The Boyle’d Pot

The Boyle’d Pot 21/06/’24

‘Lough Key Master Plan’ has ability to transform Boyle

We did say previously that there would be more good news for Boyle and some of this news came on Wednesday last when close on €1.2m was announced under the EU Just Transition Fund for the initial design and planning stages of what is believed to be a €15m ‘Master Plan’ regeneration project for Boyle’s Lough Key Forest Park. The exciting and sympathetic to the environment plan will see some major developments take place in the Park that will double visitor and employment numbers in the popular tourist attraction. The developments will include upgrades to the visitors centre and stable building, caravan park and parking areas, new water based activities and a new project at the Moylurg Tower, increased food and retail outlets and other developments that will be announced in due course.  Wednesday’s announcement of €1.2m is for the planning and design stage of the project – it is not for commencing and completing projects in the Park as some believe. Members of the public will be fully advised and consulted on the plans as they progress.
The developments will have the ability to transform not only the Park, but Boyle town as well – that’s if the town grasps this opportunity that is currently gaining momentum. Local businesses and entrepreneurs now need to get ready for this major investment in our Forest Park. If the actual Mater Plan itself gets the funding required and proceeds, Boyle will need more accommodation, additional restaurants and retail outlets (that open 7 days per week) and every type of tourist attraction and facility that will entice the extra people from the Park into the town of Boyle. With more good news on the horizon for Boyle this summer, it is shaping up to be an exciting, opportunistic and unprecedented time for our town.


Drug scene in Boyle reminiscent of Dublin four years ago

With last Monday evening seeming more like winter than summer, it was a night to sit in and watch TV. Virgin Media were showing a repeat of ‘The Guards’, a behind the scenes programme that followed Garda members in the ‘K’ District in Dublin as they worked on investigations into major crimes, ranging from gang violence to the drugs epidemic in what is Ireland’s busiest policing district. The first episode of this programme aired in March 2020 and much of what was discussed in the programme at that time, and repeated last Monday evening, was alien to towns like Boyle. But fast forward four years and what was happening then in relation to drugs in the ‘K’ is now happening in nearly every rural town in Ireland – including Boyle. Dealers are openly selling cannabis, cocaine and other drugs and on occasion are using young people to distribute their illegal substance around the town, knowing quite well that children are treated differently from adults by the criminal justice system. Where will this lead our young people if it is not stopped? Drugs are getting a foothold in small towns like Boyle and members of the public and the Gardai need to urgently act to stop the sale and supply of illegal substances in our town before Boyle is faced with scenes similar to that seen in ‘The Guards’ TV programme.


Memories of Bonfire Night

Sunday night is ‘Bonfire Night’, once a night of great fun and celebration and yet another tradition that is slowly dying away. Years ago Bonfire Night in Boyle was not a one night affair but started weeks beforehand, when garages were visited to get the coveted old tyres for the fire. The storing of these tyres in various locations by different neighbourhoods was a closely guarded secret. Panic set in when word spread that the Marian Road gang or the Abbeytown, Carrick Road, Greatmeadow, Termon, Deerpark or Mockmoyne crew had heard where the neighbouring tyre stash was stored, and a well planned heist would take place resulting in a number of weeks work going up in (black) smoke! Bonfire night itself was a great occasion in Boyle and families gathered around the fire long into the night with children going home black from head to toe with tyre dirt and not a word mentioned about health and safety. And then when school finished the next day, it was back to the fire to try and rekindle it and start it all over again!


Tidy Town need your help to continue their great work

This blog has regularly mentioned the great work being undertaken weekly, indeed daily, by the Tidy Town volunteers in Boyle and this week compliments must go to the residents on Termon Road who undertook great work in clearing and planting near the old weighbridge. Planting also took place recently on the Crescent, Mocmoyne, Deerpark and Carrick Road along with other areas of town. A new raised bed is currently being prepared at the entrance to Green St Car park and planters will soon be in place in other locations around town. Yesterday evening, volunteers cleaned up the Pleasure Grounds and worked on taking ivy and fallen leaves from the walls of the Pleasure Ground along the old Carrick Road and Abbeytown Bridge. With some sunshine and warm weather, Boyle should look better than ever this summer. But all this work costs money and with this in mind Boyle Tidy Town has set up a GoFundMe page to help defray costs. All donations to the fund will be gratefully received however large or small. You can access the GoFundMe page here


News snippets from around Boyle

A Mass to celebrate Fr. Gerry’s 50 years of priesthood takes place this evening Friday 21st June at 7.30p.m in Joseph’s Church. The Parish Pastoral Council extend an open invitation to all parishioners who wish to attend the Mass and to join Fr. Gerry and his family afterwards for a social evening with refreshments in St. Joseph’s Hall………..Only one week to go until the ‘Night and Day’ Festival returns to Boyle’s Lough Key Forest Park. Day passes are available to purchase at Boyle Craft Shop in the grounds of King House. There are some great acts lined up and it is not often you will get a chance to enjoy such big names so close to home……….It’s north to Omagh this Saturday as the Roscommon senior team and the Boyle contingent take on Tyrone. Fingers crossed!………Work should commence soon on the new pedestrian crossings at the Bank of Ireland, Studio Eleven and outside the Plunkett Home along with the upgrade of the existing crossings. It is understood work on the upgrade of An Rioga car park, which is the progression of the public realm project, will not commence until after the Arts Festival………..Good luck to boxer Eddie Corcoran from Boyle who takes part in the European Junior Championship in Bosnia over the next 11 days………..The drier weather of late has seen some of the larger buildings in the centre of the town get a coat of paint but unfortunately the ones that badly need it are not getting attention and continue to drag down the look of the town……….The Irish language conversation group in Boyle are taking a summer break and will return to the Library on Tuesday August 6th at 18.30 – 19.30………The inaugural AsIAm Forest Walk will take place in Lough Key Forest Park  on Sunday June 23rd with entry via……….Once again a good citizen has had to cut the grass at the Second Gate in Rockingham. Roscommon Co Co were requested to do this but it would seem they cannot keep up with the existing level of grass cutting as it is. Likewise, something need to be done with the cycle path as is is covered in debris. If local people clean the path out of desperation, will the Council just assume this is what will happen going forward? Perhaps some of our new councillors can take this up with RCC………Boyle Church of Ireland United Service for Boyle and Ardcarne in Ardcarne Church this Sunday 23rd June at 10.30 a.m. All Welcome. No Service in Boyle Church. Morning Prayer in Aghanagh Church at 12 noon………Drop in to Boyle Craft Shop today Friday at 1pm for a cup of tea and a trip down Memory Lane. Bring along a cherished photo or a treasured object and share the story behind it…………Sligo University Hospital is advising that visiting restrictions are in place on a number of wards due to COVID-19 and Norovirus outbreaks on site. Visiting to the affected wards is limited to compassionate grounds only and these visits should be arranged in advance with the nurse manager on the ward……….The Caelan O’Dowd Memorial Run, Walk and Half Marathon takes place this Sunday with start and finish from O’Dowd’s Storage and Warehousing in Gurteen. All proceeds to Northwest Stop and Samaritans Sligo. Registration via WhatsApp 086 3885000 or on the day with admission optional. Your support for this event would be appreciated…………Boyle cyclist Seanie Brennan is taking part in the Tour de Burren tomorrow Saturday to raise funds for Boyle Ladybirds, Brownies and Girl Guides. There is still time to sponsor Seanie here.


And finally…..!

Miss Beatrice, the church organist, was in her eighties and had never been married.
She was admired for her sweetness and kindness to all.
One afternoon the pastor came to call on her and she showed him into her quaint sitting room.
She invited him to have a seat while she prepared tea.
As he sat facing her old Hammond organ, the young minister noticed a cute glass bowl sitting on top of it.
The bowl was filled with water, and in the water floated, of all things, a condom!
When she returned with tea and scones, they began to chat.
The pastor tried to stifle his curiosity about the bowl of water and its strange floater, but soon it got the better of him and he could no longer resist.
‘Miss Beatrice’, he said, ‘I wonder if you would tell me about this?’ Pointing to the bowl.
‘Oh, yes,’ she replied, ‘Isn’t it wonderful?
I was walking through the park a few months ago and I found this little package on the ground.
The directions said to place it on the organ, keep it wet and that it would prevent the spread of disease.
And do you know what, I haven’t had the flu all winter.’

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