Restricted visiting hours in place at Sligo Hospital

Sligo University Hospital currently has a number of outbreaks of Influenza throughout the hospital.
Due to increased infection control measures required at this time, the hospital will be restricting visiting to the affected wards. Visiting to the affected wards is limited to compassionate grounds only and these visits should be arranged in advance with the nurse manager on the ward.
Hospital visiting times will continue between 6.30pm and 8.30pm. However, please adhere to the strict limit of two visitors per patient permitted to visit. Visitors are requested to comply with the visiting restrictions and cooperate with hospital staff who are ensuring the restrictions are adhered to.
Given the severe impact of these outbreaks, the hospital is appealing to the public not to visit the hospital if they are unwell or have symptoms. Visitors are also advised that they must use the alcohol hand gels supplied as they enter and leave the hospital and there will be a requirement for all visitors to wear face masks.
Nominated partners will be granted access to the Maternity Unit. These measures will be lifted as soon as possible when clinical circumstances allow. Certain exceptions will be made by contacting ward staff in advance. For up-to-date guidelines on visiting patients, please visit:
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and would like to thank the public for their understanding and patience at this time.