The Boyle’d Pot 29/07/22

Queuing for a bargain
Last Sunday morning was anything but quiet on the western side of Boyle. Those coming from 9.30am Mass and heading home via St. Patrick Street faced long delays as they joined the queue from outside the Spool Factory to Applegreen in Mockmoyne where diesel and petrol was being sold at 175.8 in a two hour fifty minute window. The sale was a nationwide one by Applegreen as they celebrated their ‘birthday’ and went to show how we all love a bargain and how unbelievable it is that we get excited to see diesel and petrol ‘on offer’ at 175.8c per litre!! Fuel prices and what forecourt is the cheapest (or dearest) is now taking over from the weather as the main topic of conversation. Many also are questioning how forecourts in one town are up to 7c cheaper than similar forecourts in other towns.
Connaught Rangers exhibition now bigger and better
If you have not been to King House this year, you should pay a visit and see all the upgrade work that has taken place on the exhibits in recent months. In particular, a visit to the upgraded Connaught Rangers exhibition is a must. Now spread over two rooms, the exhibition is a long way from the closure that some elements of the local community and media wrongfully reported last year. In fact, if anything, the general agreement is that the exhibition is now bigger and better than before – something that predicted would happen when the mistruths were doing the rounds last year. Another new exhibition well worth a visit is ‘Hidden Gem’ – an exhibition of renowned jewellery and gemstones by local designer – the late Erwin Springbrunn. In addition to the many other exhibitions, if you visit King House this weekend you can also see Boyle Arts Festival’s Visual Art Exhibition ‘Past, Present, Future’ which will remain on display until August 2nd.
Should Boyle have an Arts Centre and Theatre?
With the Arts Festival now a lasting memory, and Boyle firmly set on the map as a center of excellence when it comes to the Arts, perhaps attention could now turn towards getting a dedicated Arts Centre for the town? Roscommon has a beautiful Arts Centre and there is no reason why Boyle, with such a history in arts, can not have a similar one. A suggestion was made recently that a revamp of St. Joseph’s Hall or the Courthouse into a 150 seated theatre and Arts Centre may be a good idea. Either facility could be upgraded relatively easily and turned into a modern seated performance space that would not only be of great benefit to the annual Arts Festival but could hold regular events throughout the year. The project, were it to happen, would most likely qualify for grant aid and ticks the box of ‘town center first’ which is a high priority in any development that the Government will back financially.
Speed zones and GoSafe van location raised again
A topic of conversation around Boyle for a few years now is the location of the GoSafe speed van on Military Road. In fact the location of the vehicle has caused such concern locally that it was raised at a recent Joint Policing meeting by Councillor John Cummins who pointed out that many feel that the area in which the van is located is not one where there is a history of speed related collisions.
Last Tuesday we published a story here on detailing where the speed enforcement zones are around Boyle, which of course includes the said Military Road as it is part of the zone on the N61 from Tawnytaskin to Boyle Golf Club. Interestingly, a look at the zone map also indicates that the Boyle to Frenchpark R361 is no longer included in the list.
In light of new zones being announced on Tuesday, many locally have asked would the speed van be better served on Elphin Street or Greatmeadow or indeed on the Carrick Road near the school where cars seem to travel in excess of the permitted speed, more so than on Military Road?
You can view the interactive map of speed enforcement zones nationwide here
Eco Showboat in Lough Key on Sunday
Last Sunday’s weather put a damper on the visit of the Eco Showboat to Lough Key but all’s not lost yet! The Show Boat will visit again this Sunday where a series of events are planned for the day. You can read more on the home page of If you have a spare hour or so, why not pop down to Doon Shore and join in the afternoon events.
Criticism starts already on Abbeytown Road project
The work has only just commenced and the controversy has already started. For months now, people have been justifiably complaining about the state of the Abbeytown Road, where we were led to believe that the work was being held up by an outside service provider who had to do their piece of the project first before anything else could take place. But last week Roscommon Co Co commenced work on the town side of the road, building a new footpath outside the Abbey Park which has already come in for criticism. The footpath includes two built out areas as one swings around the Shilling Hill from the Sligo Road and further down at the Abbey Park entrance itself, which will could affect traffic flow. On saying that, perhaps there is something else in the plan that will alleviate this potential problem and in reality we may be best served, as is the case with so many other projects, to wait for the finished product before being overly critical.
Good luck to Brian in World Rowing final
Good luck to Ballymote’s Brian Colsh who has qualified to reach the U-23 Men’s Double Sculls World Rowing final on Saturday. Brian is son of Superintendent Tom Colsh who is Superintendent in charge of the Castlerea Garda District. Tom was previously Inspector in Boyle where he is remembered as a fair and amicable member of the force. Brian and his team mate Konan Pazzaia will participate in Saturday’s ‘A’ Final in Varese, Italy.
Company lodges appeal against Boyle mast refusal
Curlew Energy Limited, who were recently refused planning permission to construct two wind turbines with associated foundations and crane hardstand areas and all associated development outside Boyle, have appealed the decision of Roscommon Co Co to An Bord Pleanala. The appeal was lodged on July 20th with the case due to be decided by November 22nd
And finally……!
A lady goes to her priest one day and tells him: ‘Father, I have a problem.
I have two female parrots, But they only know to say one thing.
‘What do they say?’ the priest asked
They say, ‘Hi, we’re hookers! Do you want to have some fun?’
‘That’s obscene!’ the priest exclaimed, then he thought for a moment…..
‘You know,’ he said, ‘I may have a solution to your problem.
I have two male talking parrots, which I have taught to pray and read the Bible…
Bring your two parrots over to my house, and we’ll put them in the cage with Francis and Peter.
My parrots can teach your parrots to pray and worship, and your parrots are sure to stop saying that phrase in no time.’
‘Thank you,’ the woman responded, ‘this may very well be the solution.’
The next day, She brought her female parrots to the priest’s house.
As he ushered her in, she saw that his two male parrots were inside their cage holding rosary beads and praying.
Impressed, she walked over and placed her parrots in with them.
After a few minutes, the female parrots cried out in unison: Hi, we’re hookers! Do you want to have some fun?’
There was stunned silence…
One of the male parrots looked over at the other male parrot and said:
‘Put the beads away, Frank, our prayers have been answered’.