The Boyle’d Pot 4/10/’19

Boyle deserved more points in Tidy Towns Competition
The annual Tidy Tidy Towns results were published last Monday and they showed that Boyle once again increased their mark by 5 points which seems very small considering the major work that has been undertaken by the Tidy Towns committee and others in the last year. It is hard to understand how the marks for ‘Green Spaces and Landscaping’ has remained the same since 2016 considering all the beautiful planting that has taken place around the town including the Crescent area. There were a number of errors by the judge in naming some businesses and areas in the report which is a worry. Here in we were delighted to be mentioned as the social media platform used by the committee and we will continue to support all involved in the Tidy Towns as Boyle endeavours to get due recognition in this competition for all it has achieved so far.
Run, Walk and Run date change
A new date has been announced for the annual Run, Walk and Roll event in Boyle. It will now take place on Sunday October 20th. The Run, Walk and Roll has raised €6480 last year and €179,543 for cancer research over the last 23 years and is an event that is always well supported by the people of Boyle.
Are the balloons going up?
The above was the famous question that was asked in Boyle every September morning and evening in the late eighties. At that time Boyle was home to the annual Irish Hot Air Ballooning Championship. The event ran its course and due to high costs among other reasons, the balloonists moved from the area to pastures new. The 49th Irish Ballooning Championships concluded in Birr last Friday with up to 40 teams in attendance. While the championship is no longer in Boyle, perhaps it would be in order to organise a mini festival that could take place here in autumn – maybe on the back of the national championships or could we look to have the 50th festival back in Boyle next year? No doubt the friendships that were forged between locals and the balloonists when they came to our town are still going strong and could be of benefit in getting a handful of balloons back to Boyle once again.
Closing off the Marina
Visitors to Boyle in recent weeks have been unanimous in their praise at the speed at which the cycle path between Lough Key and Boyle is being constructed. At the Marina, one can get a clearer picture of the actual width of the path as construction brings it over the green area and out to the road. Waterways Ireland have taken the step of closing off one section of the walkway and have issued a statement informing the public of a ‘temporary closure of the walkway’. Putting in place the temporary closure, while not sealing off the walkway on the northern side, is done in an attempt to stop people walking along or around the Marina while construction work is underway.
N4 speed checks during roadworks
Motorists travelling along the N4 to or from Sligo be warned. A 60 kph speed restriction is in place and is being monitored closely by An Garda Siochana. Posting on their Facebook page for Sligo Leitrim, the Gardai instanced where members from Ballymote were conducting a speed check near the roadworks along the N4 recently. According to the Gardai ” These roadworks have a temporary speed restriction of 60km/h. Whilst conducting this check, Gardaí detected a motorist travelling at nearly 140 km/h in the 60km/h zone. The member took off after this vehicle which continued to drive at speeds in excess of 170 km/h. Gardaí followed this vehicle for over 10 kms before being in a position to safely stop same. A strong smell of cannabis came from within the vehicle, a quantity of which was seized from the driver. The driver was subsequently arrested on suspicion of Dangerous Driving. At Ballymote Garda Station, the driver underwent an Oral Fluid Specimen test which tested positive for Cannabis and a blood specimen was then taken. This will be forwarded for evidential testing”.
Reports are also reaching this website of a number of drivers who were caught exceeding the 60 kph speed restriction at the roadworks last Friday evening.
Late Late Boyle connections
Last week’s Late Late Show had two Boyle connections. Firstly the soon to be released film ‘Dark Lies the Island’ that was previewed by Pat Shortt and Tommy Tiernan had many scenes shot in Boyle. Secondly two members of a well known Boyle family were members of the RTE Philharmonic Orchestra who performed during the programme. Suzanne McGee and Eileen McGee, originally from the Crescent must have been rightfully proud to ironically see the trailer of the film show their home place – Taylors Jewellers. Doubtful anyone on the show, except for the two girls was aware of the coincidence!
And finally…!
An Englishman and an Irishman are in the hospital room in adjacent beds.
The Englishman looks over at the Irishman and peels away his oxygen mask from his face.
“I’m English.” Said the Englishman. The Irishman also takes away his oxygen mask and gasps, “Irish.”
The Englishman slowly adds, “My name’s David.” “Danny.” Replies the Irishman.
“Cancer.” Says the Englishman pointing to his chest.
Danny lifts away his oxygen mask replies, “Sagittarius.”