process secured the town’s future.
And finally……!
Americans Jeff and Jim are Siamese twins joined at the hip.
They walk into a bar in New York & order a couple of beers. Barman serves them and asks “You guys been on vacation yet?”
“We’re off to Ireland next week” says Jeff “We go every year.”
Barman says “Ireland’s great; the culture, history, the scenery. “
Jeff replies “We don’t go for that crap, it’s the only chance Jim gets to drive a bloody car.”