The Boyle’d Pot 17/1/14
Railway Parking
There are still many who are not prepared to pay the fee to park at Boyle Railway Station and therefore leave their car on Elphin Street or on the link road up by the Dentist(s) before using the train. This has resulted in parking problems for the many businesses that operate in this busy part of town. Another question many are asking is why we have to pay to park at Boyle Railway Station while our neighbours in Carrick-on-Shannon get to leave their cars at their station for free?
CCTV in Boyle
A recent survey on showed that 63% of those who voted were in favour of a CCTV for Boyle. On our facebook page, one reader stated that we do need one giving the recent ATM scam as a reason while another suggested a CCTV system would be a waste of money that could be better spent on “giving the kids something to do”.
Rates Reduction
News this week that Roscommon County Council has approved a 1% reduction in commercial rates will be welcomed by the hard pressed business owners in the county including those in Boyle. One wonders will rates drop further here in Boyle with the abolition of the Town Council as it is understood that there is an additional levy on businesses in towns where there is a Town Council. A good idea that was suggested recently was that efforts should be made for one year rates free period for new businesses opening in Boyle as an incentive to reinvigorate the commercial sector. Anyone interested in driving this forward?
Late Sean McGuinn
This week we bade farewell to one of the last remaining “characters” of the town – Seanie McGuinn from Termon Road. Seanie was from a long established and respected Boyle family and was well known to all who frequented the Royal Hotel during his 30 years as maintenance man in the establishment. In recent times, the years were psychically taking their toil on Seanie and he became recognisable from his daily visits down town with his mobile walking aid. Despite being just over 80 years old, he never lost his ability to judge a good looking woman and his call of “hup” or “whose the queer wan” was a familiar cry. So farewell “chief” from all the “cowboys” and thanks for the memories – we may not see your likes again.
Openings and Closures
It is well recognised that the commercial life of any town involves openings and closures for various reasons and Boyle is not different. Recently McDonaghs Newsagents closed it’s doors but it’s prime location should ensure it does not stay closed for long. It is important that businesses at this pivotal junction remain vibrant as the junction gives a “first impression” to many people who are heading north to south on the N61 route which passes through our town ( Pity it is so dangerous! – see Boyle’d pot 22/11/13 ). Sadly after Christmas we said goodbye to another well known trader – Eamon Coogan who closed his doors after many years as a victualler. But this week we welcomed Stanley Taylor, from the long established Boyle business family, who opened up where Eamon left off. Best wishes Stanley for a successful future in your home town.
Late night Thursday’s
An interesting move by Bank of Ireland with late night opening until 8pm on Thursday in their Boyle and Roscommon branches. One wonders if this will be a success as realistically not a lot happens in rural Ireland after 6pm during the winter months. While the longer hours are to be welcomed, a more welcome idea may be to open earlier in the morning and stay open during lunch like most other businesses do.
And Finally…..!
A man at work receives a text message from his wife.
“Windows completely frozen. What do I do?”
He texts back:
“Pour hot water over it”
A few moments later the wife texts back:
“Well that’s the computer totally frigged now”