The Boyle’d Pot 10/12/’21

How can it take six months to fix a street light
A number of important street lights in Boyle remain out of order with one particular light now over 6 months not working. The light, outside the former National Irish Bank at the dangerous Bridge Street/Main Street/ St. Patrick Street junction was first logged as ‘in fault’ with Electric Skyline on 23th June and is not due to be fixed ‘until 28th December 2021’ according to the companies website. One has to ask how can it take six months to fix a light at a major junction in a town centre? Other lights on The Crescent, The Lawn and Quarry Lane have all been logged as out of action for months now, but one on the Carrick Road is listed as having been logged as in fault on 17th February with a ‘due to be fixed’ date of September 22nd and is still out of action!!
Boyle businesses who ‘don’t discriminate’
The Covid-19 pandemic has led to some division in society with those in favour of vaccination and restrictions that are required to contain the spread, and those who are anti vaccination and against any form of restriction. The later group are active everywhere, including here in Boyle where we have outlined our personnel experiences of these people previously in the Boyle’d Pot.
In the past week, social media posts from certain businesses and services in and around Boyle who seem to be anti vacc have become public, advertising the fact that they ‘don’t discriminate’ (i.e. will not be requiring proof of vaccination or masks). A post was also doing the rounds last weekend from an individual with a letter that they sent to a local school, (which we have seen) and suggesting others copy and paste the letter, which stated “masking children is child abuse” and “the people giving you orders are criminals”, while quoting a study that was published in the Daily Mail (!)
Other locals with strong anti mask/anti vacc views were understood to be seen brazenly walking around a supermarket in another town last weekend – mask free. Perhaps they would not get into a supermarket in Boyle without a mask and had to go elsewhere to get their provisions?
Here in Boyle we are lucky that the vast majority of businesses take this pandemic seriously and require face coverings to be worn when indoors. They also understand the need for young and old to wear face coverings in certain settings, so please continue to do as you are asked and wear your face covering, get your vaccine and booster, sanatise your hands, keep socially distance and make your informed choice based on sound scientific evidence from reputable sources.
The Annals of Loch Ce
An event last week that went under the radar and only became news when it appeared in the national media was the highlighting or ‘reviving’ of the Annals of Loch Ce (Key). The Annals of Loch Ce were written 430 years ago with the last entry being made on Trinity Island on the lake in 1590. Last Saturday, a group travelled to the island by boat to mark the occasion. They hope to get members of the public to suggest events for inclusion in a modern day annals.
Coincidentally, last weekend an advert appeared nationally from a rare book company advertising the sale of two volume replica copies of the Annals of Loch Ce for €110. It was interesting that the book should be advertised at the same time that plans were afoot to recognise the publication.
Fuel prices in Boyle
A viewer has been in touch to ask why petrol and diesel is 10c cheaper in Carrick on Shannon than Boyle? The viewer said they got diesel at 150.9c in Carrick last Monday when the fuel in a similar branded forecourt in Boyle was retailing at 160.9c. The viewer asked the question “Is there a price war going on in Carrick or are we paying top dollar for our fuel here in Boyle?”
The lengthening of the days begins
After a rough week of weather, thoughts move to brighter times ahead with the days getting longer from this Monday December 13th. While the winter solstice occurs on December 21st and is traditionally referred to as the shortest day of the year, this Monday will see the earliest sunset in Dublin at 16.05.44. On Tuesday the sun will set at 16.05.46 – 2 seconds later! It may be only a few seconds, but it is a sign that brighter days are coming.
‘I have it on good authority’……
The passing yesterday of Hal Cawley from Carrickmore has seen yet another old Boyle native and one of the town’s most respected gentlemen go to his eternal reward. Anyone who travels the Carrick Road would have known Hal from his regular trips to town on his bike in his florescent jacket with a bag of messages strapped tightly on his rear carrier. A life long Boyle Celtic member and supporter, and a keen gaelic and soccer player in his day, Hal was a wealth of knowledge on the local sporting scene and took a great interest in the development of younger players and how they progressed. Eddie Conroy wrote a lovely tribute to Hal which was published on ‘Celtic’s Facebook page and here on yesterday, where Eddie referred to Hal’s often used opening sentence: “I have it on great authority”.
As we say goodbye to Hal, we think of the soccer chats that might be had in the next life, if there is one, between Hal, Ian Beirne, Sean Daly, John McPherson and Tommy Vesey to name but a few!
Hal will be sorely missed by many, especially his friends in Boyle Celtic and his neighbours – the Keenan family who were so good to him over the years. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam.
Planned power cut this Saturday
After all the power outages on Tuesday and Wednesday last comes news of a scheduled outage for the eastern parts of Boyle town this Saturday. “In order to improve the quality of supply” ESB Networks has notified consumers in certain areas of the town that supply will be interrupted on Saturday December 11th between 9.15am and 17.00pm. According to the company “These times are approximate and planned interruptions may be cancelled without prior notice due to unforeseen circumstances.” Those affected will most likely have received communication of the outage from ESB Networks.
And finally….!
‘I’m in a terrible fix,’ moaned Raymond.
‘I’m in love with two girls and I don’t know which to marry.’
‘No problem,’ said Sean to the Englishman.
‘I know you’re not a Catholic but I think the church could help you.
Call in tomorrow morning, kneel down and try a sincere prayer to God – that should do the trick.’
Next morning Sean arrived to find Raymond with a beaming smile.
‘It worked. It’s a miracle,’ Raymond enthused.
‘I walked in, knelt down and there it was written in red across the altar cloth: AVE MARIA!