The Boyle’d Pot 31/03/’23

Boyle link to historic Heathrow flight
Last Sunday’s inaugural flight from Heathrow Airport to Ireland West Airport had a Boyle connection. Captain of the historic flight was Boyle man Mike Candon from Cournameeltha. Mike is a regular on the trans Atlantic route but this time took control of the Aer Lingus aircraft that made the first flight from London Heathrow to the West of Ireland, over flying his native Boyle en route.
An unknown famous son of Boyle
Boyle has produced many famous sons and daughters over the years but one famous son is most likely not that well known. Alexander P. Linton once held the Guinness World Record for swallowing four 27 inch blades at the same time! Alex was born in Boyle on October 25th 1904 when the circus that his family were touring with came to town for a performance. He immigrated to New York in the 1920s, where he began performing as a magician in the Bowery, at Huber’s Museum, and in numerous circuses. By the ’30s he had specialized in sword swallowing, a skill he claimed was taught to him by his father. Alex Linton died in 1972 and is buried in Bee Ridge Presbyterian Church Memorial Gardens, Sarasota, Florida.
Shop local during this energy crisis
Thankfully commercial electricity charges are falling now but not before the cost of heating and running fridges will close many businesses. Similar to every town in Ireland, businesses in Boyle, especially those who need fridges to stock their goods, are really feeling the pinch and if they took the advice of their accountants, many would most likely close their doors due to the non financial viability of their operations. At Christmas we traditionally call on people to ‘shop local’ but that call is as relevant today as it is during the festive season. Local shops need your custom if they are to remain in business during this energy crisis. While you may have to travel for some goods, please think before you have to leave Boyle and try and keep as much ‘local’ as possible.
Sculpture Trail will add to ‘Cultural Quarter’ upgrade
Last week published details of the ‘Boyle Sculpture Trail’. This trail commences in the Pleasure Grounds and features ‘Chaosmos’ by Graham Reid, ‘An Bhuill’ by Susan Mannion, ‘Post Modern Points West’ by Conleth Gent, ‘Resonator’ by Martin Heron and ‘River King’ by Barra Cassidy. The sculptures were commissioned by Roscommon Co Co in conjunction with Boyle Town Team and funded under the Fáilte Ireland Developed and Emerging Destination Towns Capital Investment Programme. Apart from being visually attractive, the sculpture trail links up the ‘Cultural Quarter’ of Boyle between King House and the Pleasure Grounds. When work is completed this year on the upgrade of the Royal Car Park and River Walk, the Green Bridge, Pleasure Grounds and the rear of Main Street, the sculpture trail and this area will bring a welcomed new lease of life to what has been an underdeveloped jewel in Boyle’s crown.
CIE Tours to include Lough Key
Back in February 2022, Stephen Cotter Chief Operations Officer of CIE Tours International and Martin Donnelly Failte Ireland came to Boyle to see all the town has to offer and to ascertain if it was suitable for inclusion on the CIE Tours itinerary for this year.
Thankfully, both men were impressed with what they were shown by local tourism and civic representatives, resulting in the first tour, which commenced in Edinburgh this week, overnighting in Kilronan Castle this Sunday night before visiting Arigna Mining Experience and Boyle’s Lough Key Forest Park on Monday afternoon.
Company’s HQ will add to Boyle town centre
We previously complimented local progressive company Procloud on choosing Boyle town centre for their new corporate headquarters and progress on their impressive building on the Crescent is now gaining momentum. As we said at the time, a company the size of Procloud could very easily have left Boyle and moved to some of the major centres of population to find new offices, but led by local man Niall O’Donoghue and assisted by a strong core of local people, Niall and his team sought a suitable town centre location and were adamant that they would remain Boyle. Once completed, the addition of such a fine building filled by a staff of over 25 people will be a great addition to the built landscape and economy of Boyle and will add to the other developments in the pipeline for the town centre later this year.
Planning for the county’s future
On Wednesday evening last, Roscommon Public Participation Network, Roscommon County Council and Roscommon LECP held an open evening in King House where members of the public had an opportunity to meet strategic planners and representatives of local agencies and give their views on how the County (and Boyle) grows and changes in the coming years.
This drop-in interactive workshop gave those who attended, a variety of ways to share their experience and list their priorities for Boyle and County Roscommon. The organisers said after that the event, that the attendance in Boyle was one of the best in the county so far. They were also heartened by the diversity of people who came out to express their views. For some, the chance of venting their anger at what they thought was a public meeting was not to be, as the event featured four workshops that gave people an opportunity to put on paper how they believe the town and county should develop.
And finally…..!
An amorous housewife meets the milk man at her front door and invites him in.
‘What can I do for you Mrs Browne? ‘ ask the friendly milkman.
Any chance you would go upstairs please and fill my bathtub up with milk? requests Mrs Browne.
Would you like that pasteurised? asks the milk man.
An no, I’m grand, says the housewife. Just up to my belly button – I can splash it into my own eyes.