The Boyle’d Pot 20/12/’19

Looking forward to a busy 2020 in Boyle
As we enter the last few days of this decade, we think of the year past, look forward to year ahead and all that’s planned for Boyle during 2020. One thing is for sure, you will notice a lot more construction traffic and associated personnel in the town throughout the year with work due to commence on the following projects:
- The regeneration of the Royal Building
- Drumanilra Farm Kitchen’s €1m rebuild on Elphin Street
- New classrooms and Home Economics Kitchen at Abbey College
- The upgrade and refurbishment of the second gate of Rockingham
- The new walk way from end of cycle path through Pleasure Grounds
- and as all this happens work will conclude on the cyclepath with an anticipated spring opening
Items hindering our development
While the above paints a rosy picture of the future, it’s not all bright and a number of items need attention in 2020:
- More affordable housing need to be developed
- Retailers need to address Sunday opening
- We need a wider choice of restaurants open 7 days per week, especially in summer
- Garda station hours need to be reviewed
- Small industry need to be encouraged to choose Boyle and provide sustainable employment
Over the next number of years, Boyle will reap the rewards of the last four years of planning by the Town Team, Chamber of Commerce and County Council. There were a number of barriers put in place over the years by one or two as those tasked with development went about their business but positivity and unity always outweighs negativity and division and by ignoring the begrudger(s), Boyle is now moving forward apace with an exciting and positive future ahead.
Let’s hope many are ‘Roscommonbound’
Minister for Finance Paschal Donohue recently launched the new forerunner to the new global Rossie strategy – The website and associated promotional literature intend to reconnect Roscommon people around the globe including what has been referred to as the ‘east coast diaspora and the affinity diaspora’. It is also a ‘one stop shop’ for anyone thinking about moving to Roscommon or setting up a business here. The concept has been widely welcomed with plans afoot to hold an international ‘Rossie Day’ on June 21st. The Roscommonbound website, which you can view here and the associated promotional material has a strong Boyle feel to it. As expected Lough Key Forest Park and the Gaelic Chieftain feature in many of the photographic sections while a section on Boyle outlines 12 good reasons why one would invest or move to the town. Boyle 2040 also features with the section on the plan stating “Boyle is currently undergoing a revival and re-imaging of its role as a town and a town with greater prominence in its location in the North and West region of Ireland“.
Remember, if you have family home for Christmas, please familiarise them with and proudly tell them all that is planned for Boyle over the next few years.
Don’t abuse our free parking this Christmas
Another benefit of living here in Boyle is free on street parking. Many other towns have paid for parking or one hour parking, but not so in Boyle – and long may this last. But if motorists continue to abuse the free parking, then you could find a situation where the powers that be have a strong argument for imposing paid parking in Boyle. Motorists need to understand that they do not have a right to park directly outside whatever shop they need to go into and if they do get a parking space – they have a duty to park correctly in it – not abandon their car or nose their vehicle into the space. In addition, double yellow lines mean no parking, and putting on your ‘I can park anywhere’ double flashers does not give you permission to park on these lines. The worst area for this is on the north side of Main Street, both sides of St. Patrick Street at the junction with Bridge Street and Main Street and around the junction of Termon Road as one comes onto the Crescent. If you get a ticket for illegal parking this Christmas, don’t say you haven’t been warned!
Eco Eye to film in Boyle
A film crew from popular RTE TV series ‘Eco Eye’ along with presenter Duncan Stewart are scheduled to visit Boyle today. They are coming to town to film a piece for an episode due to air in the New Year on spatial planning and in particular Boyle’s inclusion in the Pilot Residential Occupancy Scheme and the town’s efforts to get people to live in the town centre. Eco Eye is Ireland’s longest running, environmental TV series, now in production for its 15th season. One of the most popular television shows on Irish television and for over 100 episodes, they have examined environmental issues both home and abroad.
Some useful Christmas information and numbers
The Injury Unit at the Urgent Care Centre at Roscommon Hospital is open every day over Christmas from 8am to 8pm for patients 5 years and over. The Unit treats non limb and non life threatening injuries like scalds, wound type injuries, suspected broken bones, strains and sprains, minor burns and the removal of foreign objects from eyes, ears and nose. Average turnaround time at the Unit is 60 minutes and it can be a lot quicker here than travelling to A&E in Sligo. The Roscommon number is 090 6632212.
NoWDOC is the urgent out of hours GP service in this area. This service operates for people who need to access a GP outside their own GP opening hours. It can be contacted at 1850 400 911.
Other useful numbers:
St Joseph’s Church 24 hour emergency number 086 8262643
Boyle Gardai 071 9664620
St Vincent de Paul in Boyle contact number 087 9292627.
Roscommon Co Co Boyle Area 071 9662101
Pieta House (if feeling suicidal) 1800 247 247
Christmas Greetings from
Merry Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year to the regular and increasing number of new viewers of and a warm welcome home to the ‘Boylers’ from all over the world. Thank you for making this website your number one media choice for all factual news relating to the town and area. will have daily updates from the town over the holidays with the exception of Christmas Day. If you would like an event or item featured, please feel free to email [email protected]. Merry Christmas everyone!
And finally….!
Siamese twins walk into a bar in Canada and park themselves on a bar stool…
One of them says to the bartender,
“Don’t mind us; we’re joined at the hip…
I’m John, he’s Jim…
Two Molson Canadian beers, draft please.”
The bartender, feeling slightly awkward, tries to make polite conversation while pouring the beers…
“Been on holiday yet, lads?”
“Off to Ireland next month,” says John…
“We go to Ireland every year, rent a car and drive for miles…
Don’t we, Jim?”
Jim agrees…
“Ah, Ireland!” says the bartender…
“Wonderful country…
The history, the leprechauns, the craic…”
“Nah, we don’t like that Irish crap,” says John…
“Hamburgers and Molson’s beer, that’s us, eh Jim?
And we can’t stand the Irish…
“So why keep going to Ireland?” asks the bartender…
“‘Cause it’s the only chance Jim gets to drive….!”