The Boyle’d Pot 10/02/’23

Rate payers vent their anger at the state of our roads
We have previously expressed concern at the poor state of the roads around Boyle with still no sign of any work being undertaken by Roscommon Co Co to address the situation. Abbeytown Road, Marian Road, the entrance to Abbey College, Forest View – the list is getting longer and the potholes are getting larger. While is is accepted that resources may not be as readily available as heretofore to undertake minor road maintenance, that does not go down too well with rate payers in the town who feel that the money they pay for essential services is not being used in Boyle and the town is being left behind when it comes to infrastructural maintenance (which we must stress is not the fault of the hard working local operatives). This year’s rates bills have issued and some business people have said they have no intention of paying their invoices until some form of undertaking is given by senior personnel in Roscommon Co Co that they will deal with the state of our roads and the general upkeep of the town.
Unleashed dogs in the Park raises viewers concern
Recently we published a viewer post seeking the owner of a dog that was found running around Lough Key Forest Park. The post opened up a discussion on the age old problem of dogs running off lead in Rockingham with one viewer suggesting that the finding of the dog was “One of many reasons why ALL dogs in Rockingham are supposed to be on leads at all times”. The viewer continued: “If the dog had been under the owners control it would not have gotten lost. As for it being dangerous or not, any dog can bite no matter what breed or size. I have personally had an off the lead terrier run at my new born in it’s pram in the park. Is that ok? I think not. Plenty of people refuse to walk in the Park because of the amount of dogs off lead. It’s irresponsible, dangerous, illegal and ignorant. Want to loose your dog? Have it stolen? Or be slapped with a lawsuit? Work away – your choice. I personally choose to care for my two large dogs in a responsible manner by keeping them on lead in public places. Want them to run free? Get a large secure garden”.
Further national awards for a local business
Hot on the heels of Daly’s Drinks winning the Connacht Ulster Off Licence of the year comes the news that our nearest hotel – Kilronan Castle – scooped three major awards at The Hotel and Catering Review Gold Medal Awards 2022. The North Roscommon hotel won gold for Irelands Four Star Hotel Spa Experience, silver in Irelands Fine Dining Hotel Restaurant and bronze in Ireland’s Four-Star Hotel Category. Another great achievement for a hotel that is only ‘down the road’ from Boyle.
Boyle needs to prepare for ‘Night and Day’
Boyle will hopefully be a big winner when crowds descend on Lough Key Forest Park in June for the ‘Night and Day’ festival – but only if businesses now start planning and come up with ideas on how to attract the attendees into the town at some stage over the weekend. Many will travel by train to Boyle station and head out to the Park but if there is a reason for them to stop off in Boyle they will. Special meal deals in our restaurants and cafes, drink promotions in our bars and perhaps the existence of a few gourmet food trucks on the Crescent or elsewhere would be a good idea. Now is the time to start planning – not a week or two before hand!
* The festival organisers inform us that they are currently taking applications for traders and food stalls at the festival if any local businesses are interested. If so, please contact [email protected]
More rubbish bins needed around the town
This blog has often highlighted to need for more rubbish bins around Boyle. The suggested reason for the reduction in bins is because they are used by householders to dump their rubbish at night. This is a true fact and has been witnessed on many occasions around Boyle, but that reason alone should not stop the town having rubbish bins at key locations, including the bus stop on Military Road which is littered with coffee cups every evening. Other towns have bins with smaller openings that eliminate household rubbish being dumped, so why can we not have these type of bins in Boyle?
Boyle ladies on the winners podium
Well done to Boyle ladies Michelle Lannon and Ann Wynne who both won gold medals at the National Masters Indoor Athletics Championships held in Athlone last week. Michelle won gold in both the W50 1,500m and 3,000m for an impressive double, while Ann won the W55 800m. Both ladies are members of Carrick AC.
And finally….!
Ralph is driving home one evening when he suddenly realizes that it’s his daughter’s birthday and he hasn’t bought her a present.
He drives to the toy shop, runs into the store and says to the shop assistant, “How much is that Barbie in the window?”
In a condescending manner, she says, “Which Barbie?”
She continues, “We have Barbie Goes to the Gym for €19.95, Barbie Goes to the Ball for €19.95, Barbie Goes Shopping for €19.95, Barbie Goes to the Beach for €19.95, Barbie Goes Nightclubbing for €19.95, and Divorced Barbie for €265.00.”
Ralph asks: “Why is the Divorced Barbie €265.00 when all the others are only €19.95?”
“That’s obvious,” the sales lady says.
“Divorced Barbie comes with Ken’s house, Ken’s car, Ken’s boat and Ken’s furniture.”