The Boyle’d Pot 23/10/15

Lough Key beauty at this time of year
The change in the weather last Tuesday evening brought us straight from what seemed more like spring than autumn, into more seasonal winter type weather. One of the great benefits of living in Boyle at this time of year when the seasons change is our proximity to Rockingham and a walk among the beautiful golden leaves and wonderful colour that adorns the Park. Rockingham itself should be busy this weekend with “Spooky Halloween” taking place in the Visitors Center. There is plenty on offer for the children including balloon modelling, pumpkin carving, Halloween baking and monster treasure hunt. Following all the activity and a walk among the autumnal colours, a visit to Boyle would be the ideal way to wrap up a great day out.
Signature campaign gains momentum
Close on 2,000 signatures have now been gathered in the fight against the reduction in hours at Boyle Garda Station. Members of Boyle anti austerity group and one other person collect over 1,000 signatures in a street petition last Saturday. Unfortunately no other business people or residents in town though it important to come out and help in collecting the names, considering the effect reduced hours in our Garda Station is and will continue to have on the town of Boyle. The signatures will now be sent to the Minister for Justice and the Garda Superintendent requesting that full time 24 hour opening is returned.
Big get bigger small get smaller
It would seem that the Government are intent on making large towns larger and letting small towns get smaller. An example of this is Sligo. While certain retail outlets in Sligo are feeling the pain like those in the smaller towns, the Government plan to invest in infrastructure in large urban centers is paying dividends for Sligo. Last week a new regional Garda HQ was announced for the town while Boyle station remains on reduced hours and others in rural areas are closed altogether. But an additional announcement yesterday for Sligo is one that we should use to our benefit here in Boyle. It comes after the Minister for Education and the Higher Education Authority approved the Connacht-Ulster Alliance to progress to stage two of a four stage process which could see Sligo IT gaining University status in five years time. The Alliance is made up of Sligo, Letterkenny and Galway Mayo ITs and its a step closer to the IT becoming a Technological University. This would certainly benefit Boyle and with a new road planned to Sligo, having a University 20 minutes away would be another great reason for families to live in our town.
A Taste of Lough Key next Wednesday
Wednesday 4th November will see a novel event take place in Tawnytaskin Community Centre. “A Taste of Lough Key” will have a number of artisan food and drink producers from the area come together to provide an informal night of tasting the best local produce available. Further information is available on the “news” section of this website, with tickets on sale from Lough Key Farm Shop, the Drumanilra Farm Kitchen and the Tawnytaskin Community Centre. The night may perhaps pave the way for an idea mooted here previously – “A Taste of Boyle” weekend. Wouldn’t it be great to have a marquee on the Crescent highlighting the diverse and wide range of food available in Boyle, from the sit down restaurants, to the take away’s and the local deli’s. It could culminate with an open air barbecue with music, as the various food venues hand out their merchandise and samples of what they have on offer.
McAleese Collection a real local treasure
The McAleese Collection currently on display in King House can become one of the counties best tourist attractions if marketed with full effect. With King House also incorporating museums, historic displays and exhibitions, Boyle now has a top class facility that needs to be included in all the major tourist trails and stop offs. It was heartening to hear Deputy Frank Feighan suggest at the launch, that the time was now appropriate for artifacts from the area currently on display or in storage in the National Museum to be brought back to Boyle. Having items like the Crannog’s from Lough Gara and other local historical finds on display in King House would further enhance the facility. The one item that was not heartening on the night was the absence of the younger people from the town at the launch. Most of those present were over 50. You have to wonder why is this the case? Do the “younger” generation in Boyle not care about the towns future or is it a case of “we will leave it to others”? There is no point in whinging that “Boyle has nothing” if you sit on your ass and don’t get involved.
Top ten for The Boyle’d Pot
The Boyle’d Pot did not make the podium at last night’s Blog Ireland Awards. But one local blog did get to the top table. David Knight Photography received a bronze award in the photographic category. The Boyle’d Pot reached the final ten in two of the categories, Lifestyle and Marketing and Communications. While not receiving the ultimate accolade, it was heartening to hear the loud cheer when and the Boyle’d Pot was read out to a packed Tivoli Theatre in Dublin. Following last night’s awards founder and editor of Brian Nerney said “Having been a finalist earlier in the year at the SME Awards and a finalist last November on the Web Awards, I am delighted to see getting national recognition yet again tonight.”The Boyle’d Pot has been published every Friday here on for the last 100 weeks and it fearlessly comments on all topics relevant to our town”.”The website is now nearly two years in existence with viewing figures showing an upward trend each month”. “The success of is based on the fact that the website is updated many times each day, 364 days per year, with factual, relevant, non personalised and positive news about Boyle, making it the point of reference for those who want to find out what is happening in our town.” said Brian. “While we did not win the main prize tonight I am absolutely delighted that the Boyle’d Pot, like the website itself, has been judged as one of the top ten in Ireland – not that bad for a new start up business”concluded Brian.
And finally….!
Teacher is teaching history to the class.
She says, “Johnny, can you give me the name of three great kings who have brought happiness and pleasure into people’s lives?”
Johnny answered: Yes, of course, Miss. Drin-King, Smo-King, and Bon-King!”