The Boyle’d Pot 13/5/’16

Insurance claims hindering business start ups
We received some great feedback to the piece in last week’s Boyle’d Pot concerning the idea of utilising pop up shops to assist in filling vacant premises. Indeed it was encouraging to have two shop owners contact us to say they would be interested in getting involved with the iniative. On the negative side, the cost of insurance was mentioned by some as a draw back to opening a shop and it is one variable that is currently causing a problem for any business starting up. On a daily basis we hear of exorbitant pay out’s for what can only be described, on occasion, as minor incidents. Indeed there are some individuals and families who make their lively hood out of compensation claims which is morally wrong. The result is that getting public liability insurance is becoming to costly for businesses and stopping many from staring up. But we can not let that deter us and the idea of the pop up shop is something that will be brought to the attention of various commercial organisations in Boyle with the hope of advancement.
Could Boyle come up with a novel tourist plan?
Last Saturday, close on 10,000 people converged on the small village of Enniscrone to witness local entrepreneur David McGowan bring a 767 aircraft from Shannon via the atlantic ocean to his new glamping site in the village. The novel idea saw the crowds once again travel to the Sligo seaside resort on Sunday resulting in a boom weekend for local shops, restaurants and bars. Indeed large crowds are expected all summer to see the aircraft in situ, thats before the glamping village even opens for business. This is the sort of “outside the box” thinking that is needed to get towns reinvigorated. We can take a lesson here in Boyle from what is happening in Enniscrone. Sometimes, it is the off the wall idea that works and David McGowan has proven that this can happen. Perhaps the UFO centre the Boyled Pot has so often mentioned could become Boyle’s 767 phenomenon and give our town an increase in tourist numbers?
A busy Sunday morning in Boyle
This Sunday morning, when some of you are still in the land of nod, over 200 cyclists will leave Boyle to head on 120k and 60k journeys around counties Roscommon, Leitrim and Sligo. With the weather looking promising, a great day will hopefully unfold for the participants. This is the third annual Lough Key Classic cycling sportive to be held in Boyle. Sportives are non competitive cycles, held over a set distance. They take place all over the country every weekend in the summer and this Sunday it is local Curlieu Wheelers cycling club’s turn to host an event. The Boyle cycle has been hailed as one of the better sportives in Ireland due to the spectacular scenery, warm hospitality and value for money the riders receive. The final part of this Sunday’s 120k cycle is spectacular, especially with the sun shining. Having climbed the torcherous Stauntons Brae outside Ballyfarnon, the riders will then proceed to climb Geevagh Hill, across Highwood looking down on Lough Arrow. Heading in Doon and with the sun hopefully shining, they will get great vistas of Lough Key. Then it’s the Curlew Climb and across Garrow with further magnificent views down on the town of Boyle. At the finish, the cyclists will be treated to some hot food and hospitality in the Sports Complex. If you are around Boyle on Sunday at 9am (120k) or 10am for the 60k start, please come out and give the cyclists a warm Boyle send off. Alternatively, they will be arriving back in Boyle throughout the day with the first rider due a little after 12.30pm. If you see a cyclists pasing on Sunday, a”well done” shout out as they enter Boyle would be most welcome.
Two entertaining evenings in Boyle
There are two events in Boyle this weekend that are sure to entertain audiences. Tonight (Friday) in King House “The Count, Countess and Tommy” is the first-ever west of Ireland performance of the Myles Dungan 1916 show, which centres on the life and music of the celebrated Irish tenor Count John McCormack, and features some of the best-known songs of a hundred years ago. The show is a centrepiece of broadcaster Myles Dungan’s Paths To Freedom roadshow project, a unique package of lectures, presentations and shows remembering the Rising, one hundred years on. Then on Saturday night in st. Joseph’s Hall “The Pleasure Ground” by Jarlath Tivnan is back in Boyle for one night only. Two great events to round off warm summer evenings in Boyle.
And finally…!
The woman was shocked, but managed to compose herself and walk into the waiting room where her daughter had been waiting.
“Well, daughter, we women celebrate when things are good, and we celebrate when things don’t go so well. In this case, things aren’t well. I have cancer. So, let’s head to the pub and have a gin and tonic.”
After 3 or 4 gins, the two were feeling a little less somber. There were some laughs and more drinks. They were eventually approached by some of the woman’s old friends, who were curious as to what the two were celebrating.
The woman told her friends they were drinking to her impending end. “I’ve been diagnosed with AIDS.”
The friends were aghast, gave the woman their condolences and beat a hasty retreat.
After the friends left, the woman’s daughter leaned over and whispered, “Momma, I thought you said you were dying of cancer, and you just told your friends you were dying of AIDS! Why did you do that?”
“Because my dear daughter I don’t want any of those b*tches sleeping with your father after I’m gone.”
And THAT, my friends, is what is called, “Putting Your Affairs In Order.”