Weekly Blogs

The Boyle’d Pot 15/8/14

Boyle will be affected by MBNA closure

The shock announcement yesterday that 160 full time jobs are to go at the MBNA facility is not just a blow to Carrick-on-Shannon but to the general locality. There are many from Boyle and surrounding areas who work in MBNA and who are this morning coming to terms with the loss of their job in November. While there is never a good time to announce job losses, one has to wonder at the logic of telling people they will become unemployed one month before what should be the happiest (and dearest) time of the year – Christmas. A statement from management said the operation was moving to the UK. Why is this? With modern technology why can the UK customer not continue to be served from Carrick?  No doubt there will be calls for Task Forces and meetings upon meetings will be held in the next few months but the fact is Boyle will also suffer as a result of the job losses and any efforts to secure alternative industry to the area must include representation from and for our town.


An Opportunity Lost

The 2014 Rose of Tralee contestants were in this general area for the last few days but unfortunately Boyle was not on the list of places to visit. Lough Key Forest Park, Boyle Abbey and King House would have provided great photo opportunities for the organisers and would also have given the town another publicity shot for the tourism market. It is doubtful the Roses will come up to the same area next year but just in case, a letter to the organisers might not go amiss.


Battle of the Curlieu’s anniversary today

Today is the 415th anniversary of the Battle of the Curlieu’s.  It was fought on August 15th 1599 between the armies of Sir Conyers Clifford and Conor McDermot/ Brian O’Rourke. It is reported that 232 men died on the mountain during the famous battle. Unfortunately today, the anniversary of the battle will pass without any form of ceremony or tribute locally to those who gave their lives in combat, just outside our town. The history of the Battle of the Curlieus is well documented thanks to a Boyle native who passed away in 2003 and who had a lifelong interest and career in the military – Colonel Cyril Mattimoe. Maybe today, if you have a few minutes free, head up the Curlieu’s on the old road from Green St/Lowparks and say a prayer for the fallen soldiers of the Battle of the Curlieu’s.


Ian Beirne remembered rescheduled

The Ian Beirne 7 a side tournament that was to get underway later this evening (Friday) has been rescheduled to the weekend of 22nd. The tournament is a tribute to a man who was loved and is still missed by so many and who was such an integral part of the town. Ian left us suddenly in 2004 and his passing robbed Boyle of one of it’s best characters who should have been around for many more years to come. Ian will be foremost in our minds at the tournatmen as his beloved Boyle Celtic honor him in a way that would make him proud.


Clubs and Organisations get back in action

Slowly but surely the many clubs and organisations around Boyle will soon get back into action for the autumn and winter months. We are blessed in Boyle to have so many activities to keep us busy all year round, but in particular in the dark and cold nights of winter. Details of many evening/night classes in the Abbey Community College will soon be posted and the Family Life centre’s autumn/winter programme is now available. There will certainly be something for everyone to do this winter and the trick is to become involved. If you would like your club’s activities for the coming season publicised on Boyletoday.com, just send details to [email protected] and we will do the rest!


River Clean up – a great start

It was great to see the members of the local angling club take to the water and make an effort to clean up the Boyle river on Wednesday last. The Boyle and District Angling club must be among the most progressive angling clubs in the country and when it comes to helping out in Boyle they don’t hide behind the door. It has often been said here in the Boyle’d Pot that our river is Boyle town’s jewel in the crown and as such, it needs to be taken care of. A good clean up like last Wednesday is a start but the river needs an action plan for it’s future development. The plan should include a cutting back of the tress to the Abbeytown Bridge and perhaps the installation of a suspended floodlit fountain in the river, west of the town bridge.


And Finally….!

A woman and her husband interrupted their holiday to go to the dentist. “I want a tooth pulled, and I don’t want any anaesthetic because I’m in a big hurry,” the woman said. “Just extract the tooth as quickly as possible, and we’ll be on our way.” The dentist was quite impressed. “You’re certainly a courageous woman,” he said. “Which tooth is it?” The woman turned to her husband and said, “Show him your tooth, dear.”

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