The Boyle’d Pot 26/9/14

Mixed emotions in Boyle today
Today will be a day of mixed emotions on opposite sides of the town. In Elphin street, a sense of hope and anticipation will prevail as An Taoiseach makes a job announcement while on the opposite end of the town a sense of sadness will be palpable as a number of staff members in one of Boyle’s oldest businesses -the Roscommon Herald- lose their jobs with their functions moving to Cork. It is doubtful any mention will be made of the plight of the Herald staff when Enda Kenny meets with representatives from the IFS group from Australia who may locate in our town- job losses don’t augur well at election time. St. Patrick Street has been hit hard in recent weeks, firstly with news of the closure of Boyle Mills and now the job losses at the Roscommon Herald. But on a positive note, today will also see An Taoiseach launch, a new company which has been developed by popular Boyle man Kyle McLoughlin. Hopefully news from Kyle’s company and the IFS group will brighten up what is a sad day for those being made redundant from the ‘Herald.
Resurgence of the use of the Bog Hole
One wonders at the logic of the reduction in opening times at the Civic Amenity Centres in Boyle and other centres throughout the county. Closing the facility on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will not encourage people to recycle but will promote indiscriminate dumping. The Boyle facility is a professionally run and welcoming place to recycle goods and it is well used by the community. This reduction in opening times will see the resurgence once again of the use of bog holes and the like for the disposal of domestic waste, batteries and electrical appliances which is regrettable.
Boyle bridge back on track
The news on Wednesday here on that Feelystone has got the contract to replace the bridge in Boyle has been warmly welcomed. Work is presently underway in their factory on the project and on site construction should commence in the next two weeks. It is great to see a local company getting this job and we can all look forward to our town bridge being reinstated soon.
New road surface and the 60kph limit
The overlay of the Carrick Road is now completed and makes travelling into Boyle on what is now referred to as the R294 an enjoyable trip. But it is imperative that the 3 tonne weight restriction that currently applies to the road is enforced or all the money spent on the fine resurfacing will be in vain. Residents in Greatmeadow will have to wait a bit longer for their overlay of their road but when completed all approach roads to Boyle will be in top class condition. While on the subject of roads, it would seem that the work on the N4 to Carrick is now finished. Why then is the 60kph limit still in place? Not many observe the temporary speed limit but it is in force and a number have been caught going over the speed limit in recent weeks.
Boyle the star of TV – again
The frequency with which Boyle is featured on our TV screens has been referred to previously on this website. Last week was no exception with the O’Flaherty family proudly representing their home town on Ireland’s Fittest Families on Sunday evening. Then on Monday it was the turn of Boyle Men’s Shed and Model Railway to feature on County Matters on IrishTV. The same file crew will be in Boyle on November 2nd to cover the Toughest Muckers event in the Forest Park. All this publicity is great for Boyle. In the last few days this website has been contacted on four occasions with requests from people for the opening times of the model railway – all coming from Monday’s TV programme. We have also had enquiries from an English family who are interested in visiting Boyle for the Moone Boy Festival after they read about it on You can’t beat positive publicity!
Walking Open Weekend in Boyle
Boyle has become synonymous with walking in recent times. Blessed as we are with some of the best scenery in the country, the area is an ideal place to stretch the legs in the unpolluted countryside that is right on our doorstep. The local walking club Curlew Walkers is one of the most active in town and have regular outings for their members. This Saturday and Sunday they will hold an open weekend where all walkers are welcome to participate. The events are detailed on the news section of this website and more information can be received by contacting Tom Brown on 087 2379632.
Boyle business celebrates it’s birthday
With all the news of closures and rationalisation we can forget the many established Boyle businesses who have stood the test of time, are still trading and have stuck with the town in good times and bad. Aidan Ray Menswear on St. Patrick street is one such company. This week they celebrate 29 years in business in the town and have some great special offers for customers. Check out their banner advert at the top of the home page on this website, but hurry, as the offers end on Saturday evening!
And finally….!
“It is only when you see a wasp landing on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence.”