The Boyle’d Pot 22/12/’23

Film shot on location in Boyle to screen over Christmas
The TV premiere of ‘Ann’ which was filmed mainly on location in Boyle over a three week period back in the summer of 2021, will screen on RTE 1 on Wednesday December 27th at 9.30pm. ‘Ann’ is the real-life story of Ann Lovett, a 15-year-old girl who died in childbirth in a grotto in Granard, Co. Longford. The feature film is set over one day – January 31st 1984, and shines a light into the last day of Ann’s life, a girl alone, abandoned by society, by its prejudices, taboos, and traditions. Speaking to earlier this year, director Ciaran Creagh said: “We shot the movie in Boyle, where the locals welcomed us. Some days we locked down the town, but all we were ever given was support. Roscommon County Council was so good to the production, as were others such as An Garda Síochána. We shot this film over 12 long days in one of the most beautiful summers in years. We aimed to convey the story in a straightforward, almost narrative documentary style and transport the audience back to a church-domineered Ireland that no longer existed but felt all too familiar”.
Some useful Christmas information and numbers
The Injury Unit at the Urgent Care Centre at Roscommon Hospital is open every day over Christmas from 8am to 8pm. The Unit treats non limb and non life threatening injuries like scalds, wound type injuries, suspected broken bones, strains and sprains, minor burns and the removal of foreign objects from eyes, ears and nose. Average turnaround time at the Unit is 60 minutes and it can be a lot quicker here than travelling to A&E in Sligo. The Roscommon number is 090 6632212.
NoWDOC is the urgent out of hours GP service in this area. This service operates for people who need to access a GP outside their own GP opening hours. It can be contacted at 1850 400 911.
Other useful numbers:
Boyle Gardai 071 9664620
St Vincent de Paul in Boyle contact number 087 9292627.
Roscommon Co Co emergency number 090 6637100
Don’t abuse our free parking this Christmas
Another benefit of living here in Boyle is free on street parking (something our retail community should be highlighting more in their promotional efforts…..). Many other towns have paid for parking or one hour parking, but not so in Boyle – and long may this last. But if motorists continue to abuse the free parking, then you could find a situation where the powers that be have a strong argument for imposing paid parking in Boyle. Motorists need to understand that they do not have a right to park directly outside whatever shop they need to go into and if they do get a parking space – they have a duty to park correctly in it – not abandon their car or nose their vehicle into the space. In addition, double yellow lines mean no parking, and putting on your ‘I can park anywhere’ double flashers does not give you permission to park on these lines. The worst area for this is on the north side of Main Street and also outside King House on the newly laid paving stones, both sides of St. Patrick Street at the junction with Bridge Street and Main Street and around the junction of Termon Road as one comes onto the Crescent. If you get a ticket for illegal parking this Christmas, don’t say you haven’t been warned!
Large number of submissions on hostel planning application
43 submissions have been received by Roscommon County Council in relation to a planning application for change of use from existing Ground Floor Apartment and First Floor Apartment (No.4) and 2-storey dwellinghouse (No. 5) to use as hostel accommodation encompassing the entire building together with necessary alterations and all ancillary site works and services including parking at Abbey Terrace, (Knocknashee Townland), Sligo Road, Boyle. Roscommon County Council are due to make a decision on the application January 19th 2024.
Great welcome for new additions on Lough Key
There was a great reaction to our news story last Monday that detailed the installation of the easy launch kayak system and swim dock at the Doon Shore. While always a safe place to swim, the new swim dock will make it even more so and with ladders to climb up on, it will be a great addition next summer. Two more kayak launches will soon be added – one in Rockingham and at other at the head of the river at the Woodenbridge. The Doon Shore has now received a total make over which is most welcome.
Christmas Greetings from
Merry Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year to all the loyal viewers of and a warm welcome home to the ‘Boylers’ from all over the world. Thank you for making this website your number one media choice for all factual news relating to the town and area. will have limited updates from the town over the holiday period and the Boyle’d Pot will be back again on Friday January 5th. If you would like an event or item featured on, please feel free to email [email protected]. Merry Christmas everyone!
News snippets and events from around Boyle
Christmas Day swim take place in Lough Arrow at 1pm with registration at Flynn’s Pier from 12.30pm…….. The traditional Treasure Hunt in aid of Mayo Roscommon Hospice takes place from 2.30pm on St Stephen’s Day at Lough Key Forest & Activity Park. Make your donation and pick up your clues outside the Visitor Centre, then gather in Dodd’s Bar after to hand in sheets and debate the answers!………….Cootehall 5k/10k run and walk will be held on St. Stephen’s Day at 1pm………….Christmas Dinner for those who are living alone around Boyle takes place on Wednesday December 27th in King House Tea Rooms from 12.30pm. To book, please contact Dorothy on 0876430326……… Studio Eleven Yoga Donation class is in aid of the Children’s Health foundation Temple Street Hospital on Thursday December 28th. Booking essential on 0863365363…………..Autism RPM West fun Run/Walk will take place on Monday December 27th at 2pm in Lough Key Forest Park with registration from 1.30pm……….Boyle GAA club Christmas Table Quiz takes place this year in St Joseph’s Hall on Thursday 28th December at 7.30pm. Entry €10 per person with reduction for children. Test your general knowledge and enjoy a great social occasion……………Shame on the person(s) who chipped off the nose of the ‘River King’ otter at the Green Bridge in Boyle. Someone had to climb the wall and make an effort to undertake this act of vandalism……….The annual Saddlers Inn Tractor Run will once again pass through Boyle on New Year’s Day. More information on closer to the event………….Councillor John Cummins has been in contact to advise that the portion of N61 carriageway from the top of the Shilling Hill into the Family Resource Centre will also receive an overlay in January………….Glamping pods at next summer’s Night and Day Festival in Boyle’s Lough Key Forest Park can now be booked here……….It was heartening to see the number of Boyle businesses staying in the town for their Christmas parties this year………Today Friday 22nd is one of the busiest days on our roads. It is also the final National Slow Down Day of 2023 and Gardai have been out since 7am enforcing speed regulations……..One wonders what is the story behind the abandoned buggy adjacent to the information point outside An Rioga?!?!……….Great news here on last Tuesday when it was announced that Frybrook House will open for guest accommodation in 2024.
And finally…!
An Cavan man – not too fond of spending money, calls his son in Sydney and says, “I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; “forty-five years of misery is enough.”
“Dad, what are you talking about?” the son screams.
“We can’t stand the sight of each other any longer,” the old man says.
“We’re sick of each other, and I’m sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Brisbane and tell her,” and he hangs up.
Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. “No way are they’re getting divorced,” she shouts, “I’ll take care of this.”
She calls her dad immediately, and screams at her father, “You are NOT getting divorced! Don’t do a single thing until I get there. I’m calling my brother back, and we’ll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don’t do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?” and hangs up.
The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife.
“Don’t worry,”he says, “it’s all sorted”. “They’re coming home for Christmas and in-to-the-bargain, they’re also paying their own airfares!”