The Boyle’d Pot 26/07/’24

Arts Festival was one of the best to date
Without question, Boyle Arts Festival gets better year on year and this year seems to have been the best to date. The beautiful weather on opening night, which was attended by one of the largest crowds in years, set the tone for the following nine days. Having Chris O’Dowd open the festival was a real coup and the publicity it brought to the festival and the town of Boyle was unquantifiable. A video of Chris, decked out in his Boyle GAA hoodie, went out on BBC Instagram and mentioned him opening the festival. The BBC account has 27 million followers and by yesterday, the clip had over 1 million views.
It is hard to believe that a festival of the magnitude of the past week, was organised by a committee of eleven, but it was and full credit must go to that committee and all the volunteers who assisted at the events. Credit also to Boyle Tidy Town committee and the various resident groups and companies who had the town looking so well. Many in attendance on Thursday last, who had not been in Boyle for some time, spoke in glowing terms of how well the town looked. There are still two days of the festival remaining with details of Friday and Saturday’s events here
A viewers experience with Boyle’s illegal parking
A viewer has been in touch with us to outline their experience last week in town: “Just a quick one for you and I’m sure you’ve seen this a million times. I was driving through the town during the week and saw someone in a car reversing up the footpath to park opposite Bank of Ireland – you know the extended part with the double lines. They caused a backlog of traffic so I rolled my window down and told them they could not park there. All I got was abuse along with some stranger coming up to my open passenger window who also gave me abuse. I knew cars where building up behind me so I drove off. My mind boggles sometimes with parking in Boyle. Parking charges will come and you know what – it may be no harm”.
Ireland West Camino passes close to Boyle
On Sunday last the ‘Ireland West Camino’ was launched. The Camino commenced at Rathcroghan Mound in County Roscommon culminating at Croagh Patrick, Co. Mayo. A total of 181km. The route incorporates eight stages, over an eight day period, and takes in a number of prehistoric, medieval & ecclesiastical sites along the way. Stage 1 – Rathcroghan to Ballinameen – 10.4 miles / 16.8 km, Stage 2 – Ballinameen to Monasteraden – 11.6 miles / 18.6 km, Stage 3 – Monasteraden to Urlaur Lough – 16.1 miles / 25.9 km, Stage 4 – Urlaur Lough to Knock Shrine – 13.6 miles / 21.9 km, Stage 5 – Knock Shrine to Facefield – 9.5 miles / 15.3 km, Stage 6 – Facefield to Ballintubber Abbey – 12.1 miles / 19.5 km, Stage 7 – Ballintubber Abbey to Aghagower – 9.3 miles / 15 km
Stage 8 – Aghagower to Croagh Patrick – 11.7 miles / 18.8 km. A detailed map of the incorporated sites is available to view on the ArcGIS Field App under: Irish Camino – The Tóchar (CPHT).
Gum Litter Roadshow to visit Boyle
The Gum Litter Taskforce (GLT) Roadshow will visit Boyle on Thursday next August 1st. The Roadshow will be in attendance on the Crescent from 12 noon until 4pm.
The GLT is charged with developing and implementing an action plan to tackle gum litter in the most sustainable way by changing disposing behaviour, the root cause of the issue, by encouraging the public to dispose of their gum responsibility in a bin.
Like every other town in the country, discarded chewing bum is a blight on our footpaths here in Boyle. Hopefully the Roadshow might encourage people to think of how they dispose of gum and not throw it on our streets.
Great work being undertaken in a number of Boyle areas
The residents of Church View, Hanly Avenue, Upper and Lower Marian Road, St. Attracta’s Park and Cloonfower have been doing great work of late in tidying up and maintaining their respective areas. 120 flower baskets have been erected on the six streets and numerous plants planted to date, with work ongoing. The residents association are in the process of raising funds to pay for the planting and ongoing work and now seek your support. Any donation would be gratefully accepted and can be made to the Marian Road Community Council Bank account IBAN IE83AIBK93706150519122. All donations will be acknowledged publicly.
News snippets from around Boyle
There surely was a great line up of top class names performing during Boyle Arts Festival but none with such a memorable name as an act that performed during Gala Week many years ago. ‘Hank Half Head and the Rambling Turkeys’ drew a great crowd to Parkers Nightclub when they came to Boyle some time in the mid eighties and their name is one that is firmly implanted in the memory of many……….. This week’s Culture Friday at 1pm in the Boyle Craft Shop features local jewellery maker Tracy of Hazelrocks Jewellery. Uncover the magic behind Tracy’s bespoke jewellery and browse her collection of unique and beautiful pieces that are on display in Boyle Craft Shop………..Rock the Clock festival returns to Boyle on August 9th and 10th………While you may have seen many Tidy Town volunteers out weed and litter picking, another group of dedicated people have been busy behind the scenes cleaning and painting the 25 historic signs around the town. The last sign to be painted was on Green Street on Wednesday………..The 16 new homes planned for the Cnoc na hAbhainn area of Forest View in Boyle are due to commence construction in September with completion in 2025. It is understood the development will consist of 6 three bed dwellings, 9 two bed dwellings and 1 four bed dwelling with the contract awarded to Finna Construction……….Newly elected Sinn Fein Councillor for the Boyle Municipal District Leah Cull along with her party colleague Claire Kerrane TD will host a constituent advice clinic this Saturday in the Spool Factory in Boyle. Please phone 094 9861688 for an appointment. Well done to Leah and Claire on this initiative as Boyle currently has no Councilor living in the town so it is great to have access to an advice clinic like this in Boyle………..Telegram channel now available for people from Ukraine and beyond living in Boyle, where you can find out a lot of useful information, ask a question, get acquainted or find support and help in solving your problems. Join on…………A number of the red and white bollards on the new footpaths around town are now being removed following the long awaited installation of stainless steel gullies……..Two events in nearby Keash this weekend. On Saturday the ‘Keash King of the Hill’ run and walk takes place while on Sunday the annual ‘Keash on Garland Sunday’ takes place in Fr. Brehony Memorial Park……….A United Service for Boyle and Ardcarne Church of Ireland will take place in Ardcarne Church (off N4 between Boyle & Carrick-on-Shannon) this Sunday 28th July at 10.30a.m. All welcome. There will be no service in Boyle Church on Sunday. Morning Prayer in Aghanagh Church at 12 noon……..Here we are, 2.5 years on from when the fault was first logged, and the street light at the corner of St. Patrick Street and Bridge Street is still out of action. At the Pleasure Grounds/Lower Marian Road, the two street lights there are now nearly two years out of order. Why is it, despite repeated reminders to Electric Skyline, that these lights are not being fixed?
And finally….!
In you find yourself attending the Doctor or Hospital, here is a quick ‘guide’ to the medical terms you may encounter:
Artery………………………The study of paintings
Bacteria………………….. Back door to cafeteria
Barium…………………… What undertakers do
Benign…………………… After your 8th birthday
Cesarean section……A neighbourhood in Rome
Catscan………………….. Searching for the cat
Cauterise…………………Made eye contact with a woman
Colic………………………. A sheep dog
Coma………………………A punctuation mark
Dilate………………………To live a bit longer
Enema……………………..Not a friend
Fester……………………… Quicker than someone else
Fibula……………………… A small lie
Impotent…………………..Distinguished, well known
Labour pain………………Getting hurt at work
Medical staff……………..A doctors cane
Morbid……………………… A higher offer
Nitrates…………………….. Better than day rates
Node…………………………. I knew it
Outpatient………………… A person who has fainted
Pelvis…………………………..Second cousin to Elvis
Post operative……………A postman
Recovery room…………..Place to do upholstery
Rectum…………………….. Nearly killed him
Secretion……………………Hiding something
Seizure……………………… Roman emperor
Tablet……………………….. A small table
Terminal illness…………Getting sick at the airport
Tumour………………………One plus one more
Urine………………………… Opposite of you’re out.