The Boyle’d Pot 23/08/’24

Praise for those who restored water services
Well done to those who worked over last weekend to fix the burst water main in Boyle Town Centre and ensured businesses could open again on Monday morning. A burst pipe on Saturday afternoon sent water cascading down Bridge Street. Personnel from Irish Water and Roscommon Co Co were quickly on scene to stop the flow and worked all day and night Saturday and Sunday to fix the problem.
Of course, the inconvenience gave some of the keyboard warriors an opportunity to give out about the water being turned off. The situation was an unfortunate one and something that could not have been foreseen or avoided. Well done once again to the men, who most likely had other plans for the weekend, but who worked hard to see water flowed in Boyle on Sunday evening.
Here on we sourced and then published as much information as we could find to advise the public of the situation, as many had been in touch with us to find out what was happening. There was no information whatsoever on Roscommon Co Co website and any information we did get was from Irish Water. Maybe a notice on RCC website or social media may have helped the situation.
Film Screening in Boyle as part of Roscommon Pride
To celebrate Roscommon pride, there will be a film screening in Boyle Family Resource Centre this Sunday. All are welcome to join this LGBTQIA+ movie screening, featuring a well known LGBTQIA+ movie and a short documentary on the experience of LGBTQIA+ people living in rural Ireland – ‘Making Waves’. Doors open at 3pm, movie starts at 3.30pm sharp. Relax and enjoy an evening of film in a safe space – the perfect way to wind down after the Roscommon Pride celebrations. Pre registration essential. With thanks to the Boyle Film Club and the Gay Health Network.
Boyle native sets world record
Last weekend we published a post on our Facebook page detailing the great achievement of octogenarian Boyle native John McDermott who won gold at the World Masters Athletics Championships 2024 in Gothenburg and in the process, set a new World Record in the M80 200m Hurdles. His incredible time of 36.02 seconds not only secured his place in the history books but also served as an inspiration for his teammates and many others. John is a real role with the way he keeps fit and healthy in his eighties. John’s brother Liam and his wife Alice still live in the McDermott home place in Abbeytown and on what must have been a proud day for the McDermott family, Liam and Alice’s daughter – Anne Marie, who is based in Norway – sang Amhrain na Bhiann at the medal ceremony in the stadium as the Irish flag was raised and John got his gold medal.
And yesterday (Thursday) John won his heat comfortably to see him through to todays men’s W80 200m final where he could easily set another world record. Check out our Facebook page later today to see how John gets on.
The post relating to John was one of the most popular Facebook posts on Boyletoday in years with a reach of 277,738, liked 5,200 times and shared 151 times!!
Boyle had further representatives at the Championship with Michelle Lannon also getting on the winners podium when she was a member of the Irish team that won silver in the W50 Cross Country event.
Children’s auditions for Boyle Musical
Boyle Musical Society is looking for young people aged from 7 to 18 to play the parts of the Von Trapp children in their forthcoming production of ‘The Sound of Music’. The show will be staged from November 20th to 23rd.
Auditions for these parts will be held at 7pm on Wednesday September 4th in Abbey College and they are specifically looking for girls aged from 7 to 18 and boys aged between 10 and 15 to play the parts of the children. The auditions will run from 7pm to 9pm. If your child is interested in auditioning they must register before 7pm on Saturday, August 31st. This can only be done by downloading and completing the registration form here. Each person will be required to sing the song ‘Do-Re-Mi’ from the show and a link to this can be found with the registration form. Latecomers or anybody not registered will not be admitted to the auditions.
News snippets from around Boyle
A word of praise to the residents of Felton/Termon and Station Roads along with Plunkett Avenue who have really made a brilliant effort in landscaping their neighbourhood and are a leading example to others………..All the talk last week in relation to Carrick on Shannon soon to have third level courses available to residents brought a smile to our faces considering third level courses have been available to people in Boyle for over a year now via the Spool Factory which is a ‘Learning Gate’ for the Atlantic University of the Shannon……..If you are heading past the Abbey Park over the weekend, take a look at the wall of the Park just before the river to see the great work the Abbeytown Road Residents Association members did earlier this week when they took down all the ivy that was choking the wall………….Thankfully the resurfacing of the carriageway on Bridge Street, (which forms part of the public realm project), had not taken place in advance of the burst water main on Saturday………..Free talk to day Friday at 1pm in Una Bhan Tourism on ‘The History & Evolution of the Telephone Network with Michael Larkin, author of ‘Making the Right Connections’. Join Michael to find out all about the history of the telephone network. He will also share information on how many did not think Bell’s new invention would be a success and some fun anecdotes about people’s fear around the telephone……………Sinn Fein Councillor for the Boyle Municipal District Leah Cull along with her party colleague Claire Kerrane TD will host another constituent advice clinic this Saturday in the Spool Factory in Boyle. Please phone 094 9861688 for an appointment. Well done to Leah and Claire on this initiative as Boyle currently has no Councilor living in the town so it is great to have access to an advice clinic like this in Boyle………It’s hard to believe that some schools are now back in action, when it feels like we never really had a summer. Abbey College in Boyle has published it’s school arrangements which reads as follows: Thursday 22nd August: 1st Year Induction 10am-12:30pm, Friday 23rd August: 1st Year Timetabled classes 10am-12:30pm. Tea/Coffee for parents at 12:30pm, Monday 26th August: 3rd & 6th years return to school 9am-1:15pm. Staff meeting in the afternoon, Tuesday 26th August: 2nd & 5th years return to school, Monday 2nd September: Transition Years return to school……… Roscommon Co. Council has advised that it is closing the L1026 Knockarush to Croghan road from 8am-6pm Monday 26th – Friday 30th August for roadworks. Diversions will be in place……..The Irish Ford Escort Owners Club will visit Lough Key Forest Park on Saturday 24th August between 1.15pm and 2pm as part of their 2024 Midland Run. All are welcome to come along to see the cars up close………Best wishes to the Boyle players involved with the Roscommon Masters GAA team who face Kerry on Saturday in Clarecastle, Co. Clare in the All Ireland semi final. Throw in is at 3pm……….A United Sunday Service for Boyle and Ardcarne Church of Ireland will be held in Ardcarne Church (off N4 between Boyle & Carrick-on-Shannon) this Sunday 25th August at 10.30 a.m. All welcome. No service in Boyle Church. Morning Prayer in Aghanagh Church.
And finally…!
A lady goes to her priest one day and tells him: ‘Father, I have a problem.
I have two female parrots, But they only know to say one thing.
‘What do they say?’ the priest asked
They say, ‘Hi, we’re hookers! Do you want to have some fun?’
‘That’s obscene!’ the priest exclaimed, then he thought for a moment…..
‘You know,’ he said, ‘I may have a solution to your problem.
I have two male talking parrots, which I have taught to pray and read the Bible…
Bring your two parrots over to my house, and we’ll put them in the cage with Francis and Peter.
My parrots can teach your parrots to pray and worship and your parrots are sure to stop saying that phrase in no time.’
‘Thank you,’ the woman responded, ‘this may very well be the solution.’
The next day, she brought her female parrots to the priest’s house.
As he ushered her in, she saw that his two male parrots were inside their cage holding rosary beads and praying.
Impressed, she walked over and placed her parrots in with them.
After a few minutes, the female parrots cried out in unison: Hi, we’re hookers! Do you want to have some fun?’
There was stunned silence.
One male parrot looked over at the other male parrot and said,
‘Quick Frank, put away the beads, our prayers have been answered’.