Students receive QQI awards

25 students were awarded QQI Certification at Roscommon Learning Links, Elphin Street, Boyle this week.
Information Technology Major Awards were achieved at Level 4 & Level 5 , 80% of whom received their certificates are now in Full-time employment while others have moved onto University or IT Colleges.
The Full-Time Programmes offered at Roscommon Learning Links are funded by the GRETB (Galway Roscommon Education & Training Board) and are open to anyone who is registered with DSP and/or in receipt of Welfare Payments.
The Courses run throughout the year and a Major Award can be achieved in approx. 30 weeks. Our students have ranged from 17 to 60+ and while some are local, many travel to the Centre from Elphin, Ballaghadereen, Gurteen, Stroketown and Roscommon. Every students comes to us for their own reasons, an 18 year old may seek training, as they may have been disappointed with their Leaving Results and are seeking points for College, an older person with years of Work Experience may be seeking Certification which is so important today, when applying for jobs. Others enjoy their time embracing technology and meeting new people.
Places are now available at Roscommon Learning Links, Elphin St,Boyle to Upskill and get Certified in IT modules in addition to achieving a Major Award at Level 4 or 5.This might be an opportunity for anyone who has been made redundant to upskill, while at the same time be seeking employment opportunities. Our Courses are continuous intake which means one can start immediately. Training is ongoing throughout the Summer months. Call into Siobhan/Martina any morning if you’d like to find out more( upstairs,next door to Trojan) or call us on 071 9664510 to find out more. Don’t delay, call today.
Front Row L to R : Victoria Sarach, Danielle Keaveney, Deborah Bagshaw and Karen Carty.
Back Row L to R : Kevin Casey, Michael Fahy, John Kilgallon, Hanora Lavin.