The Boyle’d Pot 24/03/’23

Temporary closing of Marina seems to have annoyed a few
The temporary closing of the Marina in Lough Key Forest Park over the weekend of the Night and Day Festival seems to have got the back up of a number of people. When the information was published recently, some boat owners defyingly made their feelings known on our social media pages saying “I will be parking in the marina and I’m not going to concert” while another said “Every boat owner that’s using it regularly should pull up that weekend just for the sake of it”. How ridiculous are these comments? Do people not understand the need to limit the Marina for 48 /72 hours to those paying to go to the concert? The Marina will be closed for two – maybe three days out of 365. Surely the boating fraternity can accept that and find some where else to moor their boat the one weekend of the year that the location decides to hold a major event that will benefit the whole area.
Could we see Air Force One over the skies of Boyle
The above could be a possibility this April, if President Joe Biden decides to use Ireland West Airport as the airport of arrival for his visit to Ireland. Depending on the wind on the day, Air Force One could make it’s final approach to the airport, like all other aircraft do, over Boyle or ‘Enula’ as the town is referred to in aviation circles. If the President was going to use Knock there would most likely be a lot more activity in and around the airport before now, so one could assume Shannon might be the most likely destination for the President’s arrival. Back in 2016 when Joe Biden was Vice President he did use Ireland West and arrived, via the skies over Boyle, on a US Air Force C17 Globemaster plane and last week Prince Albert of Monaco’s private aircraft was visible over Boyle town on his way into Knock.
Summer time begins
You would not think it but summer time officially begins this Sunday morning March 26th at 1am. Don’t forget to put your clocks forward by one hour at this time. The old saying “Spring forward Fall back” is a good way to remember which way to change your clock in winter and summer. The time will change back again on October 29th.
We are a quite bunch here in Boyle
Is there any other town in Ireland where the people would put up with the state of their roads like the people of Boyle are doing at present? Abbeytown, Shilling Hill, Marian Road, Forest View, Hanley Avenue, Mockmoyne to Tinnecara – the list is endless and the potholes are getting larger. Add to this the length of time street lighting is out of action at major junctions and the whole situation is gone beyond a joke. There was a suggestion a few weeks back from a number of local business people that they would withhold rates until something is done with the street scape, public lighting and general upkeep of the town by the local authority. In desperate times, desperate measures are needed and we are indeed in desperate times right now in relation to the general infrastructure around Boyle.
Boyle parade was one of the best in years
Hats off to the organisers, volunteers and participants who made last Friday’s St. Patrick’s Day one of the best parades in many years. It has been a long time since Boyle saw crowds like those that were present on the 17th. The moving of the reviewing stand onto the Crescent was also a good idea and it resulted in a huge amount of off road space for spectators and those who remained to see the brilliant young musicians from Music Generation Roscommon perform on stage. The number of ‘new faces’ around town was notable this year and the opening of the Caravan Park in Lough Key Forest Park for the weekend no doubt helped, as did the many people from other countries who now call Boyle their home.
Well done also to the many businesses who decorated their buildings and windows in green. What a pity Boyle Abbey did not do likewise this year – it was always one of the most photographed buildings in Boyle on St. Patrick’s weekend and was a great piece of PR for the tourist attraction.
Today is Daffodil Day
Daffodil Day will take place nationwide today (Friday), including here in Boyle. By supporting Daffodil Day, you are making a real, practical difference to thousands of cancer patients and their families and spurring on research and progress, while keeping vital services available and supporting people along the way. Your help really does mean the world to thousands of people living with a cancer diagnosis during these difficult times.
Tourism promotion is vital for Boyle
It was great to see King House and Lough Key Forest Park along with Arigna Mining and Strokestown Park House attend ‘Meitheal 2023’ this week on Killarney. One would hope the OPW were also represented and promoted Boyle Abbey to the large global audience…….
Attendance at an event like this is vitally important if our tourism attractions are to prosper. Many years ago, Gerry Mattimoe and Vincent Regan along with the late Martin Mitchell travelled annually to trade fairs in the UK, outlining what their respective pub, hotel and bed an breakfast facilities could provide to the English fisherman. The result was a busy April/May every year as fishermen came to the town to sample what the three men had sold them. These type of off season promotions are the exact type of marketing that is needed to get Boyle’s name copperfastened on the tourism map.
Now, if we only had more places to stay and eat in town for the tourists…………………..
Cooling the Boylers down in the rain
You have to hand it to us – we are a cool lot here in Boyle! In the middle of Wednesday evenings torrential downpour the sound of the ice cream van could be heard making it’s way through the town centre! The weather was so bad, that even the dogs who normally go crazy at the van’s music, remained silent. The ice cream van seems to be a 52 week of the year visitor to Boyle no matter what the weather.
And finally…..!
An Irish man boarded an aircraft at Dublin Airport bound for New York, and taking his seat as he settled in, he noticed a very beautiful woman boarding the plane.
He realised she was heading straight toward his seat and bingo – she took the seat right beside him.
“Hello”, he blurted out, “Business trip or vacation?”
She turned, smiled enchantingly and said, “Business. I’m going to the annual nymphomaniac convention in the United States.”
He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen sitting next to him, and she was going to a meeting for nymphomaniacs !
Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked, “What’s your business role at this convention ?”
“Lecturer,” she responded,” I use my experience to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality.”
“Really”, he smiled, “What myths are those ?”
“Well,” she explained, “One popular myth is that African-American men are the most well-endowed when, in fact, it’s the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is that French men are the best lovers, when actually it is the men of Greek descent. We have also found that the best potential lovers in all categories are the Irish.”
Suddenly the woman became uncomfortable and blushed. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I really shouldn’t be discussing this with you, I don’t even know your name !”
“Tonto,” the man said. “Tonto Papadopoulos, but my friends all call me Paddy.”