The Boyle’d Pot 27/1/’17

Hopefully Boyle will be included in pilot scheme
Last Monday’s Action Plan for Rural Development had something for everyone and in general will be of some help in revitalising rural Ireland. The briefing document issued to the media on the day ran to 71 pages with no specific mention of Boyle town. While the town was not directly mentioned, what is of interest to Boyle and indeed other rural towns is the general contents of the plan. It contains over 270 time-bound actions with responsibility for each action assigned to a relevant Department and/or agency. Implementation of the actions in the Plan will be monitored closely and reports will be submitted regularly to the Cabinet Committee on Regional and Rural Affairs, chaired by An Taoiseach. Progress Reports will be published every six months on the delivery of each action, as well as the addition of new actions in response to new challenges and opportunities. The issuing of grant aid to encourage people to purchase properties in towns and villages and renovate them will be of interest to Boyle and will hopefully help eradicate the dereliction of closed up properties. Boyle must now wait and see if their representations to have the town included in the pilot scheme for this part of the plan has been successful.(Further information on the Action Plan is available on
The on going on street parking debate
On street parking and the spaces occupied by street traders has once again raised its head in Boyle. As has been the case down through the years, there are those who feel they should be able to park right outside a business premises and those who, quite rightfully, argue that there are plenty of car parking spaces in town and people should not be afraid to walk a short distance to their chosen venue. The presence of street traders and the space they occupy is seen as a problem by some and while they do take up a number of parking spaces weekly on the Crescent, it can also be argued that they attract a specific clientele into the town. Casual trading rights in Boyle are a complex issue and even if a decision was taken to find an alternative venue for the traders, it will take time for all legalities to be sorted. In the meantime, shop and business owners and employees in Boyle should park in their business car parks, if they are available, or alternatively in the Royal or Green Street car parks and leave the on street parking for their customers.
Annoyed rate payers can meet valuation officials
Rate payers in Boyle will have a glimmer of hope with the news from Councillor John Cummins that representatives from the Valuation Office will visit the town to meet what are sure to be disgruntled customers on Thursday next. There has been concern and unease all over the county in recent weeks since the revised rates valuation certificates were issued. It would seem business owners in Boyle are in a similar position to business owners all over the county who have been hit with an increase in valuation and subsequently an increase in rates. Roscommon Chamber of Commerce recently urged all business owners to appeal the propsed valuation as once the valuations are accepted they are fixed for the next ten years. If your business has seen an increase, you have an opportunity to put your concerns to the relevant personnel next Thursday.
Parking at Lough Key Forest Park
A caller to local radio yesterday told how her car was broken into in Lough Key Forest Park last weekend and her handbag and other items stolen. It is understood the car was parked at the bottom of the hill in the Park and not in the designated car parks. While the theft from any car is a cause for concern and should not be accepted, Park authorities have on many occasions urged visitors to park in the designated areas. Granted there have been some thefts there also but your car is safer inside the barrier. Pay-on-exit parking costs €4 per vehicle per visit with free parking when you spend €20 or more on admissions to the attractions or in the restaurant. According to management “The fee solely goes towards the upkeep of the park, the grass-cutting, provision of lawnmowers, forest trail development, refuse collection of park bins etc. There is also a car parking pass which can be purchased from the Visitor Centre for only €35.00, and is valid for one year from day of purchase. There are no limitations on this pass, it can be used as often as you like.”
Council bashing is not acceptable
It has become all too common among certain individuals around Boyle to constantly bad mouth our local authority. Roscommon County Council, it’s employees and elected members here in Boyle are currently working very closely with the Town Team and Chamber of Commerce to see our town progress. In fact, the relationship between the Council and the various organisations in Boyle has never been better. Taking cheap pot shots at the Council to ignite debate is not acceptable. Working with the Council and assisting them in their endeavours is acceptable and is definitely the way forward.
And finally….!
Two old men had been best friends for years, and they both live to their early 90’s, when one of them suddenly falls deathly ill.
His friend comes to visit him on his death bed, and they’re reminiscing about their long friendship, when the dying man’s friend asks, “Listen, when you die, do me a favour. I want to know if they play football in heaven.”
The dying man said, “We’ve been friends for years, this I’ll do for you.” And then he dies.
A couple days later, his surviving friend is sleeping when he hears his friend’s voice.
The voice says, “I’ve got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that there is indeed football in heaven.” “What’s the bad news?”
“The bad news is that you’re playing on Wednesday.”