Six residential housing units planned for Lakeview Heights

Roscommon County Council has signaled their intention to develop six residential housing units at Lakeview Heights, Bellspark Townland in Boyle.
The plan will see the demolition of an existing derelict building, construction of two 2 bedroom semidetached dormer houses, two 3 bedroom semi- detached dormer houses, the reconstruction of houses number 7 and 8 which comprise two 3 bedroom semi-detached dormer houses.
The development will include all associated site work including construction of upgrade access and boundary to existing pump station, private open spaces, footpaths, roads, car parking areas, boundary wall/fence, street lighting, ducting for utilities, hard and soft landscaped areas, formation of new connections to existing foul/ surface water drainage and existing utilities.
An appropriate assessment screening report and environmental impact assessment screening report of the proposed development has been completed.