The Boyle’d Pot 3/7/15

Bad jobs week for Boyle
During the week details were announced of a €250m regional jobs plan for rural Ireland. Ironically it came at the same time news of further job losses at the Roscommon Herald here in Boyle were made known. This town has been hit hard in recent times when it comes to job losses and one wonders have the governmnet any plan to tackle the crisis in Boyle? Many of the larger established places of employment have either closed or reduced their workforce dramatically. Green Isle is gone, so is our Courthouse and the reduced hours at our Garda Satation may only the beginning of further austerity cuts for public services in the town. The €250m announcement last week did not include county Roscommon which we are lead to believe will be included in the remaining five plans to be published before the year end. If that is the case, lets make our voices heard now to ensure Boyle gets it’s inclusion in any regional plan. If we remain tight lipped and talk behind closed doors, Boyle will stay as it is and not prosper in to the future.
Bringing out the best in Boyle students
Last week, parents and friends of students in the Boyle Parochial School and St. Joseph’s BNS were treated to the “premier” of two short films “Rainfall” and “James Pond”, prior to the annual prizegiving ceremony in the Boys School. The major talking point among those present was the abundance of talent among the young people here in Boyle and how schooling has changed so much over the years. While many students may not admit it, school seems to be more enjoyable these days than it was many years ago. In addition, students are now recognised for their talents. That was not always the case in the past when being “different” or “better” at some thing was laughted at. Recognition, nurturing and praising the student (and child) will bring out the best in them and this is obviously happeing in the primary schools in Boyle as could be seen last week.
Family Fun Day in Rockingham
The natural beauty of Lough Key Forest Park lends itself to the location being the perfect choice for Sunday’s Family Funday which has “Natural Play” as it’s theme. Details of the day are outlined in the “Events” section of this website. The focus this year of the 8th annual National Playday is on creating opportunities for play that involves natural elements and environments like water, sand, trees and rocks. Bearing this in mind, Lough Key Forest Park ticks all the boxes. Families will travel from all over Roscommon and adjoining counties to our Park for the day. Lets ensure Boyle is well represented also and that families from the town put down the playstations, laptops, mobiles and turnoff the TV and head to Rockingham for a family day out.
Organised campaigns prove effective
People power and the effect of constant pressure was evident during the week when assurances were given that the Rosalie Unit in Castlerea will not close. If we are to get the reduction in hours at Boyle Garda Station reversed, a similar type campaign needs to be put in place in Boyle. Those in Castlerea never gave up on their beliefs. they got together, had public meetings, lobbied their representatives and met with the Minister. This is exactly what needs to be done in Boyle with our Garda Station.
Great start for Shuttle Bus
The 2015 Lough Key Shuttle Bus is up and running. Sponsored once again by, the bus commenced operation on Wednesday last and made it’s maiden journey from the town to Lough Key Forest Park on a beautifully warm summer day, the type that makes you realise what a beautiful area we live in. With new external signage for this season, the bus is easily identifiable, resulting in nearly everyone giving the bus a wave as it drove through town. Passing by the caravan and camping park on the way to the visitors centre in Rockingham, it was encouraging to see a number of visitors, bags in tow, hurrying to get to the bus for their journey to Boyle. The transport is in place and it is now up to the restaurants, shops and pubs to put on special offers to get the Park visitors to come into Boyle.
And Finally…..!
If you are a parent can you relate to this..
My Dad
When I was 4: my Daddy could do everything.
When I was 5: my daddy knows a whole lot.
When I was 6: My Daddy is smarter than your Daddy.
When I was 8: my daddy knew exactly everything.
When I was 10: In the olden days, when my Daddy grew up, things were different.
When I was 12: Daddy wouldn’t know anything about that.
When I was 14: Don’t mind Dad, he’s old fashioned.
When I was 21: dad is really for the birds.
When I was 25: Dad seems to know a bit about this.
When I was 30: Maybe we should ask Dad what he thinks, he has a lot of experience.
When I was 35: I’m not making any decision until I have a word with Dad.
When I was 40: I wonder how Dad would have handled it, he had a wise way about him.
When I was 50: I’d give anything if Dad were here now so I could talk this over with him. Too bad I didn’t appreciate how smart he was.