The Boyle’d Pot 27/10/’17

Make your view known on Royal Hotel site
Roscommon County Council has honoured it’s word and this week requested members of the public to forward submissions on the future use for the old Royal hotel site. While there has been speculation that the Royal could be opened up once again as a hotel, that in reality will probably never happen as it is cost prohibitive. But if there is a developer who wants to build a hotel on the Royal site, one can sssume the Council would be delighted to sell it back to him/her on a cost neutral basis. The fact remains, and everyone in Boyle is in agreement – we urgently need a hotel, but hindering development on this site in the hope that the Royal may return to it’s former glory on it’s origional footprint may not be the best way to proceed. Every person now has an opportunity to put forward what type of development they think would work on the site. The sentence “practical, constructive and sustainable solutions for the future use of this site” is important. There is no point suggesting something that will not work and will not be for the benefit of the economic future of Boyle. We have enough green spaces and we do not need more shops as we are finding it hard enough to fill the ones we have. What we want is a development that will bring much needed footfall back into the centre of the town. Everyone with an interest in developing Boyle now needs to make their submission to the Council. Closing date is November 17th and submissions can be made here
Two national mentions for Boyle last week
Boyle featured well in the national news last weekend. Our own Lough Key Forest Park was listed in the top twenty five “Best Winter Walks” series in the Irish Independent. The Park came in under the heading ‘Best for Kids’ with some very complimentary comments included on all the Park has to offer. In the same paper, Martin Breheny named a man who can seem to do no wrong at present – Enda Smith – among his pick of the top 50 footballers of 2017. Enda also featured in a large number of media interviews during the past week.
Time to talk up our town of Boyle
As the town plans for the future and the many individuals and organisations continue to work behind the scenes to ensure Boyle prospers, it would be a great help if people started talking more positively about the town. Minister Denis Naughten alluded to this when he addressed a gathering in Boyle a while back. He quite rightly pointed out that if anyone plans to locate their business or family to the town, they may firstly Google the name “Boyle” and if they see negativity and bitching and bad publicity, that will not give them any incentive to choose the town. In addition, there are still some who insist on living in the past and continue talking about failed events like “why we lost the Mart”. That was then and this is now. We must look to the future, learn from the past and build on the close cooperation now evident between local organisations that has seen unprecedented funding come to Boyle in the last year or two. Working together in this type of positive environment could yet see further good news for Boyle before 2017 comes to an end.
A busy holiday weekend in store
All of a sudden we are in the midst of another holiday weekend. And a busy one it is around Boyle. You will find details of all events that are taking place on this website today and over the weekend. There is plenty happening in Rockingham starting Sunday and tomorrow’s Courtyard Market has some seasonal treats and activities in store for Halloween. On Sunday, St. Joseph’s Hall is the perfect venue for a Casino Night, organised in aid of Niamh’s Journey There. And with fancy dress parties and music in local bars and the weather looking favourable, Boyle is definitely the place to be this October bank holiday weekend.
The late Maree Hever
It’s not often this blog comments on recent deaths but one person passed away during the week that will be remembered fondly by older generations in Boyle. Maree Kelly (nee Hever) died suddenly in Canada last Saturday after a long illness. Maree was the eldest of a family of seven who owned the Rockingham Arms on the corner of Bridge Street and the Carrick Rd (now Shop Street). One of the most popular venues in Boyle at the time, the bar was run from 1945 until 1984 by her late father Paddy who was one of the town’s great characters. Paddy and his wife Mae, along with Maree, Paula, Pat, Jim and David were part and parcel of the commercial and social life of Boyle for many years. Maree inherited the quick wit and art of storytelling from her Dad and until her passing, she was the life and soul of any party, singing and regaling stories to her hearts content. She kept in touch with her home town through an ally of old friends and opened her door to many from Boyle who were travelling through her adopted Ontario, all whom have fond memories of Maree. May she rest in peace.
And finally….!
Five Germans in an Audi Quattro arrive at the Italian border.
The Italian Customs agent stops them and tells them:
“It’sa illegala to putta 5 people in a Quattro.”
“Vot do you mean it’z illegal?” asks the German driver.
“Quattro meansa four” replies the Italian official.
“Qvattro is just ze name of ze auto”, the Germans retort unbelievingly.
“Look at ze papers: zis auto is designt to kerry 5 persons.”
“You can’ta pulla thata one on me!”, replies the Italian customs agent.
“Quattro meansa four. You hava fivea people ina yoour macchina and you are thereforea breaking the law.”
The German driver replies angrily, “You idiot! Call your zupervisor over, I vant to speak to somevone viz more intelligence!”
“Sorry”, responds the Italian official, “he can’ta come.
He’sa busy with a 2 guys in a Fiat Uno.