Taoiseach to meet investors Friday

An Taoiseach Enda Kenny will visit Boyle on Friday where he will perform three functions.
At 11am he will meet with potential investors and local interested parties who are endeavouring to attract a business to locate in Boyle.
He will then launch a new venture which is being led by a Boyle man.
Both of these events will take place in the Trojan Building on Elphin Street.
An Taoiseach will then move to Lough Key Forest Park where he will launch the €400,000 cycle link between Lough Key and Boyle.
This project was announced last May by Minister Alan Kelly.
Deputy Frank Feighan will accompany An Taoiseach during his time in Boyle.
(An Taoiseach is pictured last May with Ernie Keenan , Gus and Margaret Gannon when he visited the Park)