Spectacular new venue for Musical

St. Joseph’s Church in Boyle will be the spectacular new home for this year’s Musical. With just two days to go until the premiere of Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, the stage is set for what promises to be the entertainment highlight of the year in Boyle! In the twelve weeks since rehearsals began, the cast, committee, crew and production team have spent almost every spare moment ensuring that this will be an unforgettable show! So, with a very special new venue for this year only, the lights are set, the soundcheck is complete and the orchestra are tuned up. The clock will be turned back to the days of the Old Testament and the cast are ready to unveil what promises to be Boyle Musical Society’s best show ever!
The Biblical saga of Joseph and his coat of many colors comes to vibrant life in this delightful family musical parable. Set to an engaging melting pot of musical styles, from country, reggae and calypso to bubble-gum pop and rock ‘n’ roll, this Old Testament tale emerges as both timely and timeless. The show was the first collaboration between Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice and while often regarded as a ‘modern’ musical, it is in fact, almost 50 years old!
Set in Canaan, many years ago, the Narrator (played by Karen Gordon) tells the story of Joseph, the favourite son of a wealthy man called Jacob (played by Damien Wallace). Joseph (played by Jamie Dockery) has eleven brothers (each played by Darragh Beirne, Sean McInerney, Diarmuid Beirne, Jason Kenny, Michael Lohan, Ethan O’Flaherty, Conor White, Stephen Tighe, Cathal Tivnan, Conor P. White and Gavin Ward) who are a little of how their father has spoiled Joseph. They are particularly annoyed when their father gives him a beautiful coat of many colours, while they have to wear sheepskins. Joseph also has a gift to interpret the dreams of others and predict the future! Jealous and envious, they abduct their brother and throw him into a pit, to perish while they destroy his coat with goat’s blood. Rather than kill him though, they decide to sell him into slavery in Egypt. They return to their Father and pretend that Joseph had been accidentally killed. Joseph is eventually sold to a wealthy property owner called Potiphar (Tomás Smyth). However, he makes a good impression and eventually becomes head of the servants, where he makes an even impression on Potiphar’s wife (Daniella Beadnall). She tries to seduce him but when rejected and caught out by her husband, she blames Joseph for trying to seduce her and he is thrown in jail.
While there, he realises that his unique gift to interpret dreams might be of use. The Egyptian King, Pharaoh (Marc Egan) is plagued with nightmares and Joseph is summoned before him to interpret his dreams. Pharaoh is so impressed, that he releases Joseph appoints him as Minister of Agriculture, a position second only to Pharaoh himself. Many years later when a severe famine strikes, Joseph’s brothers come begging for help. Having suffered greatly, they unknowingly find themselves groveling at the feet of the brother they betrayed but no longer recognise.
Joseph gives them sacks of food, but tests them by planting a golden cup in the sack of his youngest brother, Benjamin. When the brothers try to leave, Joseph stops them, asking about the “stolen cup”. When it is revealed that Benjamin has the cup, Joseph then accuses him of robbery.
The other brothers beg for mercy for Benjamin, imploring that Joseph takes them prisoner instead and set Benjamin free. Will he do this and will he forgive his brothers for trying to murder him, all those years ago? Or will he ever see his beloved Father and his coat of many colours again?
The answer to these questions and much, much more will be revealed when Joseph…. opens on Thursday night, in St. Joseph’s Church.
A vibrant local cast of 39, including many familiar faces, have been working on this show since September. The parts of the Brother’s wives will be played by Micheala Beirne, Alison Carter, Devon Cleary, Cliona Dowd, Colette Noone, Ruth O’Dowd, Anna Robertson and Jenny Wallace. The roles of Potiphar’s servants will be played by Catherine Bolger, Ellie Carter, Eva Hamilton, Fiona Keenan, Rhona McGrath and Niamh Noonan. They will all be joined on stage by a chorus of singers including Stephanie Quinn, Valerie Casey, Mary Gallagher, Brendan McGee, Donal O’Connor, Cathy Garavan, Bernadette Lyons and Majella Gaffney along with a children’s cast of 54, bringing the total cast number to 93!
BMS is fortunate to have two very talented ladies making up the production team. Turning in her sixth year as Director is Vivienne Moran. A former cast member of the society, Vivienne is continuously directing shows for variety groups and schools, running workshops and if all of that isn’t enough… she is also taking on her usual role as choreographer for Boyle Musical Society! Her warm personality, creative flair and mentoring strengths have allowed both cast and crew to flourish in their roles again this year.
We are always delighted to have Anne Kielty as our Musical Director and once again, she has lent us her energy, and enthusiasm to our production. Anne has an abundance of experience in musical theatre and choral work and she brings her teaching experience and love of music to Boyle Musical Society as she works tirelessly with soloists and chorus to produce the best vocals and harmonies for the stage. Along with being the orchestra pianist, Anne is also rehearsal pianist and chorus mistress.
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is a show for all the family and it features well known songs like ‘Close Every Door’, ‘One More Angel in Heaven’ and ‘Any Dream Will Do’. Boyle Musical Society last staged the show, back in 2001.
‘Joseph…’ will open on this Thursday Nov. 23rd and continue until Saturday Nov. 25th in St. Joseph’s Church, Boyle. Tickets are priced at €15 but special concessions of €10 tickets for children, students and senior citizens, will be available for Thursday night’s show. Tickets will also be available at the door, each night.
Because of the change of venue this year, there is no specific seat allocation but a reserved area will be allocated to pre-purchased tickets. The earlier you arrive at the performance, the better your choice of seat in this area.
Tickets can also be booked by telephone on the BMS Ticketline, 087 2736740.
Please note that all performances are at 8:30pm.
For further information please go to www.boylemusicalsociety.com You can also follow Boyle Musical Society on Facebook.
By Brendan McGee.
Media night rehearsal pics by Boyletoday.com others by Benny Morgan.