The Boyle’d Pot 16/06/’23

‘The Royal’ to open for business
Thankfully there is movement once again on the Royal building with many wondering for weeks now what is happening with it and when would it open. It was confirmed on Tuesday (see story on homepage) that the regenerated Royal would house this July’s Boyle Arts Festival HQ and the Open Art Exhibition which will hopefully lead to similar type events being housed in the building. Unfortunately the highly anticipated acoustic shell that was announced at the tender stage does not seem to be incorporated in the building nor does the “large scale civic space for performances”. These would have been great additions to the town centre and one wonders why they were omitted? We also mentioned previously the missed opportunity in not having the building flood lit at night but perhaps that may happen at a later stage. In any case, the new look Royal is a vast improvement on what was there previously. Hopefully the people of Boyle will have an input going forward on the best and most suitable use for building for the betterment of the town.
Festival of Fun to add to Night and Day weekend
Only seven days to go now until the highly anticipated Night and Day festival comes to our very own Lough Key Forest Park. While the Park will understandably be the centre of attraction for the weekend, there is sure to be some spin off for Boyle from the passing festival goer, which is one of the reasons Boyle Family Resource Centre has organised a ‘Community Festival of Fun’ in the grounds of King House on Friday June 23rd (more details next week on Many festival goers will arrive in Boyle by train and some may take time out in the town before getting the shuttle bus to the Park. On Friday evening, they can venture to King House grounds where there will be plenty of activity and fun. Saturday morning will see the Courtyard Market and hopefully there will be a few more attractions for the visitor if they come into Boyle from the Park next weekend.
Boyle man selected on Irish Athletic Team
Congratulations to Boyle man Finley Daly who has been selected on the Irish Athletic Team for the European Games in Chorzow, Poland next week. Finley who is son on Padraig and Christine runs with Sligo AC and will participate in the Men’s 3000m Steeplechase. Ireland will be competing in Division 3 of the European Games with the main objective of gaining promotion to Division Two. The Games run from June 20th to 22nd
Midlands Aquathon comes to Boyle
Boyle’s Lough Key Forest Park will host Round Three of the Midlands Aquathon league on Wednesday next June 21st at 7.30pm. There are two distances for competitors to choose from – a 250m swim and 5k run or a 750m swim and 5k run. This is an over 18 only event and entry is €10. TI race licenece or one day licence required to take part.
News snippets from around Boyle
‘Boy Racers’ are not that common around Boyle but they were out in force last Sunday evening and ‘burned rubber’ as they went up the Crescent around 7pm. If anyone had walked out in front of them they would have been killed such was their speed………….There are free health checks for men in Boyle Family Resource Centre today Friday from 2 – 4.30pm. Blood pressure and pulse checks, plus guest speakers will make this an enjoyable, informative and perhaps life saving afternoon for any man who attends……….Our thoughts are with all those involved in Wednesday’s rail tragedy outside Collooney – those involved directly and also the emergency services who attended on the day………Best of luck to the Boyle players on the Roscommon senior team who take on Kildare on Sunday. Wouldn’t a win be a great excuse to continue the celebrations for Fathers Day!……….Save the date – Boyle Summer Show will take place this year on Sunday August 13th……..Like them or not, so called ‘Influencers’ are part of modern society. Last week five influencers from the UK visited Lough Key Forest Park as guests of Failte Ireland. Hopefully they will spread the good word about what our best tourist asset has to offer………..Credit where credit is due to ESB Networks and the ESB crew who restored power as soon as possible around the town after Tuesday’s thunderstorm…..The next Boyle Tidy Town clean up will take place on Thursday 22nd at 7pm………Make sure to tune into TG4 at 22:30 this Sunday night to catch the first in a five part series on last year’s Night and Day festival……Surely there is a civic responsibility on landlords and/or tenants to at least pick weeds directly outside their premises in Boyle? If everyone played their part it would make the town at a more visually attractive.
And finally…….!
Three mischievous old Grandmas were sitting on a bench outside a nursing home when an old Grandpa John, walked by.
The eldest granny yelled, “Hey John, we bet we can tell exactly how old you are.”
John said, “There is no way you can guess it, you old fools.”
The second old lady said, “Sure we can! – Just drop your pants and under shorts and we can tell your exact age.”
Embarrassed just a little, but anxious to prove they couldn’t do it, John dropped his drawers.
One of the old grannies asked him to first turn around a couple of times and to jump up and down several times. Then the three of them all piped up and said, “You’re 87 years old!”
Standing with his pants down around his ankles, John asked, “Spot on! How in the world did you guess?”
Slapping their knees and grinning from ear to ear, all the old girls happily yelled in unison…
“Sure we were at your birthday party yesterday!”