The Boyle’d Pot

The Boyle’d Pot 13/09/’24

Boyle’s positives not negatives need to be highlighted

An unavoidable overheard conversation in the queue for one of the many local funerals last week, heard a person who originally came from outside Boyle, speaking to a current resident of the town in relation to their perception of why Boyle was not the town it once was. The person in question lived in a rural townland outside Boyle 40 years ago and was back home for the funeral. They spoke of how Boyle was “once a great trading town” and how people “always came into Boyle to buy their suits and boots and had a pint in one of the 30 pubs that Boyle was blessed to have”. They then queried what had “gone wrong”? The local blamed “no one having an interest in Boyle” and “no hotel”.
What a pity “the local” did not explain to the visitor that shopping trends have changed greatly in the last 40 years and very few towns in Ireland, including Boyle, are the same as they were back then.
Online shopping has affected every rural town, and the shops that are surviving, are the ones who encompassed online in their daily operation and thankfully we have a few of them here.
In relation to the demise in pubs, drinking culture has changed drastically from when this man lived near Boyle and at that time, home drinking was unheard of.
No hotel is a problem for Boyle and that we don’t have such a facility is an example of the changes that have taken place in the last 40 years.
There are many, many people working hard to make Boyle a better town. Boyle, and many other towns in Ireland will never be the same as they were years ago and we cannot continue to compare the present with the past, but there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel and Boyle is progressing, albeit it in a different way than before.
If we could just get people to look and highlight all the positives that are happening in our town and all the beauty we have around us instead of picking on the negatives, then that would be a great help for those who are working hard each and every day to improve Boyle as a place to live and visit.


Bus service causing concern once again

Concerns were raised again during the week at the late night Sligo – Dublin bus, that services Boyle and onto Dublin Airport. It is reported that in July, the Bus only got to Summerhill College roundabout and had to return to Sligo bus station due to technical difficulties. Being so late at night, those along the route had no way of knowing what had happened and waited in vain with some, no doubt, missing flights. This is not the first time there has been problems with Route 23 and previously had to contact Bus Eireann after passengers alleged the Bus did not come into Boyle town and on other occasions was cancelled altogether. If there is inconsistency like this on the route, people will loose faith in the service with the result that they will not use it and next thing you know it will be cancelled altogether. (Listen to the concerns of a local representative here)


Memorial car and motorbike Run from Knockvicar on Saturday

The Owen Cleary Memorial Run will take place from Clancy’s Bar in Knockvicar this Saturday commencing at 12 noon. Vintage and classic cars and motorbikes along with tractors are welcome to participate. There will be two stops along the route – on in Leitrim village and another at the Mining Museum in Arigna before heading back to Clancys for food and entertainment followed by a raffle and lots of spot prizes. Registration from 10am – 11.30am is €20. The funds raised from this event will go towards two charities that were very close to Owen’s heart: North West Hospice and St. Cecilia’s School, Sligo. Further information is available from John on 087 9007300


New calls for early morning train to Sligo

For many years now, there have been calls for a commuter train to serve Carrick and Boyle enroute to Sligo. The idea was first mooted by Boyle Chamber of Commerce back in the late 1990’s, but at that time, a number of locals were against such a submission, suggesting that a commuter train would bring shoppers out of the town! Hopefully that antiquated and parochial mind set is now long gone and the bigger picture is seen as the best way forward.
An early morning commuter train would allow people work in Sligo and live in Boyle. It would also benefit students. This week there were further calls for such a service with a request made at last Monday’s Sligo County Council meeting to explore the possibilities of running an expanded timetable for trains between Sligo and Longford. Councillor Fergal Nealon believes the service should run from Longford to Sligo arriving between 8.30-8.45 am, and a daily night time service running from Sligo to Longford at 10-10.30pm. Cllr Nealon feels the addition of the late night service would be of benefit to the evening time economy of live events and hospitality.


Charity Walk to pass on N4

If you are on the N4 road outside Boyle next week, keep an eye out for a Sligo woman who is undertaking a 200k charity walk from the Phoenix Park in Dublin to Sligo aid of mental health in conjunction with Pieta House. Fitness Manager Jeanette Brandsborg will leave Dublin on Sunday and plans to arrive in Sligo  between 9am and 11am on Tuesday 17th. According to Jeanette “People can walk the whole way or just part of it and it is up to each person how far they want to walk”. People can donate during the walk. Eight to ten walkers will set off from Dublin and they will be joined by three more who will be walking from Longford and they will then be joined by a group of bartenders when they get into county Sligo who will walk the final leg with them.


News snippets from around Boyle

A look at their social media or a glance through their autumn/winter brochure will give you details of the many, many courses and events that are being held this year in Boyle Family Resource Centre. The Centre is such a great addition to the town and apart from being a valuable resource to the community, it is as beneficial to the town as any big business with the number of people it brings into the area every day and evening………..Roscommon Co. Council is closing the R294 Ballylugnanon Road west of Boyle from today Friday 13th September to Tuesday 17th September for roadworks. Diversions will be in place………..Boyle Celtic’s famous tour to Euro ’88 in Germany featured in an article on last Saturday while discussing British Prime Minster Keir Starmer’s visit to Dublin. You can read the article here…………..Boyle Film Club will hold the Film Screening of their new Autumn Season 2024, at the Boyle Family Resource Centre, Military Road at 7:30 pm this evening Friday 13th. Full details on Season Programme Films are available to check on a poster inside the venue. More information on Boyle Film Club’s Facebook page………Rockingham Rentals Ltd, Erris, Boyle has been granted planning, subject to 4 conditions, for change of use from building containing eight apartments to guest accommodation building containing eight self catering guest rooms at Tangier House, The Crescent, Boyle. The local authority received 4 submissions in relation to the application…….A social event to wish the Sisters of Galilee – Sr. Mae, Sr. Olive and Sr. Margaret – all the best as they leave the Parish, will take place this evening Friday 13th starting with Mass at 7pm in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballinafad, followed by refreshments in the Mayfly Inn. Everyone is welcome to attend………Roscommon Society for Prevention Cruelty to Animals annual street collection takes place around Boyle between 10am and 4pm on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th September 2024……..A number of passengers, including a few from this area, had problems boarding Wednesday’s flight from Lanzarote to Knock resulting in them having to make alternative arrangements to get home. The airline blamed passport control delays at the airport for the problem, with some passengers having to book flights to Shannon, Belfast or Dublin and make their own way to Knock………Roscommon Co Co recently cleaned a number of gullies around town but they seem to have forgot the one outside Daly’s Drinks with a flood now developing here when it rains………The clean up of bushes and overgrown briars in the grounds of the Plunkett Home, facing onto Elphin Street, really opens up the area and provides clear vision of the Home and Tusla building……….New timetable comes into effect on Dublin – Sligo rail line on Monday. Please check timetables in advance of travel…….Last Tuesday’s award for Boyle Tidy Towns was well deserved and fair recognition for all the cleaning, weeding, tidying and planting undertaken by a large number of volunteers throughout the year………..Good luck to all from Boyle associated with the Roscommon Masters Football Team who take on Tyrone in the All Ireland Final in Cavan at 3pm tomorrow (Saturday)………..Boyle Ladybirds, Brownies and Girl Guides are holding a registration night for all units next Wednesday 18th September in Boyle Tennis Club from 7pm- 9pm. Ladybirds 5-7 years: Brownies 7-10 years and Girl Guides 10-14 years……….Registration Night for all new and existing Scout members will be held on Wednesday 18th September between 7.00 pm and 8.00 pm in the Scout Den. All Parents who wish to enrol a child for the coming year, must please register them on this night. The minimum age is strictly 6 years old.


And finally……!

An old man, who had been a retired farmer for a long time, became very bored and decided to open a medical clinic.
He put up a sign outside that said: “Dr. Jones Clinic. “Get your treatment for €500. If not cured get back €1,000.”
“Doctor Brown”, who had years of medical experience was positive that this old man didn’t know anything about medicine, thought he would make some money.
So he went to Dr. Jones clinic.
This is what transpired…
Dr. Brown: “Dr. Jones, I have lost all taste in my mouth. Can you please help me?
Dr. Jones: “Nurse, please bring medicine from Box 22 and put three drops in his mouth.”
Dr. Brown: Aagh!! This is petrol!”
Dr. Jones: “Congratulations! You’ve got your taste back. That will be €500.”
Dr. Brown is annoyed and returns in a few days figuring to recover his money. “I have lost my memory, I cannot remember anything.”
Dr. Jones : “Nurse, bring medicine from Box 22 and put three drops in the patient’s mouth.”
Doctor Brown: “Oh no you don’t. That’s petrol!”
Dr. Jones: “Congratulations! You’ve got your memory back. That will be €500.”
Dr. Brown leaves angrily and comes back after several more days. “My eyesight has become weak. I can hardly see.”
Dr. Jones: “Well, I don’t have any medicine for that, so here’s your €1000 back.”
Dr. Brown : “But this is only €500.”
Dr. Jones: “Congratulations! You got your vision back! That will be €500.”
Moral of story: Just because you’re young doesn’t mean you can outsmart an old man..!!

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