The Boyle’d Pot 29/11/’19

Free wifi hot spots on the way
As we await connection to the 10Gbps broadband in Boyle, news is coming through of another related development which will be good for the town. It is understood that in the first half of 2020, Boyle town centre will have a number of free wifi hotspots in key locations. This is an initiative that Boyle Town Team has been campaigning for and it will soon become a reality thanks to Roscommon Co Co and an European initiative titled WiFi4EU. This initiative promotes free access to Wi-Fi connectivity for citizens in public spaces including parks, squares, public buildings, libraries, health centres and museums in municipalities throughout Europe – further good news for our town.
Sweetening up Green Street
If the reaction to our Facebook post on the new sweet shop opening on Green Street is anything to go by, then the venture will be a great success. While you can now get sweets in any filling station or supermarket, there is something special about a dedicated sweet shop – maybe it brings us back to when we were young. It is also pleasing to note this new opening on Green Street, an area, like St Patrick Street that is ripe for development. Green Street is one of Boyle’s most historic areas that will hopefully see further development in the not too distant future.
A busy weekend in Boyle
This weekend will be a busy one yet again around town with the switching on of the Christmas lights on Saturday being the highlight, for many. But what a pity that the lights have been on all last week. It would have added to the excitement if they were turned on for the first time, (bar testing) on Saturday afternoon, but that aside, an enjoyable evening out is on the cards. Thankfully the weather is looking favourable also with crisp, cool but dry conditions forecasted. After this weekend we can look forward to the King House Craft Fair next weekend – two good reasons to visit Boyle over the next seven or eight days.
Saturday is Pride of Place awards day
As you will see from another news story here on, the Pride of Place awards ceremony takes place this Saturday evening in Kilkenny. Hopefully Boyle will be recognised with an award to add to the title of ‘Ireland’s Most Enterprising Town’ which Boyle won back in 2016. When Roscommon Co Co nominated Boyle Town Team for the Pride of Place awards, it was up to the Team to show the judges what a great town Boyle is. Over a short period of time, an ad hoc committee, representative of the town, was drawn together who worked tirelessly over a short few weeks to prepare their application and have all in order for judging day on August 13th. In a short three hour window on that day, the committee showed the judges how proud the people of Boyle are in their town and the many clubs, organisations and events that go to make Boyle so special. Check in here on tomorrow night or Sunday morning to see if the judges agreed with the committee that Boyle has indeed great pride in its place.
Info required on local defibrillators
For years we have been campaigning here in Boyle for the location of defibrillators to be made known. On a rough count, there could be up to 20 appliances in Boyle, but if an emergency arose would you know where to find the nearest one? Following a meeting in Boyle last Thursday night a local committee has been established to identify the location of the defibrillators in the area and to compile the names of the six nearest CPR responders to that defibrillator. Once the information is gathered it will be inputted into a new Emergency Call App for the county. When actioned, this free App will ring 112/999 in the event of a cardiac arrest occurring. It will also locate the nearest accessible defib to the incident scene and notify the six C.P.R. responders who are linked to that Defibrillator. It’s a win win for everyone. Further information on this great idea is available from [email protected]
And finally…..!
Paddy Englishman, Paddy Irishman and Paddy Chinman were out looking for work.
They came across a building site and the foreman offered them jobs.
‘Paddy Englishman, you drive the JCB, Paddy Irishman you look after the workers and Paddy Chinaman you can look after the supplies. I’ll check on ye all later’
Later on the foreman came back to find Paddy Englishman and Paddy Irishman working away, but no sign of Paddy Chinaman.
‘Lads where’s Paddy Chinaman?’
Just then Paddy Chinaman jumps out from behind him and screams,