The Boyle’d Pot 15/3/’19

Boyle’s Lough Key has many uses
The great attraction that is Lough Key Forest Park was evident last week when the IUAA Intervarsities sailing competitions were held on the lake. There was little pre event publicity of the competition which was a shame really as the colour and novelty of the competition would have ensured a daily audience and increased visitor numbers to the Park, perhaps along the lines of the Ballooning Championships a number of years ago. Likewise, the town of Boyle could have organised something for the competitors to attract them into town. With a hotel and other facilities at their disposal, many competitors instead based themselves in Carrick on Shannon. Hopefully the soon to be constructed cycle path between the Forest Park and Boyle will provide a natural linkage to the town that will see those using the Park visit Boyle more often.
Indiscriminate dumping should not be tolerated
Two men living in Boyle came before Carrick on Shannon District Court recently where they were charged with the illegal dumping of 25 bags of rubbish in Lough Key Forest Park last September. Both men denied knowing how the rubbish got there even though the county litter warden had obtained documents in the rubbish containing the defendant’s names. One of the accused was fined €500 plus €601 legal fees and €225 clean up costs while the other was fined €100 plus €601 legal costs.
Indiscriminate dumping is rife not only in Boyle but all around the country and should not be tolerated. Another common form of indiscriminate dumping that is becoming commonplace in Boyle takes place after refuse has been collected. Some householders have told recently of their bins being emptied early in the morning and coming out to collect the bins only to find new bags of rubbish having been deposited after the bin collectors have gone!
St Patrick’s links to Boyle
The town of Boyle has a strong historical connection to St. Patrick whom we celebrate this Sunday. In the “The Heart of Ireland” book written by PA Sharkey it states that St Patrick visited St. Attracta in what became the Princess Hotel and is now the front of the Credit Union building on Green St. There is also reference to St. Patrick building a church at Assylinn. Part of the ivy clad gable wall of this church is still visible at the end of the old graveyard as one looks out at the bridge on the Boyle river. Just off Termon Road can be found St. Patrick’s Well. History once again says that where the water enters the river from the well there was a stone, roughly shaped like a seat, with indentations which were said to be the marks of St. Patrick’s knees. In more modern times, a pipe ran from St. Patrick’s well to a tap on the wall beside what is now Pure Flowers and from where many a can of fresh water was filled. Unfortunately, despite the efforts of a handful of locals in the Termon area, the well has fallen into disrepair in recent years.
Are the weather warnings always correct?
The weather warnings issued by Met Eireann are now being taken a with a pinch of salt in these parts following last weekend’s ‘no show snow’. On Friday last warnings were issued for ‘up to 5cm of snow’ in the north west and west which includes this area. As a result, a number of events were cancelled locally. Apart from a few flurries of snow around lunchtime Sunday, the day turned out to be a fine one. Then on Wednesday, a storm warning issued which resulted in deserted streets around Boyle in the afternooon. The winds were indeed strong but not storm force and nothing like those forecast for this area.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
St Patrick’s Day is this Sunday and with it comes our annual parade and a day to celebrate being Irish, and locally – all that the town represents. Great credit is due to the hard working parade committee who have ensured Boyle has a parade once again this year. The parade brings an economic boost to the town, especially for the publicans of which there appears to be only two on the 2019 committee. In any case, a happy St. Patrick’s day to all viewers at home and abroad.
And finally….!
For the weekend that’s in it….
Murphy and his friend O’Neill were contemplating life when Murphy asked, “If you had to get one or the other would you rather get Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s?
“Sure, I rather have Parkinson’s”, replied O’Neill
“’Tis better to spill a couple of ounces of Jameson whiskey than to forget where you keep the bottle!
I’ve just seen Paddy in the local newsagent and one of his shoelaces was undone, so I said, “watch out you don’t trip up over your laces, Paddy.”
Paddy says, “yeah, it’s these bloody instructions.”
I said, “what instructions, Paddy?”
Paddy says, “underneath the shoe, it says ‘Taiwan’.”