The Boyle’d Pot 18/12/15

Christmas parking in Boyle
This past few days seems to have witnessed a pick up in trade in town. Perhaps this has to do with the Christmas season or it could also be a result of “Cabin Fever” with people having been stuck indoors as a result of the bad weather of late. No matter what is the reason, it is great to see the town busy. And with the crowds comes the cars and the illegal parking to which a blind eye is normally turned at other times of the year. With the increase in traffic, the problem becomes more obvious. Take Main Street for example. Parking on the hatching lines and double yellows are common place resulting in a build up of traffic along Bridge Street and Military Road. Like wise, parking outside the Royal Hotel and Patricks Well also hinders the free flow of traffic. So this Christmas please use the free off street car parks we are blessed to have in Boyle and in the process, free up our town so traffic can move without hindrance.
Brighter days lie ahead
This is one story I love to write each year. From Tuesday next, the days get longer! Monday December 21st is the winter solstice marking the longest night and shortest day of the year. After the winter solstice, the days get longer, and the nights get shorter. On a clear evening in mid January you will notice a welcome “stretch in the evenings”. Snowdrops are already visible around Boyle and there are reports of Daffodils in bloom. No doubt we will have bad weather ahead but we are now nearly on the good side of the winter season. Brighter days lie ahead!
Work needed on rail line
Travelling to Dublin by train has become quite a chore in recent weeks with bus transfers in operation between Carrick and Longford due to flooding on the line. One could argue that this is totally outside the control of Irish Rail, but as it is a problem that looks likely to persist into the future, there is an onus on the company to ensure the problem is dealt with. The only option seems to be a raising of the rail line, if thats possible otherwise bus transfers will be a common feature each winter. While on the subject of the rail line, in 2016, representations should also be made to get the green commuter trains taken off the Dublin – Sligo line. they are not intercity rolling stock and should not be used on an intercity service.
Two draws next week
The Christmas Lights draw will take place in Creightons Bar this Monday night. There is still time to buy a ticket and you could be a €1000 better off for the festive season! Then on Wednesday 23rd the Town Team funded €1500 Christmas Draw for shoppers in Boyle will take place in Mattimoes Bar at 10pm. Make sure to get your free entry when you shop in Boyle this Christmas. And remember to come out and attend both draw nights.
Christmas arrangement with the Boyle’d Pot
There will be no Boyle’d Pot next week – Christmas Day as we also need a day off! As we reflect on another year, all that remains is to thank you our growing number of viewers for making this blog one of the most read items each week on And a further thank you to all who voted The Boyle’d Pot into the finals of the 2015 Blog Ireland Awards in October past. It was a great achievement to get that far. Over the Christmas period, will cover a number of traditional events but the website policy of not going around bars and social outings taking photographs of people out for a social occasion will continue this year. Have an enjoyable Christmas and thank you for your company.
And finally….!
A thoughtful Scottish husband was putting his coat and hat on to make his way down to the local pub.
He turned to his wee wife before leaving and said, “Maggie – why don’t ye put your hat and coat on, lassie.”
She replied, “Awe, Jock that’s nice of ye – are you taking me tae the pub with ye?
“Nay,” Jock replied … “I’m turning the heat off while I’m oot.”