The Boyle’d Pot

The Boyle’d Pot 4/10/’24

Misleading visitor numbers for local attractions

Last week a number of local media outlets (not published visitor numbers for some local attractions that were somewhat misleading. For Boyle’s Lough Key Forest Park, the visitor numbers quoted were 45,975. For King House the figure was 16,000, Boyle Abbey 7,862 and for the Arigna Mining Experience 21,122. The figure for Lough Key Forest Park did not seem correct, so we got in contact with the Park and a spokesperson confirmed our suspicion, informing us that the visitor numbers as published “Were based on Failte Irelands trade portal input. These only take into account ‘Ticketed Attraction Sales’. It does not take into account Cafe or Park visitor numbers that may not partake in an activity. We would estimate visitor numbers to Lough Key Forest Park at approx 120,000+ for last year based on our numbers”.


Checks take place on domestic rubbish bin compliance in Boyle

A viewer was in contact with us during the week wondering if any other areas in town, apart from the area in which he lives, were visited by Roscommon Co Co personnel to check on people’s rubbish bin collection history? The viewer said the RCC personnel “Photographed our bins and checked the lift record with the waste companies app. I wonder was our street singled out or did other areas of Boyle get checked last week?” The viewer added “We have people using 4 or 5 of the bins in the town to tip their rubbish in and nothing being done about it yet those who are law abiding and above board pay €500 per annum for their collection and then get checked”.


Rail disruption and cancellations on Saturday

Irish Rail has advised of further line improvement works (and subsequent disruption) tomorrow Saturday on the Dublin Sligo line that serves Boyle with the following alterations: 16:05 Connolly to Sligo is cancelled, 17:05 and 19:32 Dublin Connolly to Sligo will operate to Dromod only, bus transfers from Dromod to Carrick-on-Shannon, Boyle, Ballymote, Collooney and Sligo, 17:05 Sligo to Connolly is cancelled, 19:05 Sligo to Connolly will be bus transfers from Sligo to Collooney, Ballymote, Boyle, Carrick-on-Shannon and Dromod, train departing at 20:35 from Dromod to Connolly.


Concern at disabled parking places in Boyle

With the public realm works around town nearing completion, work will soon start on resurfacing of the carriageway from McDonagh’s Corner to Creighton’s and onto Corrib Oil including An Rioga car park. The work will also include lining out on street car parking spaces. In advance of this a viewer contacted us with the some observations detailed below. While the current works do not include Main Street as referred to in the communication, we have nevertheless made the viewers concerns known to Roscommon County Council:
“Whoever placed the disabled spots, in particular the ones in Main Street, obviously never tried to use them. Bearing in mind I am able bodied (I drive my parent who is a disabled badge holder), it is almost impossible to access any of those spots using reverse parallel parking with the traffic coming both ways (from either Military Road or Bridge Street side). The traffic is almost up your rear – in particular the traffic coming from Military Road (as it’s a blind corner) – so the only realistic way to get into the disabled bay on McNamara’s side is to drive in and as there is not enough space at either end of the parking spot, 9 times out of 10 the only way is to mount the footpath, so you can parallel park. The Bank of Ireland one is nigh on impossible for similar reasons”.
“Also, it is not always possible for elderly people to walk from the car parks to their usual businesses like Post Office, Bank and Chemist, so sometimes parking on the footpaths is the only option and I know this from my family members experience too. My mother also says the very wide expanse of all white path (whilst looks lovely) “runs into itself” and is not definitive and difficult to navigate (mobility issue and failing eyesight). I am sure she is not unique with this view”.
After contacting Roscommon Co Co on this matter we have been informed that there will be four new disabled parking spaces adjacent to the Post Office in An Rioga car park and a new space opposite Bank of Ireland – all to recognised standards and size. There will also be new pedestrian crossings at Bank of Ireland, opposite Christy Wynnes and also opposite Plunkett Home, with existing pedestrian crossings remaining, but with an upgrade.


News snippets from around Boyle

Boyle Athletic Club will host another cycle of Couch to 5K commencing Tuesday October 15th at 7:00pm. Two nights per week (Tuesdays/Thursdays) for eight Weeks. Register your interest by emailing [email protected] or message Boyle Athletic Club on Facebook……….A new ‘Pop Up Shop’ – The Old Antique’ will open this morning at 10am and again on Saturday in the former Grehan’s Shop on Main Street……….We regularly receive photographs of illegally parked cars in Boyle and in recent days – most likely since ‘Make Way Day’ last Friday – we have been receiving a lot more – especially pic of cars parked in disabled parking bays to use ATM’s or to access certain businesses. We also receive photographs of cars taking up two lined out spaces in various car parks around town. Hopefully An Garda Siochana will remain as active as they were on ‘Make Way Day’ and issue more tickets in Boyle for indiscriminate and illegal parking……..Run Walk n Roll 2024 in aid of Cancer Research will take place in Boyle on Sunday 13th of October at 2pm. The pupils of Abbey Primary School will be in the area over the next few days looking for sponsorship as they will participate in this years event. Donations can also be made on Run Walk N Roll Facebook page……..Confirmation will take place in Boyle Parish on Saturday 29th March 2025 at 11a.m. First Holy Communion will take place in Boyle Parish on Saturday 24th May 2025 at 12 noon. Registration in the near future………..The Roscommon programme, featuring Boyle, in the Moving West TV series will broadcast on TG4 on Tuesday November 19th………It is being reported that Sligo Hospital will no longer accept cash payments for bills which is being branded a ‘discriminatory policy’, by one local representative in Sligo who says many senior citizens who use the hospital do not have debit or credit cards and cannot pay online…….Creative Mindfulness for Teenagers programme commences November 7th in Boyle Family Resource Centre. 6 week course for 13-15 year olds. Booking son 071 9663000……….Even without construction having commenced, information supplied to Deputy Claire Kerrane confirms that completion for the new town Library is still on schedule for the second half of 2026………..Halloween Costume Swap at Boyle Family Resource Centre. Please drop off old costumes in the centre between the hours of 9am-1pm, and 2pm-5pm (Monday – Friday) over the next two weeks and choose your new costumes on the 23rd and 24th ……..Save the date: October Wine Tasting evening in Daly’s Drinks on Thursday October 17th at 7.30pm with booking essential.


And finally…..!

One day Paddy, who had been stranded on a deserted island for over 10 years, saw a speck on the horizon.
He thought to himself, “It’s certainly not a ship”
As the speck got closer and closer, he began to rule out even the possibilities of a small boat or a raft.
Suddenly from the surf strode a figure clad in a black wet suit. Putting aside the scuba tanks and mask stood the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen!
She walked up to the stunned man and said to him, “Tell me, how long has it been since you’ve had a good cigar?
“Ten years,” replied the amazed Paddy.
With that, she reached over and unzipped a waterproof pocket on the left sleeve of her wet suit and pulled out a fresh pack of cigars and a lighter.
He took a cigar, slowly lit it, and took a long drag.
Ahh “that is so good! I’d almost forgotten how great a smoke can be!”
“And how long has it been since you’ve had a drop of Jameson Whiskey?” asked the lady.
Trembling, the castaway replied, “Ten years.”
Hearing that, she reached over to her right sleeve, unzipped a pocket there and removed a flask and handed it to him.
He opened the flask and took a long drink. “Nectar of the gods!” shouted Paddy”
At this point the gorgeous lady started to slowly unzip the long front of her wet suit, right down the middle.
She looked at the trembling man and asked, “And how long has it been since you played around?”
With tears in his eyes, the Paddy fell to his knees and sobbed, “Ah for god sake! Don’t tell me that you’ve got golf clubs in there too!”

  • Please note there will be no Boyle’d Pot next Friday October 11th

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