The Boyle’d Pot 19/05/23

The hidden danger at a Boyle junction
One of Boyle’s most dangerous junctions in town has to be at Wynne’s Corner, where cars coming from Main Street have to stop before crossing the road to head out St. Patrick Street. But the danger does not always come from crossing the road. The danger can often come from the cars travelling behind you on Main Street, who do not see the stationary vehicle in front as one waits to see if the road is clear before crossing the junction. Distracted by shops and people walking about, motorists look left and right and do not see the vehicles stopped at the junction and have to swerve at the last minute to avoid a collision. Motorists coming in Main Street are asked to please be mindful of cars stopped at this junction and to pay attention to their surroundings.
Local openings and closings
Openings and closings are part and parcel of life in any small town like Boyle and for various reasons – not all commercial. While last weekend saw two closures taking place, we can look forward to a number of new openings in the town over the next few weeks with keen interest also being expressed and sales concluding on some vacant premises in the town centre.
If any budding entrepreneur sat down, looked at what we currently do not have in Boyle and what we actually need, they would see that there are so many commercial opportunities available in our town at present. With online shopping now the norm, any new businesses will most likely succeed if they are modern in nature, what the consumer requires and utilise ‘smart’ technology and the internet to promote and sell their wares and make them competitive and profitable. Boyle is bustling during the summer months and with low rents, free on street parking, increased footfall, new streetscapes to commence on Bridge Street and Shop Street, and with a ‘smart’ outlook, it would be an astute business person who looks to rent or buy some of the high profile premises that are available at present in the town centre and set up businesses that will succeed in this ‘new’ world in which we live in.
How Boyle’s 1980’s feel can be to our advantage
It was interesting to note the PR information that issued with the film ‘Ann’ that was shot in Boyle and is currently being screened in cinema’s nationwide – “With present-day Boyle, Co. Roscommon standing in for 1980s Granard, the film perfectly conjures the physical and psychological claustrophobia of small town life”. The statement that the town looks like one for the 1980’s is factual, but that should not be seen as a negative. Boyle is indeed reminiscent of a 1980’s town and this is something we should capitalize on. Thankfully, Boyle ‘missed the boat’ in the nineties when town centres all over the country were over developed. Here in Boyle we still have that small town feel and beautifully structured buildings and with the Government now taking the planning and organising of town centres seriously, any redevelopment in Boyle will have to be sensitive to the surroundings. We now need to build on our unique 1980’s rural Ireland stature and use it to our advantage.
Maintenance of cycleway is a must
Despite repeated calls from the public and civic bodies in Boyle, it seems there is currently no maintenance plan in place for the Lough Key to Boyle cycleway. The path from the first to the second gate of Rockingham is a disgrace, made worse by the uprooting the perimeter wooden dividers soem time ago in an act of blatant thuggery. Recently, volunteers from Boyle Tidy Towns did a great clean up of the section of the cycleway from the Sligo Road to the Shilling Hill and in the process, shoveled away years of leaves that had accumulated on the cycleway. There is no point in spending hundreds of thousands of euro on an asset like the cycleway and then letting it deteriorate. Roscommon County Council need to put in place a maintenance plan for the structure without delay.
News snippets from around Boyle.
Safe cycling to local man Eddie Conroy who sets off tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 8.30am from Celtic Park on an epic 300km (or so) round trip to visit all the Roscommon and District Soccer League club grounds in the county. In the process Eddie, along with Gerry Davis and Niall Kelly, will raise funds for Croi and Jigsaw . All monies received will go directly to these great causes and you can donate here………..Hopefully there will be good weather for Saturday’s First Holy Communion in St. Joseph’s Church at 12 noon……….There was a great reaction to Wednesday’s new story on in relation to Sinead Donoghue’s fundraising efforts in memory of her late mother – popular Boyle lady Regina Finn. You can still support this great cause here………..The Night and Day festival is drawing closer. How many Boyle businesses are planning to host fringe events or capatalise on the influx of people to the Park?……All roads lead to Croker on Sunday week when Roscommon take on the Dubs at 4pm. Will Irish Rail put on a late train on the Dublin – Sligo line that serves North Roscommon, as they most likely will do on the Dublin Westport line that serves Roscommon town?…….An informal meeting/chat for parents of children, both young and old, who have ADHD will be held this evening Friday in the Spool Factory Office Suites at 7pm……Shame on those who defaced the equipment in the children’s play area in the Pleasure Ground with disgusting graffiti. This type of vandalism needs to be eliminated and the culprits named and shamed and made clean it up………Great reports of very tasty food being served from the newest food outlet in Boyle – Paul’s Retro Eats Food Truck – in the grounds of Results Gym on the Carrick Road.
And Finally….!
Little Johnny, 6 years old, gets home from school. He had his first family planning lesson at school.
His mother, is very interested & she asks “…How did it go?”
“I died of shame”…he answers!
Annie from over the road, says that the stork brings babies. Sally next door said you can buy babies at the orphanage.
Timmy in my class says you can buy babies at the hospital.
His mother answers laughingly…
“But that’s no reason to be ashamed?”
“No, but I can’t tell them that we were so poor that you and Daddy had to make me yourselves!”