The Boyle’d Pot 28/06/’24

Median price of residential property in Boyle
The median price of residential properties sold in Boyle in April 2024 was €177,500. That’s according to figures contained in the Central Statistics Office’s latest Residential Property Price Index which also shows that residential property prices rose by 7.9% in the 12 months up to April of this year. The least expensive Eircode area to purchase a property in the country is in Castlerea with a median price of €133,000. The national median is €355,000 You can see all graphs and more information relating to Boyle stats here
Extra train from Boyle for Saturday’s big game
With ‘bed only’ in most Dublin hotels this Saturday night costing on average €400, the one day train service seems the best option to go to the Roscommon game in Croke Park. Thankfully Irish Rail has put on an extra train for the match on Saturday, this time from Boyle, and not Carrick as before. The train departs Boyle at 11.05 to Drumcondra only and returns at 18.40. Back in May, when Irish Rail put on an extra train for the Roscommon Dublin game, it commenced in Carrick on Shannon. At the time contacted the company to ask why it did not originate in Boyle which is in County Roscommon. We can assume our intervention played some part in getting this Saturday’s extra train to commence in Boyle.
Separately, but still on the subject of Irish Rail, the company has this week advised that “From July 1st to August 30th, due to changed travel patterns (lower commuting, increased leisure travel) during the summer months, there will be reduced capacity on the 05.40 and 09.00 Sligo to Connolly services”.
Night and Day time has finally arrived
This weekend is the big one in Boyle’s Lough Key Forest Park as a year and more of planning see’s the Night and Day Festival become a reality. Full details of stage times etc can be found on the main page of There really is a great line up of acts and events that are sure to bring a huge crowd to the Park. While all the events are obviously in the Forest Park, many festival goers will arrive into Boyle on the train and those who drive have to get diesel and provisions so there should be a spin off for the town. The publicity the event can also give to Boyle is immense and copper fastens the fact that the address of the festival is “Lough Key Forest Park, Boyle, Co. Roscommon”. There are still some one day passes available via Una Bhan in the grounds of King House. Let’s hope the weather plays it’s part and that everyone has an enjoyable and safe time at the event.
McDermotts Castle on UK TV programme
A Boyle man, resident in the UK for over 30 years, has been in touch to draw our attention to a TV programme that aired in England about McDermott’s Castle. Niall Nangle says: “I have always loved the show ‘Abandoned Engineering’ and it was lovely to see McDermott’s Castle on an episode which seems to have been first aired in November 2023. Fantastic viewing. Lough Key and the Castle looked beautiful with Sean Simon doing the local narrative. In the UK can see catch up via , but not sure if that is working in ROI. I believe it should also be possible to see on Yesterday or Eden via Sky go. I could not find any readily available links on the Web to easily share this content”.
A missed opportunity for the County (and Boyle)?
During the past week, a delegation from the Irish Australian Chamber of Commerce visited Leitrim, Sligo and Donegal, but, for some reason, not Roscommon. On Tuesday the group visited Carrick on Shannon Business Campus where they were welcomed to the region by Leitrim County Council. They then visited Advancing Innovation in Manufacturing (AIM) Centre in Sligo where they showcased their state-of-the-art solutions to the visiting 15 Australian companies in the delegation. After a networking dinner in Sligo it was on to Strandhill to watch the sun go down, finishing with a visit to Donegal on Wednesday.
What a pity County Roscommon was not included in the visit. There are plenty of locations and facilities in the county, including Boyle, that could have been shown to the delegation to get some inward FDI (Foreign Direct Investment).
News snippets from around Boyle
Up to 130 staff from Nordson Medical will head into the town of Boyle today Friday to undertake another community clean up. The staff are planning to paint the railings on the Crescent, undertake litter picks and assist with the Brothers of Charity in undertaking work on their various premises. Previously staff members painted the railings along by the river as one goes towards The Lawn. What a great way to give back to the community from a company that is a valued (and the largest) employer in Boyle……..The new planters at King House look brilliant but what a pity the one at the entrance to the gates of the house is not moved closer to the road to stop illegal parking on the paved area. A planter is also needed outside ‘Conroy’s on the Corner’ to stop parking in that location on the new footpath……….If you have an idea who the thugs were that once again vandalised the seats in the John Joe Nerney stand in the Abbey Park, please inform any member of Boyle GAA club or the Gardai. This type of vandalism was alien to Boyle for years so we cannot allow it to become the norm now……….Breathwork classes continue on Friday evenings in the Fitt Factory in Boyle. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Join the breathwork community today and experience the profound benefits of conscious breathing. Contact Nathan by email @[email protected] or by phone @0862397268…………King House is included in Music Network’s Autumn 2024 tours schedule that will include 14 venues in 10 counties. Featuring a world class array of traditional, jazz and classical musicians, these tours promise to bring unforgettable concerts to audiences island-wide. The Boyle event is on Saturday September 28th with more datils closer to the date……………The launch of the O’Carolan Harp Festival and Summer School 2024 takes place on Wednesday 3rd July at 8pm in Kilronan Castle Hotel where details of this year’s events will be unvelied. The Festival runs from Monday July 29th to Monday August 5th………It was nice to see Lough Key mentioned by Coillte CEO Imelda Hurley in a recent interview saying the Park will benefit from it’s ‘forests for the people’ mandate with a major investment planned…….If you are attending Night and Day this Saturday you can keep in touch with all that is happening in Croke Park as the big game will be screened live at 4pm at the festival………There will be Mass and blessing of graves on Sunday June 30th at 3pm in Assylinn Old Graveyard………..No parkrun or junior parkrun this Saturday or Sunday due to the festival in Lough Key Forest Park……….Well done to Boyle boxer Eddie Corcoran is assured of at least a European Junior Championship bronze medal following his 5-0 quarter final victory over Greece’s Nearchos-Petros Konstantinoudis in Bosnia yesterday evening.
And finally…….!
Three mischievous old Grandmas were sitting on a bench outside a nursing home when an old Grandpa John, walked by.
The eldest granny yelled, “Hey John, we bet we can tell exactly how old you are.”
John said, “There is no way you can guess it, you old fools.”
The second old lady said, “Sure we can! – Just drop your pants and under shorts and we can tell your exact age.”
Embarrassed just a little, but anxious to prove they couldn’t do it, John dropped his drawers.
One of the old grannies asked him to first turn around a couple of times and to jump up and down several times. Then the three of them all piped up and said, “You’re 87 years old!”
Standing with his pants down around his ankles, John asked, “Spot on! How in the world did you guess?”
Slapping their knees and grinning from ear to ear, all the old girls happily yelled in unison…
“Sure weren’t we at your birthday party yesterday!”