The Boyle’d Pot 16/11/’18

Christmas Dinner at King House Tea Rooms
Hats off to Dorothy Shannon and her team at King House Tea Rooms in Boyle who will once again open their doors on Christmas Day and provide lunch to those from the area who are living on their own. In a generous gesture, Dorothy plans to serve up a four course dinner on the 25th. Places are limited and advance booking is required on 087 643 0326. Doors will open at 12.30pm and the dinner will conclude at 5pm. Donations are welcome to Dorothy for this event. This gesture is yet another example of the great, caring town in which we live in here in Boyle.
New book on Boyle Workhouse in the Famine times
Well known Boyle man Barry Feely will launch yet another book tonight Friday November 16th. Barry has a number of other titles to his name including ‘A Life in Stone’, ‘They dared to challenge in the garrison town of Boyle’, The Killoran family story’, The Feely family story’ and ‘Great Characters’. In his latest book – ‘We are the Survivors’, Barry tells the story of Boyle Workhouse and emigration in Famine times. The Workhouse once stood where the Plunkett Home is now located. The book is a record of the period 1803 to 1880 and how the Famine affected those from Boyle and will be a great future reference for that period in Boyle’s history. All are invited to the launch tonight in King House at 8pm.
McAleese Collection is here to stay
Misinformation doing the rounds once again in Boyle this week concerns the McAleese collection. This brilliant collection of gifts from former President Mary McAleese will remain in King House during the tourist season for the foreseeable future. It is not being moved ‘to Roscommon forever’ as suggested. Some items may be taken away during the closed winter season for safe keeping but there are no plans to move the collection out of Boyle. In fact the collection is so big, Boyle cannot accommodate all the gifts. The McAleese collection is another gem to have in the magnificent King House along with the Boyle Civic Art Collection and the interpretive centre.
Rail line changes feedback
Yesterday evening was the last time to submit feedback on the proposed changes to the Dublin Sligo rail line which are due to come into effect on December 9th. Of concern to many in Boyle is the time the first train will get into Sligo. At present the first train into Sligo MacDiarmada station is 11.12 am. Under the new proposal, the train will arrive at approx 10 am but some feel that this is not early enough for those from Boyle attending school, college or hospital appointments in Sligo. But if the train was to arrive in Sligo at, say 8.45 am, it would entail an approximate 5.30 am departure ex Connolly. The answer to the problem could be the provision of a commuter style train from Longford to Sligo arriving at 8.45am. Boyle Chamber of Commerce and other organisations proposed this on many occasions over the years and the idea raised its head again in September 2017 when Sligo Fianna Fáil Councillor Seamus Kilgannon made a similar suggestion. At that time Irish Rail said when they next review timetables with the National Transport Authority, the company will consult the public, including public representatives, on what Cllr Kilgannon proposed.
The Shambles work progresses
Despite efforts by one or two to destabilise the plans for the upgrade of the Shambles area, the work is progressing and coming in for favourable comment by all who have taken the time to admire the decorative brickwork that is currently being put in place. When completed this area will be a lot more visually attractive than heretofore and will greatly enhance this prime town centre location. The old saying ‘you have to crack eggs to make an omelette’ comes to mind and when funding comes our way to renovate the Royal etc, there will also be inconvenience for a time but the end result, just like at the Shambles, will far out weight the disturbance.
And finally…..!
The business was not doing very well so the board, feeling it was time for a shakeup, hired a new CEO.
The new boss was determined to rid the company of all slackers.
On a tour of the facilities, the CEO noticed a man leaning against a wall.
The room was full of workers and he wanted to let them know that he meant business.
He asked the man, “How much money do you make a week?”
A little surprised, the man looked at him and said, “I make €400 a week. Why?”
The CEO said, “Wait right here.” He walked back to his office, came back in two minutes, and handed the man €1,600 in cash and said, “Here’s four weeks’ pay. Now GET OUT and don’t come back!”
Feeling pretty good about himself, the CEO looked around the room and asked, “Does anyone want to tell me what that waster did here?”
There was silence for a moment, then from across the room a voice said, “He’s a pizza delivery guy from Domino’s.