
Spool Factory Monthly Business Speaker Event

This month’s free TUS Learning Gate Business Speaker Event in the Spool Factory in Boyle will focus on “TUS Funded Programmes for You, Your Organisation, and Your Community.” This event is scheduled for Thursday, 30th May 2024, at 12:00 PM, and features esteemed speakers Seadna Ryan, Head of the Department of Lifelong Learning, and Declan Doran, Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Continuing, Professional, Online and Distance Learning.

Members of the community are warmly invited to join this exclusive online session. Seadna Ryan and Declan Doran will explore the various funded programmes available through TUS, providing invaluable insights on how these initiatives can benefit individuals, organisations, and the broader community.

Seadna Ryan brings extensive experience in lifelong learning, emphasising the importance of continuous professional development and the benefits of funded upskilling initiatives. Declan Doran, with his expertise in continuing and professional education, will share practical advice and strategies for leveraging these opportunities to enhance workforce skills and community growth.

This is a free online event exclusive to Learning Gate Hubs and held in the Spool Factory – the designated Hub for County Roscommon. The event is open to all interested.

The TUS Learning Gate Business Speaker Series is strategically crafted to deliver pertinent insights and networking opportunities directly to our local business community. These sessions will take place online in the Spool Factory and other Learning Gates on the last Thursday of each month from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, ensuring accessibility for busy professionals.

As spaces are limited, pre-booking is essential on [email protected]

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