Run Walk n Roll’s virtual ‘5k your way’ raises €2432

Run walk n Roll 2021 marked the 26th annual 5k fun run/walk in aid of Cancer Research in Boyle.
The event, #5kyourway, went virtual for a second year in a row in October.
According to the organisers: “We would like to thank everyone who supported the event this year. Without everyone’s participation and generous donations from the people and businesses of Boyle and surrounding areas, both online and offline, this year’s event would not have been a success”.
“Altogether we raised a total of €2432.24 from #5kyourway 2021 in aid of cancer research”.
“Cancer research helps find new ways to ensure that we reduce our risks of getting cancer, best treatment if we do and giving people the most hope of thriving afterwards. A big well done and thanks to the staff and students of St. Joseph’s Boys NS raised a total of €405 for this year’s event by completing their 5k in the school yard”.
“We hope that next year we will be able to hold an in-person event. Again thank you for your continued support this year and we hope you all stay safe this Christmas.”
Damian, Pauline, Arlene, Michaela and Therese Regan.