The Boyle’d Pot 13/3/15

Enjoy St. Patrick’s Day in Boyle
It’s hard to believe, but St. Patrick’s Day is nearly upon us. This year the town parade will commence at 3pm on the usual circuit with the reviewing stand on Bridge St. An entertaining spectacle is promised this year with the forecast looking promising. Hopefully, a large crowd will venture into town for the day. The feast of St. Patrick is always a day to celebrate all we have in Boyle, to meet people socially and to welcome the brighter evenings that lie ahead. Other local parades take place in Cootehall and Kingsland not on the 17th but on Sunday. Carrick’s parade is on the 17th at 12.30pm
Boyle says no to water charges
Interesting statistics came to light last Monday on this website from the report conducted by the Boyle Right 2 Water group which was conducted last weekend. 67% of the 482 people surveyed in Boyle said they do not intend to pay water charges. It was always going to be the case that opposition to water charges would run high in the town where a boil water notice is still in place. Eddie Conroy from the Right 2 Water group says people are confused and that no charge should apply at all. The local Right 2 Water group are to be congratulated on taking the time to conduct a survey which was run in an organised and efficient manner. The same group have organised a bus to Dublin tomorrow week Saturday 21st to join the national anti water protest. It will leave the Crescent at 9am. (see news item)
Garda Station opening hours
This column has frequently referred to anticipated changes that could take place at Boyle Garda Station and the lack of public outcry in advance of any move to reduce opening hours. Privately, people are rightly concerned that a reduction in opening hours will send out a certain message to criminals. But there is no point in speaking privately on this matter. The public and our elected representatives need to let the Garda authorites know, in advance of any moves, that we will not tolerate any attempt to reduce the opening hours of our local Garda Station.
Support our local restaurants
Here in Boyle we are spoiled for choice when it comes to eating out. We now have eight restaurants where you can enjoy an evening sit down meal, in addition to the many cafes and take aways throughout the town. For years we whinged that there was no where to eat out in Boyle. Now that we have all these fine establishments, please support them. If you don’t they will close and we will find ourselves back to where we were. As the old saying goes “Use it or lose it”.
Weight restriction on R294 being ignored
The old Carrick Road or the R294 to give it it’s official title is still the road many use to access the N4 to Carrick on Shannon and to enter Boyle from the east. Unfortunately, and despite a 3 tonne weight restriction, HGV’s also use the road. As a result, the great resurfacing job that took place on the carriageway last year is already being ripped up in places due to the weight of the trucks. Would a barrier over the entrance from the N4 at Erris solve the problem?
Promoting Boyle in USA this weekend
Local politicians John Cummins and Frank Feighan will travel to the U.S. A. this weekend. While Cathaoirleach Cummins is travelling in an official capacity it is understood Deputy Feighan is travelling privately. Both men will no doubt participate in numerous meetings and gatherings which will be an ideal opportunity to promote their home town of Boyle. Delegations to America can prove beneficial, especially on a weekend when everyone wants to be Irish. Let’s hope Boyle benefits and that our town is promoted as a venue for investment.
And Finally….!
For his birthday, little Joseph asked for a 10 speed bicycle.
His father said, ‘Son, we’d give you one, but the mortgage on this house is €280,000 and your mother just lost her job.There’s no way we can afford it.’
The next day the father saw little Joseph heading out the front door with a suitcase in hand.
So he asked, ‘Son, where are you going?’
Little Joseph told him, ‘I was walking past your room last night and heard you telling mom you were pulling out. Then I heard her tell you to wait because she was coming too. And I’m damned if I’m staying here all by myself with a €280,000 mortgage and no bloody bike.