The Boyle’d Pot 10/10/14

Bridge work commences at last
It was great to see work psychically commence on the reinstatement of Boyle Bridge last Monday. Local company Feelystone are subcontractors on the project for Jons Civil Engineering. Feelystone are carrying out the stone repairs and rebuilding elements of the project for Jons. The bridge stands on what is known as a national primary route (N61) and as such all work is handled by the National Roads Authority. Jons Engineering have the 2014 contract for emergency repair work in the north west region and the Boyle bridge feel under their remit. They subsequently sub contracted part of the work to Feelystone. When completed in mid November, the bridge will be returned to it’s former self with new footpaths added.
We need to stamp out crime in Boyle straight away
Yesterday evenings aggravated burglary at the Abbeytown Stores brings a new low to the town and one that needs to be eliminated as soon as possible. Knife point robberies in Boyle are not that common. But then again neither are smash and grab robberies, and now we have had one of each in our town in a few short weeks. It is imperative that we ensure this level of crime does not take hold in Boyle. Someone somewhere knows who robbed the Abbeytown Stores. This crime was not committed by high powered gang of criminals. At 8.15 on a Thursday night there was sure to be plenty of walkers on this route who may have noticed a person staking out the shop on the evening or indeed in the days before or if you seen someone running away from the shop last night, please call the Gardaí on 9664620 .
Unquantifiable publicity on Six One
One of the best segments of national publicity for Boyle took place last Monday evening when RTE six -one news broadcast from Lough Key Forest Park. The backdrop of the iconic McDermott’s Castle for Brian Dobson and his team from which to hold their interviews in relation to the by election was worth many thousands of euro in publicity. The Park looked magnificent and once again showcased the beauty that we have on our doorstep.
A different welcome to Boyle
We can be grateful to the now M.E.P. Luke Flanagan for our lovely “Welcome to Boyle” signs which adorn the Carrick Road, Greatmeadow and Mocmoyne approach roads to the town. But did you ever wonder why the sign at Mocmoyne is smaller than the others? It could be argued that the grass verge is not as big where it is located but surely the sign could have been located further down the road where there is more space. It was great to get these sign donated , and with Tidy Towns shrubbery they look attractive, but unfortunately the size of the sign at Mocmoyne does not show a “big” welcome to Boyle.
Calendar of Events needed
Thoughts are now moving to Halloween and the Moone Boy Festival and the festivities at Lough Key Forest and Activity Park. and it goes to show there really is something happening all year round in Boyle. Accordingly, wouldn’t it be a good idea to publish a local “Calendar of Events” at the start of each year? If all the main events ie St.Patrick’s Day parade, Pike Angling Festival, Arts Festival, Lough Key Classic cycling, Triathlon, Christmas Craft Fair and others were in one easy to reference book and distributed nationally, it may assist prospective tourists in picking when to visit our town.
Today is Election day
Today is polling day in the Roscommon South Leitrim By Election and you have ten candidates from which to choose your next representative in Dail Eireann. It is important that you exercise your democratic right to vote. There is no point saying later that nothing is being done for Boyle or Roscommon if you have not bothered to even try an elect the person you think is best positioned for a Dail Seat. The Polling Station at Scoil naAingeal Naofa on the Carrick Road is open from 7am to 10pm
No national Tree Day for Boyle
Yesterday, Thursday 9th of October marked the seventeenth year of National Tree Day for primary school children. Many schools around Ireland took the opportunity to bring the classroom outside by participating in a guided Coillte forest walk and tree measuring activities, while Sammy the Squirrel colouring pictures and ‘tree & conker’ animal making activities took place for smaller children. Alas, there was no event in our own Lough Key Forest Park. It is not clear if Coillte or the schools were responsible for organising the walks and activities but there should definitely have been one in Boyle.
And Finally….!
I went to the cemetery yesterday to lay some flowers on a grave.
As I was standing there I noticed 4 grave diggers walking about with a
coffin, 3 hours later and they’re still walking about with it.
I thought to myself, they’ve lost the plot!!
My neighbour knocked on my door at 2:30am this morning, can you
believe that 2:30am?!
Luckily for him I was still up playing my Bagpipes.
The wife was counting all the 5cents and 10cents out on the kitchen table
when she suddenly got very angry and started shouting and crying for
no reason.
I thought to myself, “She’s going through the change.”
A teddy bear is working on a building site.
He goes for a tea break and when he returns he notices his pick has been
The bear is angry and reports the theft to the foreman.
The foreman grins at the bear and says “Oh, I forgot to tell you,
today’s the day the teddy bears have their pick nicked.”
My girlfriend thinks that I’m a stalker. Well, she’s not exactly my
girlfriend yet.
Just got back from my mate’s funeral. He died after being hit on the
head with a tennis ball.
It was a lovely service.