Thank you from Boyle Arts Festival

Boyle Arts Festival 2016 was a resounding success and the Boyle Arts Festival Committee would like to extend heartfelt thanks to all who helped make it so memorable.
To begin with, we would like to pay tribute to all those who continue to support us year after year and without whom, we would undoubtedly have no Boyle Arts Festival.
Once again, we received tremendous support from the people of Boyle – in terms of sponsorship, attendance of events; provision of venues, premises and of course that wonderful hospitality that welcomed the considerable numbers of visitors to the town. The Arts Festival is a serious undertaking for a voluntary committee of nine – this year’s Festival featured five separate art exhibitions, ten workshops and 46 performance events – spread over eleven days!
In addition to our local sponsors, who we encourage everybody to support, we must also acknowledge the support of the The Arts Council, Roscommon County Council, Fóras Eireann, RTÉ Supporting the Arts and the Local Diaspora Engagement Fund.
We are deeply indebted to all of our local volunteers, who gave so freely of their time by helping at the ‘door’ during events, collecting and hanging artwork, assisting in the ticket office, distributing posters and programmes, assisting at the exhibitions, directing parking, providing security and indeed helping out in any way.
To all those who brightened up the town by allowing us to hang our flags and to all who made vacant premises available to us, a very special word of thanks.
A special thank you also to those in King House, the Church of Ireland, St. Joseph’s Hall, St. Joseph’s Church, Abbey Community College, Boyle Parochial School, Boyle Enterprise Centre, Tawnytaskin Community Centre and the Pleasure Grounds, for the use of their venues. We must also extend thanks to Perpetua McGee of ‘Marians’ for allowing us to use her premises for our Festival office.
Publicity is an integral part of any Festival and we would like to thank all the local, regional and national newspapers and radio stations for all their help over the last few months. Special thanks also to and
We are extremely grateful to Benny Morgan, Mary Regan, Brian Nerney and Sean O’Dowd who took photographs during the Festival and allowed us to share them on our social media channels.
We must extend sincere gratitude to all those who travelled from near and far, to attend all of the events, exhibitions and workshops at Boyle Arts Festival 2016. We have been overwhelmed at the support we received, especially from the people of Boyle who turned out in greater numbers than ever. Almost every event had capacity audiences and several were even sold out in advance! We are truly grateful to the local and wider community, for all their support.
And finally, we would also like to thank all the visual artists, performers and contributors who took part in BAF 2016 and especially all the local artists, who once again made this year’s Festival so special. Without them, Boyle Arts Festival would be incomplete and it is heart-warming to think that there is so much great talent on our doorstep!
Plans are already underway for BAF 2017 and we are hoping to deliver another fantastic experience – so why not put it in your diary now! Tell your family and friends that Boyle Arts Festival 2017 is OUR gathering – This is the time to welcome family and friends home!!!
Boyle Arts Festival will take place from July 21st to 29th 2017.