The Boyle’d Pot

The Boyle’d Pot 14/03/’25

Boyle prepares for St. Patrick’s Day 

It’s full steam ahead now for Monday’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Boyle. The parade itself starts at 3.30pm from Mocmoyne but there will be plenty of entertainment so everyone can have an enjoyable day in the town. DJ Stan will keep the Crescent buzzing with the best of tunes before and after the parade. David Connolly will be playing live from 2pm at the back of An Rioga. Music Generation will bring live Irish music from 3-3:30 pm to the back of An Rioga while Junior Bands, Junior Youth Voices and Mega Percussionists will perform at a FREE Family Concert in St. Joseph’s Hall from 4pm to 6pm. Joe from Luxury Wedding Supplies will be set up at the back of An Rioga from 2pm with a fun photo booth—perfect for capturing the craic of the day. And as usual there will be face painting for the younger members of the community. The reviewing stand will be located on the Crescent.
The parade organisers welcome businesses, clubs, organisations and groups to join the parade. It’s a brilliant way to showcase your ideas and business to the local community and to become involved and it’s not too late to enter. Please contact any member of the committee for an entry form.
To enable the parade to run successfully, a number of volunteers are required so please get in touch with a committee member if you can assist for a few hours on Monday.
The parade will only be as good as the number of floats and groups that participate and also the numbers who line the route. Please make a special effort to visit Boyle next Monday to enjoy the party like atmosphere.


Notice published re rates waver

During the week Roscommon Co Co published the following online notice that may be of interest to rate payers in Boyle: Section 15 of the Local Government Rates and Other Matters Act 2019, makes specific provision that elected members of a local authority may make a scheme providing for the waiver of rates, and that such a scheme shall be approved at a local authority meeting. Roscommon County Council will consider a scheme providing for the waiver of rates applying in the 2026 financial year and subsequent years. Roscommon County Council welcomes written submissions from the public on this matter specifically covering the potential effects of a scheme providing for the waiver of rates on businesses, individuals and on local authority services. Submissions must be received by Friday, 28th March, 2025 and be sent to: Rates Office, Roscommon County Council, Áras an Chontae, Roscommon F42 VR98 or Email: [email protected]


‘The Herald Works is burning’

60 years ago last Monday, a major fire in Boyle destroyed the building that now houses the Spool Factory Co Working Hub and Office Suites on St. Patrick Street. The building was, as the name suggests, originally a Spool Factory but at the time of the fire it was occupied by the Roscommon Herald newspaper and printing works. The fire was first noticed shortly after 9am that fateful day. Boyle Fire Brigade, under fire chief Pat Spellman were quickly on the scene, followed by Carrick, Elphin, Castlerea and Sligo appliances but their efforts were in vain and the building was reduced to a smoldering ruin in a matter of hours.
At that time the business was one of the main employers in Boyle and there was understandable fear for the future jobs of the many locals who worked there. But the then owners – Paddy Nerney, C.E. Callan and J.T. O’Hanrahan ensured all wage payments were met and employment kept going with production of the paper moved to various other locations around town within hours. Many older residents of Boyle will remember where they were and what they were doing 60 years ago last Monday when word went out that the ‘Herald Works is burning’.


New pedestrian crossings now in place

The painting of the new pedestrian crossings on Main Street and the erection of warning lights has made a big difference (although some warning lights are awaiting connection). It will take a bit of time for members of the public to become familiar with the crossings but it is imperative you do so if trying to get across the street – they are there for a reason. Likewise at An Rioga, Londis and the Plunkett Home – please use the designated crossings that are now in place.
The repositioning of the white line on Main Street on Monday night has also made a big difference, just like it did on Bridge Street following the public realm work there.
The planting of the new flower planters by Ardcarne Garden Centre will add a nice bit of colour to the Bridge Street/Shop Street area when they come into full bloom later in the year and when the planting of An Rioga car park and the Tidy Town planting on the Crescent and elsewhere comes on stream, Boyle will really be blooming this summer.


Update provided on two Boyle developments

Following queries from a number of viewers, contacted two local state companies in relation to developments with their properties in Boyle. Firstly, Irish Rail confirmed to this website on Wednesday that the tender for the construction of the mobility impaired access structure at Boyle train station is currently “out to tender” with onsite construction due to begin in the summer with a 12 month contract period.  We also contacted An Post to enquire the position in relation to the sale of Boyle Post Office building. They replied that the sale of the building “is in process right now” and they also confirmed once again that services would remain in place.


Boyle links to St. Patrick

The town of Boyle has a strong historical connection to St. Patrick whom we celebrate on Monday. In “The Heart of Ireland” book written by P.A. Sharkey, it states that St Patrick visited St. Attracta in what became the Princess Hotel and is now the front of the Credit Union building on Green St. There is also reference to St. Patrick building a church at Assylinn. Part of the ivy clad gable wall of this church is still visible at the end of the old graveyard as one looks out at the railway bridge on the Boyle river. Just off Termon Road can be found St. Patrick’s Well. History once again says that where the water enters the river from the well there was a stone, roughly shaped like a seat, with indentations which were said to be the marks of St. Patrick’s knees. In more modern times, a pipe ran from St. Patrick’s Well to a tap on the wall beside what is now Pure Flowers and from where many a can of fresh water was filled.


News snippets from around Boyle

Following our article on defibrillators in last week’s blog, we have been contacted by Roscommon Rapid Response to advise us that they are rebuilding the EmCall app and it should be “ready for distribution in the next few weeks”. According to the team, they “are in regular contact with the Defib Group in Boyle and they will be notified as soon as the app is up and running”. We were also contacted by Tawnytaskin Community Centre to advise that their defib is currently out of use……….Upcoming King House concert event dates for your diary: Saturday March 22nd – Irish & Folk Songs with James Kilbane; Saturday April 26th – The Men Who Knew Too Much; Friday May 24th – Rakish; Saturday June 21st – The Roscommon Men’s Choir. Tickets €15. For more details, call 087 144 4739……….Boyle’s Night and Day Festival has been nominated in the small music festival of the year category in the IMRO Awards which will be held later this month………The annual recycled/used clothing collection will take place in Ballinafad Field Study Centre (F52 K752) on Saturday March 15th  from 11am- 1pm…….Monasteraden 5k Fun Run will take place on Sunday March 16th with registration from 12 noon at St. Aiden’s NS. Race starts at 1pm sharp…….Boyle Golf Club is considering running a “Get Into Golf” programme aimed at adult male beginners for 6 weeks from late April. If you are a complete beginner and this is something you are interested in, please send a brief email with name, address, phone etc to [email protected]………There is a palpable air of positivity and excitement around Boyle since news broke here on that Aldi are planning to build a store in the town. We are keeping a close eye on the planning file and will update readers regularly of progress on the application and any key developments. Currently the “decision progress indicator” is at 29% with a decision date due on April 22nd………….Boyle Film Club will host a movie night tonight Friday 14th at 7:30 in Boyle Family Centre. This time they will screen a French Film (2021) with an awarded Best Actress at the Venice Festival. Duration- 88 min. Age rate 12…………….Boyle Tidy Towns AGM and Awards Night will take place on Thursday March 20th at 7.30pm in Dodd’s Crescent Bar. All who have an interest in keeping Boyle tidy are invited to attend…….St. Michaels GAA and LGFA Quiz Night in Clancy’s Bar, Knockvicar on Sunday March 16th at 9pm……….Unless it happens over the weekend, the OPW has missed a mega marketing opportunity by not lighting Boyle Abbey green for St. Patrick’s weekend. Every year photographs of the Abbey were shared all over social media giving global publicity to what should be one of the country’s top tourist attractions.


And finally……!

Mrs Dunn heard that Paddy was going to London.
She dropped in to see him before he left and asked if he would look up her daughter Nellie, as she went to London 2 years ago, and other than a postcard, there was no contact.
Sure, said Paddy, what’s her address?
Well, said Mrs Dunn, we only got a postcard, and its marked WC2.
OK said Paddy, consider it done.
So he arrives in London and needs to go to the loo, so he goes into the gents and see’s a row of doors marked WC1, WC2, WC3 etc.
“I’m in luck” he says and goes up the the door marked WC2 and bangs on it.
What do ya want? a voice calls out.
Paddy says, are you Nellie Dunn?
The voice comes back – “Well I would be but I have no paper”.

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