Still time to see at BAF ’15

The nationally renowned Boyle Arts Festival was officially opened by Paul Young of Cartoon Saloon on Thursday July 23rd in King House and it will continue until Sat. Aug. 1st. There is still time to see some fantastic performers, events and exhibitions over the coming days.
(By Brendan McGee)
Making their first appearance in Boyle are The Henry Girls, who will perform in King House on Wednesday July 29th. The three sisters from Donegal have gained a very high profile both here and abroad, with their melodic folk music and intricate harmonies.
There will also be superb musical performances from The Jazz Ladds, Donal O’Connor, The Urban Cowboys and David Byrne. Teenage Kicks returns to Daly’s Storehouse once again on Thursday July 30th with a fantastic line-up of up and coming young talent. Dodd’s Bar is the venue for the always popular Singers Night on July 30th
In the Classical genre, BAF are delighted to welcome back tenor, Julian Hubbard who will be performing the songs of Schubert on Tuesday July 28th. The always popular lunchtime and coffee concert programme includes performances by violinist Patrick Rafter, the Cue Saxophone Quartet, pianist Adam McDonagh, a guitar and piano recital by Liam and Alana McManus and a coffee concert with soprano Lynsey Curtin and tenor David Lynn, on Saturday August 1st. Composer in residence, Cathal Roche will present two specially commissioned
musical pieces,’ Lockhorns’ and ‘From Ashes’, on Saturday August 1st in the long Gallery of King House.
If you’re looking for a bit of drama, Fregoli Theatre will present ‘Mary, Mary, Mary, on July 29th and July 30th in King House.
Also, look out for readings and talks by Kevin Barry, Belinda McKeon, David Murphy, Sam Moore, David Cameron, Patricia O’Reilly and The Moylurg Writers.
The short film, ‘Boyle-Above and Beyond’ is a stunning cinematic look at the town and its’ surroundings through the eyes of Darren Purcell and it will receive its’ premiere on Saturday August 1st in the King House auditorium.
Comedian & author, David O’Doherty, is a recipient of the Edinburgh Comedy Award and a regular on UK television shows such as QI, Have I Got News for You & 8 Out of 10 Cats. His shows are a unique combination of talk and songs about every day observations and mishaps! See him at King House on Saturday, August 1st.
For children there will be a chance to see the popular film Paddington on Friday July 31st and the weekend would not be complete without a visit to the Exploration Dome in St. Joseph’s hall on Saturday August 1st.
As always, the centrepiece of Boyle Arts Festival is the main visual Exhibition, housed in the beautifully restored King House. Several other exhibitions, including the highly acclaimed Local Artists exhibition, will take place during the Festival and details will be available in the programme.
BAF 2015 will conclude on Sat. Aug. 1st with a fantastic gig by The Knotty String Band in Daly’s Storehouse. Stay on afterwards for a 1980s night with DJs from Turn It On, blasting out classic singles and mixes on vinyl!
The Boyle Arts Festival office, situated beside Marian’s on Bridge Street is open until August 1st. Details and tickets for all the events will be available from here. Tickets for a selection of events will be available to purchase in advance on
For more information on Boyle Arts Festival 2015 please see our programme or go to or email [email protected] Telephone 0719663085. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+
Boyle Arts Festival acknowledges the support of the Arts Council, Local Businesses, The Local Diaspora Engagement Fund, Roscommon County Council, Foras Eireann and RTE Supporting the Arts.