The Boyle’d Pot 5/2/’21

We have become accustomed to the local ‘Eyesores’
Unfortunately, like most small towns in Ireland Boyle has it’s fair share of derelict buildings. In reality, we have become accustomed to these eyesores as we pass them every day and don’t take a second look. The main eyesore of course is the old Royal Hotel. Unfortunately, as most logical people know by now, work can not commence on the refurbishment of this building due to Covid Level 5 restrictions, whereby all construction work has been halted and is not permitted, save in limited exceptions. But when restrictions ease, work will commence on this project and a number of other ‘eyesores’ in the town which will be most welcome. But even then, we will still have some other eyesores that will lie idle and continue to bring down the look of the town. Some are already listed on Roscommon County Council’s ‘Vacant or Derelict Site Register’ and one would hope their owners are being charged the ‘Vacant Site Levy’ as a disincentive to leaving them to rot further.
Dog fouling is still a problem
The noticeable increase in people out walking during the current lockdown has led to more people complaining of dog poo on the footpaths of our town. You could assume that the fouling is from stray dogs but that is not always the case. In Boyle town centre, it is a fact that that most mornings, certain footpaths, back streets and car parks have any amount of dog excrement on them following people out walking their animals before they go to bed. This is not acceptable and down right disrespectful. Under the Litter Pollution Act 1997, it is an offence for someone to allow their dog to foul a public place. A dog owner who fails to clean up after their animal could face an on-the-spot fine of €150, with a maximum fine of €3,000 for those convicted after failing to pay the fine. And what many of these late night dog walkers do not seem to understand is that there are plenty of CCTV cameras on many buildings in Boyle who can see the offences being committed!!
Can Boyle ‘Thrive and Survive’?
One wonders how many tourism providers from Boyle logged onto last Monday morning’s Failte Ireland led ‘Survive to Thrive’ seminar? The free event provided an opportunity for those in the tourism sector, of which there are many in Boyle, to share plans to help the industry survive the COVID-19 crisis and begin the journey to recovery. It also featured industry updates, briefings on initiatives to support the industry and a live Q&A session. One of the main items to come out of the seminar was the announcement of a new €55million business continuity scheme for the tourism sector. Included in the scheme is the enhancement of urban areas through 31 ‘Destination Town 2’ projects across the country and two new funding schemes – the ‘Outdoor Dining Grant Scheme’ which will improve the quality of outdoor dining spaces and offer reassurance around safety and comfort, and the ‘Urban Animation Grant Scheme’ to animate our cities and towns with innovative lighting and art installations. Boyle previously benefitted from Round 1 of the Destination Towns Fund so let’s hope the town and a number of local tourism related businesses benefit from Round 2 and Monday’s other announcements.
The consequences of planning refusal for mast
The decision recently by Roscommon County Council to refuse planning permission to Eir for a 20m telecommunications tower at the Eir Exchange on Green Street could affect the progression of mobile phone and broadband services in the town and area. A letter accompanying the initial application from the companies planning agent said the tower was to be used “to provide new and improved indoor voice and data broadband services to the homes and business located in Boyle. In particular Eir Mobile wishes to improve it’s coverage to the west of the town, including along the R294 and the surrounding commercial and residential areas, as congestion on it’s network in the town has led to a deterioration of data and broadband services experienced by existing customers there, which is required to be rectified urgently. As more and more data hungry mobile application and services, like live streaming and video calling are being used by it’s customers in Boyle, Eir’s existing network is falling to cope with the increased demand, so the construction of the proposed telecommunications site at the Eir Exchange, which previously had permission by An Bord Pleanala, is considered the optimum solution to meet Eir Mobile’s growing demand there.”
Roscommon Co Co have refused permission for the development (see news report from January 28th). Eir now have the option of appealing the decision to An Bord Pleanala and this must be done by February 14th. (Within 4 weeks beginning on the date of the making of the decision).
New ‘No Parking’ signs being ignored
Regular viewers of this blog will know that we have been highlighting for months now the problems associated with indiscriminate parking at the entrances and cross overs of the Lough Key to Boyle Cycleway. In recent days Coillte have erected signs at the entrances requesting people not to park there as they could be used for ‘Emergency Access’ ( i.e. an Ambulance or Fire Brigade if someone became ill on the path). Despite the signage, cars are still parking in front of the gates, as a submitted photograph showed yesterday on our Facebook page. The signs are in bright red, white and green and unless you are blind – you can not miss them – leading one to believe that the motorists who park there are pure ignorant and care less. If you are on the path and see a motorist parking at the gates/crossings, please draw their attention to the signs.
Not everyone seems to welcome the Cycleway
While on the subject of the cycleway, a photograph uploaded to our Facebook page last night by a viewer, shows where efforts may have been made by someone to remove the walking and cycle symbols on the path near Erris, adjacent to the N4. If this is the case, it would not have been the first time signage and symbols were removed in this area. Prior to the safety audit being conducted that allowed the cycleway to open, poles indicating that cyclists were on the path were cut down and thrown in the hedge while the symbols on the path were burned off.
And finally….!
Jill, a middle-aged woman, is having surgery in hospital following a severe heart attack when she has a vision of God by her bedside.
“Will I die God?” she asks.
To which God responds, “No my dear, you still have 30 more years to live yet.”
Well if she’s got 30 more years to look forward to and since she’s in hospital anyway, Jill decides she might as well make the most of her operation.
So she gets breast implants, liposuction, a tummy tuck, a hair transplant, and collagen injections in her lips. When it’s all finished and the bruises have healed she looks absolutely stunning and 10 years younger.
The day she’s discharged from the hospital, she leaves the hospital with a real spring in her step. Feeling very good about her makeover, Jill steps into the street and is immediately knocked down by an ambulance and killed.
As she steps through the Pearly Gates, Jill sees God and decides to complain. “You said I had 30 more years to live,” she says to God.
“Well that’s true,” says God.
“So what happened?” Jill asks.
To which God shrugs and says, “I’m sorry but I didn’t recognize you.”