Run Walk n Roll this year raises €9737.52

Run Walk n Roll 2023 was another great success and in our 28th year raising a massive €9737.52 in aid of Cancer Research.
This would not be possible without all the help and support of the whole community. Thank you to the management, staff and pupils of Abbey Primary School who raised an amazing €4974.52.Thank you to Maura Casey for co-ordinating this event in the school once again. Thank you to all who helped out on the day, Gardaí, Roscommon Co.Co., Stewards, Order of Malta, People on Registration and providing refreshments and all those who helped out in any way on the day. Thank you to all the local businesses who supported the event, Tommy Egan and St. Josephs Hall committee for the use of the Hall and DJ Stan for the use of his equipment. Thank you to all the local Media for their promotion and coverage of the event. A big Thank You to all who collected sponsorship, donated and supported the event. Thanks to Pearl Anderson who raised €510 and to the Kennedy family who donated €1000 in memory of their late father Thomas Kennedy rip.
Your help and support means that The Irish Cancer Society can be the single largest voluntary funder of cancer research in Ireland.
Your support help us focus on a range of cancer types, across a number of areas like prevention, early detection, better treatments, clinical trials and survivorship. Research directly increases cancer survival rates and improves the lives of those living well with and beyond cancer. Today more than 200,000 people are living with and beyond cancer in Ireland . Its your help and kindness that makes it possible. We couldn’t do it without you.
Thank you all once again on behalf of the Irish Cancer Society Damian and Pauline Regan and family.
Pictured are students representing Abbey Primary School with their Principal Mr. Michael Solan , staff members Maura Casey and Elaine Clancy presenting a cheque for €4974.72 to Damian Regan local organiser and Mary Murray Community Fundraising Officer Irish Cancer Society for sponsorship raised in aid of Run Walk n Roll for Cancer Research . Photo by Mary Regan.