The Boyle’d Pot 4/02/22

Attracting tour buses to Boyle
Last Tuesday’s visit by representatives from Failte Ireland and CIE Tours International to Boyle is yet another example of the ‘behind the scenes’ work that is taking place in Boyle to ensure the town benefits from the regeneration work that is currently underway. Tuesday’s visit would not have been possible without the involvement of local resident Neil McGarry who knows the workings of CIE Tours and used his knowledge to get the right people to visit at the right time. Pre pandemic, CIE Tours International guests spent a few days in Kilronan Castle and visited Carrick and the Arigna Mining Experience on their day trips. The plan is now to get this group and others to include the Boyle attractions on their itinerary. It was explained by the representatives of both groups that it would take at least a year or two for the Tours to get back in full swing and they were told that fits in nicely with the regeneration projects that are underway and planned for Boyle. So come 2023/24, our town will hopefully see more tour buses and their passengers spending their money in Boyle.
A parade is not guaranteed just yet
Thankfully the signs look positive right now for a St. Patrick’s Day parade in Boyle. But it is by no means 100% guaranteed and will only be a reality if more volunteers step up to the mark. (There were only 4 people at last Monday’s parade meeting). Being a one day event, volunteers work will cease on the 17th unlike involvement with other organisations whereby you are on duty all year. On that basis, hopefully some more willing hands will come forward so the parade can take place. It is not only the business people who need to help out, residents of the town also are asked for their input as this is a community event and with Friday 18th now being designated an additional national holiday, there should be a good atmosphere in every town that hosts a parade. If you would like to help out at the Boyle parade, please email [email protected]
The future of the rural post office
This week we were informed that the price to post a letter was increasing from €1.10 to €1.25. A standard international stamp will also increase – from €2 to €2.20. According to An Post, the increase is as a result of “sharp transport, fuel and energy cost inflation and the true cost of maintaining a nationwide postal service with steadily falling traditional letter volumes”. One has to ask the obvious question” “why increases prices when volumes are falling”? It’s a bit like the counter productive act of a newspaper continually increasing it’s cover price as it’s circulation declines further.
The knock on effect of these latest An Post increases will do nothing for the rural post office where, in some areas, footfall is falling, leading to less over the counter transactions with a resultant fear that remaining post offices will face the same future as rural banks. Thankfully, here in Boyle we have a post office that seems very busy, which augurs well for it’s future. In fact, it would be great to see the Boyle post office expand in size, located as it is in a building that now lies empty, once home to An Post’s sorting office before it moved to Forest View and including two vacant upper floors that once housed the Boyle Telephone Exchange.
The location of GoSafe vans under review
At a recent sitting of Roscommon Court, Judge James Faughnan adjourned a number of speeding cases pending a review of the location of the GoSafe Speed van in the centre of Knockcroghery village. The Judge reckoned the van was ‘hidden behind bushes’ and should be located where it can be seen and where there have been serious accidents. One wonders what the Judge would think of the location of the GoSafe van in Boyle town centre. The van is known to park in various car parking slots along the N61 that runs through the town, where it is mixed among other parked vehicles and not always obvious or visible to motorists. While it is accepted that there is a school in the vicinity of one of the GoSafe’s favourite locations, there is no school in the centre of the town where it also parks. Hopefully the only speedsters it catches are the boy (and girl) racers and not those going about their business a few kilometres over the limit.
And finally…..!
After arriving in a hotel in Dublin, Michael O’Leary from Ryanair went to the bar and asked for a pint of Guinness.
The barman said, “That will be €1 please, Mr. O’Leary.”
Taken aback, O’Leary replied, “That’s very cheap,” and handed over his money.
“We do try to stay ahead of the competition”, said the barman. “We have the cheapest pint in Ireland”.
“That is remarkable value”, Michael comments.
“I see you don’t have a glass, you’ll need one of ours. That will be €3 please.”
O’Leary scowled, but paid up. He took his drink and walked towards a seat.
“Ah, you want to sit down?” said the barman. “That’ll be an extra €2. If you’d pre-booked it would have cost €1.”
O’Leary swore to himself, but paid up.
“I see you’ve brought your laptop” added the barman. “That wasn’t pre-booked either, that’s another €3.”
O’Leary was so incensed and his face was red with rage.
“I’ve had enough! I insist on speaking to a manager!”
“Here is his e-mail address, or if you wish, you can contact him between 9.00 am and 9.01am every morning, Monday to Tuesday. Calls are free, unless answered, then there is a charge of only €1 per second”.
“I will never use this bar again”.
“OK but do remember, we are the only bar in Ireland selling pints for €1.”