Supports available to businesses locally

Following on from the re-opening Boyle survey conducted by Boyle Enterprise Centre, it was noted that many businesses are unaware of the Covid 19 supports available including financial assistance and mentoring. We encourage businesses to visit…/…/Supports-for-SMEs/COVID-19-supports/ and check what may be applicable or available to each business.
Businesses who have been paying rates on their premises during 2019 should visit the link below with detail of Covid 19 Rates rebate grant.…/Covid-19-Business-Restart-Gra…
This grant is the equivalent to the rates bill of your business in 2019, with a minimum payment of €2,000 and a maximum payment of €10,000.
The survey also found an interest in training to devise and update Health & Safety statements with the new Covid requirements. This training will be organised in July, details to follow.
If Businesses are interested in other areas of training please email [email protected]. Support may be available